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[职称英语综合] 2012职称英语考试必备词汇(四十一)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
单词词义出处教材、大纲、考题(英文)出处(中文)healthful    adj. 健康的;有益健康的;卫生的Eat for a good and healthful life. (出处:10年职称英语教材,完形填空 Eat for a good and healthful life)为好而健康的生活而吃饭。alive$ W9 N; D6 L% x( Q' r
比较级more alive 最高级most alive adj. 活着的;活泼的;有生气的Food keeps us alive. (出处:10年职称英语教材,完形填空 Eat for a good and healthful life)食品维持着我们的生存。mistrust v. 不信任;怀疑0 @2 A; [: Q( E* ~, ]
n. 不信任;怀疑How do we deal with the mistrust of the US and Russia?
) s3 V) I+ X$ G+ ](出处:10年职称英语教材,完形填空 One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live)我们怎样应付对美国和俄国的不信任呢?exception n. 例外;异议with the exception of除了…以外The people speak English today make up the largest speech community in the world with the exception of speakers of Chinese. (出处: 11年职称英语预测题 English and English Community)世界上除了汉语之外,应用最广的就是英语了。contaminantn. 污染物;致污物There are two possible contaminants.(出处: 11年职称英语预测题 English and English Community)有两种可能的污染源。die from 死于;因…而死Over five million children die each year from disease.(出处: 10年职称英语考试:词汇选项)每年有500万以上的儿童死于疾病。worst             adj. 最差的,最坏的;最不利的;效能最低的; N2 q2 X3 T# H! s
n. 最坏;最坏的时候4 p& l* v! m  ]9 M
adv. 最坏地;最不利地If the worst comes to the worst,we’ll sell the car.(原文出处:职称英语预测题,A Sunshade for the Planet)如果最糟糕的事情发生了,大不了我们把车卖了。becoming          adj. 合适的,适当的
9 b9 v" ~3 g5 H- U" R* h3 o1 Hn. 形成,发生Becoming a physician in the US costs considerable time and money. (原文出处:11年职称英语预测题,The Doctor in America) 在美国成为一名医生要花费大量的时间和精力。emerge            v. 浮现;出现;摆脱;暴露As the television and telecommunications industries emerge, compatibility (兼容性) becomes a big issue for consumers.(原文:09年教材,Sony's Vision For The Future)随着电视、通信行业的出现,他们之间性能的兼容成了消费者热议的话题。share             v. 分享,分担;分配, b6 W+ h6 n! B, w4 d' t9 w* P
n. 份额;股份The people who make up the community share a common language.
3 b0 ]- j. S; v1 C+ L(出处: 11年职称英语预测题 English and English Community)
% A. q- S/ }$ o* ], T居住在不同地区的人们却有可能同属一个

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