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[职称英语综合] 2012年职称英语考试:词类、名词的数与格

发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第一讲 词类、名词的数与格   一、词类:
9 A  a* w. M0 @, z8 d9 B1 g  英语中主要有:名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、连接词、冠词等。对于初学者,必须搞清。
2 E+ }% [! a# D" \5 e  1、名词(包括代词和数词):在句子中作主语、宾语、表语和另一名词的形容词。2 S$ M( t# ~4 I- s0 i% t2 R7 D
+ ?( K! c* v( j7 M! O$ \; z; [- w: \! j  3、形容词:可在句子中作表语、名词的定语" }& t. E% e1 Q" t# F3 J8 Q
  注意: 以下-ly结尾的词不是副词,是形容词: friendly (友好的) lovely(可爱的) deadly(致命的) costly(昂贵的) likely(可能的) lonely(孤独的) alone (单独的) lively(活泼的) ugly(丑陋的) kindly(和蔼的) manly(男子气的)等
/ w! M( d3 v1 P( d7 m  4、副词:主要用来说明动词、形容词和副词本身。
, I) R) p: r. X& f/ r: B: F3 ]  注意:除了in, up, down, on, inside, outside. 等只有一些表示方向和位置的副词外,副词不能作表语。
/ n$ F- k: I" O% W- B3 S: m  例如:Please help me water these flowers when I am out. (我不在时请帮我浇浇花。)
" ^/ P) P3 G9 a: y) T, G+ h  \  5、介词:又称前置词,即放在名词前面的"小词".- w/ U3 M8 g# ~! }( V3 Y
' V1 {1 D# K1 k. ?% O( _  1)介词后面一定是个名词(除习惯外),例如不能说:because of ill,而应该为:because of illness;
" o. s3 r2 Z. U1 E8 _; H# N+ B  _  2)介词后面不能跟that从句,即只能跟名词或带-wh开头的从句,这是英语语法的一条重要规则,如不能说:He did not come to the party because of he was ill. 但可以是:She got angry because of what he said. (她因他的话而生气了。)# N# A  J9 H0 _5 z, _
; I1 U1 q1 U: U: a% c/ e" Y# {  注意:英语中一般不能同时使用两个连接词,如不能说:Although he is very rich, but he is not happy. (只要将although 或but去掉一个即可)
. u% J; j% R0 [2 U2 a* g4 Y  关于连接词的使用,详见"第三讲:句子的连接"一节。
) f( d( {! ~* i. n3 H' [( o  7、冠词:用来限定名词的词,分不定冠词a (an) 和定冠词 the, 英语中的冠词使用十分复杂,简单地说:
; _4 R+ S: ~- c3 g: l* t  1) 不可数名词前不能用a (an)/ y- V9 D3 Y$ n/ o$ v
  2) 第一次提到的单数可数名词用a (n)6 x( ]# `/ t* ?: d* H( Y; l$ U
  3) 能用what, who, which回答的名词用the,即3W原则" w1 h8 V' O( m7 g
  the teacher and the student / the patient and the doctor结构中的the可以表示泛指" ?8 S+ E! R- D
  词性不是一成不变的,是由其在句子中的位子和功能决定的。; H, ]+ k3 Y2 k1 s8 V. \& L
  如:She has gone home. (home为副词)5 |: ]. ?6 i% E4 J% }0 D  h
  Is she at home? (home 为名词)
: `2 u1 [' |: \& D# N1 T  She looked at me patiently. (look为行为动词) She looked pale. (look为连系动词)
0 ?/ P( J- m6 Q  二、名词的数:. ^% J* [( r+ ^
  重点应了解和掌握以下内容:) Q5 W: n9 Q5 y# M) G
/ `" n7 l4 a$ Y* r! p7 {# A) S& @) d  与汉语不同,英语中名词要区分可数与不可数。, ~7 c$ p6 b& V7 B8 n
  笼统地讲,物质名词,如:water(水), iron(铁), wood(木头)等, 和抽象名词,如:democracy(民主), freedom(自由), happiness(幸福)等为不可数。: s+ f, f& [; S) Z7 n. ]4 @

) g* Q5 b2 |5 b% L& m# @& ]  不可数名词前不能加a (an),后面不能加s (es),这是考试中对此类题目判断的重要依据。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:11 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  2、以下名词为不可数名词:  o, C" F# i# U' z+ N( z" w
  news(消息) information(信息)1 y/ D0 U8 ~- X* s* A; K4 a+ ?1 m
  furniture (家具) equipment(设备). j/ ?5 ~# Z8 ]9 f" n* }
  advice (劝告) weather(天气)
' S- \, j# V8 F: X% b8 ^+ |6 t4 R  work*(工作) clothing(衣服)
/ @' L7 ^1 w. g- E! Z5 U+ h  baggage(行李)
3 @, c+ C6 L8 g
' q2 \, M8 r* a) V  work作 "工作" 解释时为不可数名词,"找工作"不能说to find a work, 应为to find a job; work作"著作"、"作品"解时是可数名词,如:Deng Xiaopin's works (邓小平著作)/ a work about Deng Xiaopin (一件关于邓小平的作品);作 "工厂" 解释时,单复数同形:a steel works (一个钢铁厂) / two chemical works(两家化工厂)
1 A4 M! T* d# c7 `3 \$ p) p  实例:
: }0 j& L; P( }# w% E6 ]  We have a large staff but there ______ in the office.4 X; k4 C& i# ]+ O! ~
  A. haven't many furnitures
' \  Z  S5 S4 b8 D! U  B. aren't many furnitures
5 Y% {. U8 s. f! \6 R( e# i7 P  C. hasn't much furniture" S$ j' Y0 l/ i+ k: Y- T6 U9 o
  D. isn't enough furniture
* O8 D* r! C; [0 p; V  解题思路:根据名词数的概念A、B肯定错,不必考虑;C、D的主要差异是"hasn't"与 "isn't", 句子中有there,说明该句是there be句型,故正确答案为D.题中staff, office 等词与解题无关。# ^; o6 ~! v1 N, J2 x% t' u: d
  g* j$ o) h" P9 E& a+ P. ]" {' e# ?" P  There is still much room for improvement. (仍有许多改进的余地)
6 K2 ^9 n& K6 D7 N  He has published two important papers on this subject. (他在这个课题上已发表了两篇重要论文。)% D8 B: m. o1 E
& l- r5 f( N2 A, b" z+ q4 X1 C  means(手段) headquarters(司令部)
6 `2 b1 Z# W/ W8 E  works(工厂) species(物种); ]- g3 ^. ~7 x. t4 k
  aircraft(飞机) Chinese(中国人)
* _4 p0 m! l- ]/ V" y  sheep(羊) fish(鱼); ~& R# {) l* Z, T; u
  中国的计量单位:li(里), yuan(元), mu(亩)等
5 `+ A; y1 @, |  {+ c  实例:* S5 P! l7 P! ^' C; S5 V7 ^' [9 x
  Every means has been tried out, but without satisfactory results. (每个方法都试过了,但结果不令人满意。)
; u) C% e! z- B! c. N8 q/ g$ d  4、形式上是复数的学科名称,如physics , statistics, dynamics 作单数看待;时间、距离、钞票、重量等复数,可以看作一个整体作单数处理,如:Two days is not enough for me to finish the task. (要我完成此项任务两天是不够的。)
7 k0 S% z; P$ X8 p" v4 U  5、名词做另一名词的修饰语:
7 M! l" d5 p9 q+ P
9 R! q; y* k2 v4 b$ B2 V8 v  一般用单数形式,如:a college student中的college 为单数形式。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:12 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  注意:
! u  g9 r$ R; k  (1) 以下名词做另一名词修饰语时要用复数形式:sport → a sportsman (运动员)/ sale → a sales department(销售部) / savings → a savings account (储蓄存款)/ communication → a communications satellite (通讯卫星) / greeting → a greetings cable(慰问电)
; s( [: h' n9 X) B  (2) 不规则名词修饰另一名词时数的变化:a woman doctor (一个女医生) → two women doctors (两个女医生) / the Chinese women's volleyball team (中国女排) / a children hospital (儿童医院)* R  J! \3 K+ b( K. s3 ]3 T4 V
  6、family(家庭), group(小组), police(警察),committee(委员会), team(组), box(盒), audience(观众)等词,可以是单数,也可以是复数,关键要看题目所给的提示,例如:
& }/ W' W+ E2 _  a  The whole box of matches _____ wet; I couldn't light a simple one
0 Z( @$ Q; |& ]3 c  A. was
( Z" E1 U# ~& w  K6 P4 B9 H7 d+ d( D  B. is
) H/ [5 b( t* M, M  C. were+ f& T; K2 T$ P2 \, b
  D. are
" _# m# x3 @" \5 L0 J+ q  `+ t2 n6 m  解题思路:这道题如果没有后半句I couldn't light a simple one,是没办法解答的。这句话提示了两点:/ u- c; m0 z! g/ L9 |/ o) N- Q- ]
! o9 l+ k& q& x% C9 k8 t/ l) Q  (2)"a simple one"说明是指盒子内的一根根火柴,故答案为C.试想,如果我们把后半句改为 "I had to throw it away", 那么正确答案应是A.
! S- x- N* U" T# P$ Z# p  所以,看清题目的提示对于解题是非常重要的。8 Q/ X+ l9 F/ d0 z1 Z. w! a+ ]9 ^
" Q6 A8 ]) c7 J+ g% \( o3 V9 [  to be / make friends with(友好 / 交朋友); l7 D' P+ n1 ~) @' S& p1 q" N' a
  to change places with (交换位置)" o& x- I  {9 v. j0 d
  to make preparations for(为…作准备)
  p! _* h7 r/ N$ m3 S  to give regards to(向…问好)
6 P+ n/ g, I, U7 n  to make matters worse(把事情弄糟)
6 f  U- @" f3 z: ~/ W  to hurt feelings(伤害感情)" t, T" A$ T9 Z5 B' ~( b, t
  to be all smiles(满脸堆笑)! g3 J2 ]- x/ ^! P
  to take sides (偏袒某方)
3 @, Y2 h1 G4 i  to have words with(吵架)2 _! l/ V" P7 M( X; L  s' ^* l9 `
  to burst into tears (突然哭了)
. v6 f& d- j+ ?9 z  v" R  8、量词的使用:* V2 G( [& @0 s- Y. s) }
  由于英语中名词分可数与不可数,量词的使用也有区别:8 T3 E" ?# O- f9 A
7 ~9 B# r) J2 Q9 \: Z( O  (a) few / fewer / fewest( G9 T0 u5 O$ W; d0 G6 X% |2 z1 R
  many / more / most. H4 J/ e: L& G0 N: m/ I
  a great (good) many. ^3 y% k8 S/ ]: n, Y- z
  many a
6 ~$ @: q7 T/ {/ A  a number of
, y' z( E6 k+ x. @2 C5 F  the number of! `  ^, a: i: y) _6 n" P
) l, n/ g2 `0 R' T) m8 z% |. i" @, }% t7 O
  既可修饰可数名词 也可修饰不可数名词
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:13 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  a lot of / lots of
& p2 u* o" X* ^4 ~1 x% }& U# I  plenty of (time, money, people)
4 m. L* u6 Q+ ?  修饰不可数名词
: T+ f9 n- R% K- P; ]5 K1 z- t: g  (a) little / less / least% ^" }; q$ O0 @6 Q5 G
  much / more / most
: [1 H, C+ I7 k+ V6 u- U  }/ u: w  a great (good) deal of( @* l' g! a3 c- `+ X
  an amount of / amounts of$ p0 r# p, d5 a% ]5 |7 {1 F0 q: }
  the amount of- O- u+ t$ x7 Y
  量词使用中应注意的几个问题:1 x$ i# o. m( C" ~% D
  1) 分清可数名词和不可数名词是前提;3 N9 J( ^& P! p5 Y  g( g, |% b
  2) 不要把量词的形式搞混淆了:下面哪个表达形式是对的?0 M* }) }$ F8 _+ b( X: l8 z
  A. A lot students have come back from the summer holiday.# `4 G; h+ u, {0 E* u, l0 h
  B. A few of the students have come back from the summer holiday.
% {. p( ?- W5 {0 o% S! ]. T  C. A great many of students have come back from the summer holiday.& N9 j8 y8 n% w2 d2 J
  D. Many a student has have come back from the summer holiday.+ Q  p0 A2 {6 z
  E. The number of students have come back from the summer holiday.
2 B+ K, E) u2 e. {) |  F. A number of students have come back from the summer holiday.
& x# m; a' n9 E0 B, \! ]& O  以上六个表达方式中只有F 是对的。为什么?# }4 O% y) ^+ q8 Q( v+ H
  A. a lot students → a lot of students
. i3 X5 V' |7 |9 X  B. a few of the students → a few students
  K7 O2 _$ `" e7 W( X8 x: n  C. a great many of students → a great many students
# E) x$ v0 J* p+ g4 e5 H+ b! M  D. Many a student has come back from the summer holiday.' U6 a3 S$ C! a0 j, W$ V+ Z( s: g! ~
  E. The number of 表示数目,如:The number of the students in our class is 50.; ]0 V/ G# Y1 F( o- ]) A& }
  A number of 表示"一些","不少",认真对比一下,看出问题来了吗?; r: H' D: |) @3 E8 Z

8 p& ~' l5 Z3 O* s  问多少钱、多少重量时用:How much…?问距离时用:How far is it from…to…?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:14 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  9、单位词的使用
1 }, w* s$ ~, N2 x  (1) 不可数名词表示多少,一般用much, (a) little, a lot of, enough 等词表达,要数1,2,3,4…时要用"量词"表达,最常用的是a piece of (news, advice, furniture, information…)。
' E8 ^# k' m# F& G7 A% H  (2) 成双成对的名词一般用复数,如:a pair of trousers (裤子) / scissors(剪刀) / glasses (spectacles)(眼镜) / pliers(钳子)+ s! b+ T% e4 u/ @" q. G
  (3) a couple of表示一对,或2-3…,如:a couple of days / people / things9 K9 x/ M1 r3 `2 a) N6 ]5 L6 _
  (4) 记住以下量词表达方式:
, P) E0 P/ M/ b2 J, h  a loaf (two loafs) of bread (一个(两个)面包)6 _2 x  T( |9 v; L' N: m% h1 Q
  a burst of laughter(一阵笑声)
* N8 h; C0 d1 U; s  a fit of anger / chill(一阵发怒 / 发冷)
) H9 _3 r* C5 v% C  F  a game of chess (一盘棋)
0 y; G: ^$ {- ^  a lump of sugar (一块方糖)' o1 a2 R2 \& w
  10、其他应注意的数的表达形式7 U% @0 d; e. b) D# V1 J' q
  1)a three-year-old boy 比较The boy is three years old- q# Z5 Y3 A7 L! ?, P4 Z
  2) five thousand people / several thousand people比较 thousands of people
1 A8 V/ f( H! @& r1 g$ J1 o# r  表达具体数字时,thousand不加 "s",后面不加 "of "; ten, million, billion情况以此类推。7 W5 o5 [3 j5 X2 T! U
  3) One-third of the students have passed College English Test Band IV.
- b0 L% B3 I) ^' }% q  Two-thirds of the students have passed College English Test Band IV.
6 `; n- w& k+ J# r5 B9 }+ r* r0 U  One-third of the population in this area is living below the poverty line.
9 w2 P* l" a  n  (这个地区有1/3人口生活在贫困线以下。), S7 Y! @' b: V. E3 b3 Y8 V0 p
  注意:几分之几的表达形式;动词的单复数由后面的名词数决定。( }! ]4 E' {; m  b% c
  4) a looker-on 比较two lookers-on(旁观者) / a brother-in-law比较two brothers-in-law(姻亲兄弟)" R: ?0 P& y& U, v. B, h) K
  5) my father, together with (along with / with / as well as my mother and brothers) 结构中,主语作单数处理,即my father6 B( A/ f8 l& }
$ n, _7 I& R  u4 z+ n$ a  英语中要对 "2 "这个数特别敏感:( U7 s- W/ y9 A: K! q0 h+ H+ U
  1) 两个中一个、另一个: one , the other; 三个或三个以上中另一个:another / any one2 Q( d; o- f9 e: Q2 o
  2) 两个都:both; 两个都不:neither; 两个中任一个:either
9 ?; A8 X- {$ P& C% C9 x  3) 三个或三个以上都:all; 都不:none
6 Z5 \2 Z* }0 ]$ D4 q) R: o! N  4) 不知总数:一些:some ;另一些:others(有余数)
7 k/ Y9 U0 H# ~' r  5) 知道总数:一些:some ; 另一些 (没有余数了):the others  n# a. Q% F3 v) \( ^/ p) F/ N
  注意以下表达方式:each other / one another / one after another / one by one / the other day (过去的某一天)/ some day (今后的某一天) / every other day (隔天)/ on alternative days(隔天)/ someone else (别人) / something (anything, nothing) else (别的事)
. S$ y: [  I) D  z+ v( s8 h  实例:' X9 t) Y2 ^: M- v6 Y. `' U
  I'm sorry, I'm a stranger, too. You may ask ______ across the street.& K; C7 _; n- T0 u5 f
  A. another one; ]* o- ?& L9 W( J& H
  B. others
2 ^& d8 O! W) S, L" }0 k1 A  C. the other one2 D) o2 [5 M- y, a
  D. someone else
/ ~2 s' O, d& p  解题思路:虽然A、B、C没有语法错误,但D是习惯表达方式。
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