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[综合类英语] 2012年职称英语综合类C级完形填空新增10

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Working Mothers
% `* n2 W6 K8 V7 r9 d) _" Y0 q  Carefully conducted researches that have followed the children of working mothers have not been able to show any long-term problems,compared with children whose mothers stayed at home. My personal (1) _______ is that mothers should be allowed to work if they wish. Whether we like it or not ,there are a (2) _______ of mothers who just have to work.. There are those who have invested such a big part of their lives in establishing a career that they cannot (3) _______ see it lost. Then there are many who must work out of pure economic (4) _______. Many mothers are not (5) _______ out to be full-time parents. After a few months at home with a much loved infant ,they feel trapped and isolated.
  R1 o/ C  M' o. i* S/ q  There are a number of options when it (6) _______ to choosing childcare. These range from child minders and nannies through to Granny or the kind lady (7) _______ the street. (8) _______, however ,many parents don't have any choice; they have to accept anything they can get. Be prepared! No (9) _______ how good the childcare may be ,some children are going to protest wildly if they are left. This is a (10) _______ normal stage of child development. Babies separate well in the first six months,but soon after that they start to get a crush on Mum and close family (11) _______ . Make sure that in the first week you allow (12) _______ time to help your child settle in.
3 t- u+ i) U! e  All children are different. Some are independent ,while others are more (13) _______ to their mothers. Remember that if you want to(14) _______ the best for your children ,it's not the quantity of time you spend with them,it's the (15) _______ that matters.
! X* W1 ?0 S+ ]# J! K  词汇:
! a) w. F) T- h; b1 p( V/ C  conduct /kən'dʌkt / v. 实施,实行 isolate / 'aisəleit/ v. 使隔离,使孤立
9 J# ~$ m' L# O2 R$ L  invest / in'vest / v. 投资 option / 'ɔpʃən / n. 选项,选择
# P# ^  G3 U1 f6 q$ P1 r  establish / i'stæbliʃ / v. 建立 nanny / 'næni /n. 保姆 & Z1 V; S- z- {) t3 M  Z* `, b& j
  economic /,i:kə'nɔmik/ adj. 经济上的 protest / prə'test / v. 抗议
; c8 G& o+ Q7 u  C  infant / 'infənt/ n. 婴儿,幼儿 crush / krʌʃ / n: 迷恋 5 g. l$ l7 h6 o- [7 Z; p0 t+ d% X
  trap / træp / v. 使陷入困境,使受限制 quantity /'kwɔntiti/ n. 数量 7 P3 M* z7 e" L0 J+ P
  注释:8 D, D1 [# F; e* V3 ?6 I4 |1 e
  1. range from ...to...: 从……变动到……,在……范围内变化 4 C6 T9 a% G; i, c
  2. ... babies separate well in the first six months:……婴儿刚出生的前六个月对与母亲分开没有感觉……
5 Q7 A+ u8 J: O& |0 I  3. ... to help your child settle in:……帮助你的孩子安稳下来……
8 d; j- ?9 V8 s0 T# ?9 D  练习:& F! x! F9 y% b% u! j/ a  A9 R
  1. A) view B) idea C) thought D) decision
+ _+ f7 Z. _0 N' M  2. A) percentage B) group C) number D) proportion
8 l; u. t: v* o/ Q8 n; n  3. A) afford B) decide C) hope D) expect
8 q5 e. o* j( G+ Q9 P  4. A) reason B) duty C) necessity D) task
* E8 [+ n: n  R( ]! V% R  5. A) made B) cut C) brought D) born- b+ A! }. X- Q! Q
  6. A) refers B) concerns C) turns D) comes
  O1 f3 i1 G6 O, o4 D: Q  7. A) of B) opposite C) across D) next to
) N- C: c3 \3 w, f% @, P, S  8. A) In addition B) In fact C) In reality D) In contrast+ E; h% K0 z$ ]' s
  9. A) way B) matter C) surprise D) exceptionwww.ExamW.CoM
' k6 q4 K- J" {& R  10. A) perfectly B) extremely C) very D) certainly) @0 W" E/ N2 t1 P+ u/ g1 h
  11. A) people B) adults C) members D) grown-ups) ?/ o* C! g( [; o2 P4 V; t
  12. A) little B) no C) lots D) plenty of
7 [6 e9 A+ U+ |, \' w  13. A) used B) attached C) keen D) fond
: s5 I* k7 m! A7 ?  14. A) make B) give C) have D) do- m. f3 ^5 o5 k, O
  15. A) quality B) attitude C) behavior D) manner

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


  答案与题解:6 q( `# r* ], g. z
  1. A 此处阐明作者的观点,只有view 能代表对某方面的"见解"或"观点",其他选项只是单 纯的"想想、法"或是"决定", 不合题意。   n* X! |  H' d
  2. C a number of 是固定搭配,修饰可数名词,表示数量上"很多"。 : s) p0 R9 j0 `/ E
  3. A can't afford to do sth.为惯用语,表示"负担不起……"。 7 I, x! x+ T+ d: ^  D
  4. C 此题四个选项在语法上都能与前面的 out of 搭配,out of reason 意为"无理的,不合理的" ,out of duty 与 out of task 意思是"出于责任,任务的",out of necessity "有必要,出于.…...的必要,综合分析只有C选项填入此空较为合理。
; L5 W* ~' X0 k, i  5. B 固定搭配 be cut out for/be cut out to do sth. 意为"适合于,天生就是做某事的料" ,make out"理解,辨认出;亲热" ,bring out"使显出;出版;生产",只有 B 选项符合文意。
% C( o+ a9 G. W) t  6. D it comes to sth. 为惯用说法,在这里意思是"涉及",整句说的是"当涉及儿童托管时,有许多方式可供选择",refer to 意为"指……而言"。 . ]/ Z2 ]* `' ~# G! d- D
  7. C across the street 意为"街对面",其他选项的词搭配不当,故选 C。 外语学习网
1 |# ?5 g( I& E$ _2 ]  8. C 此处讨论在现实状况下,很多父母根本没有选择的余地。"在现实状况下"就是 in reality ,此题容易误选 B ,in fact 意为"事实上,实际上",常常表示经过推论得出的结果,放在此处其实也不算错,但是完形填空不是让我们选出正确的答案,而是选出最合适的选项,故此题选 C。/ J0 `7 B$ {1 v* j$ a) y
  9. B no matter +疑问词,表示"无论……",此句意为"不管你选的托管方式有多好,一些孩子被留下时,都会激烈抗议"。
* L+ e6 o7 ?- Y) b9 E3 h$ j+ k  10. A perfectly normal 为惯用说法,意思是"完全正常的",其他选项虽说在语法上与逻辑上也不错,但 perfectly 更好些。
& b4 z% z. f7 A" y# D  11. C family members"家庭成员",其他选项均不适合,C 为正确答案。
  ]7 c1 I0 S0 T; A" L1 O3 K, ^/ l  12. D 首先从逻辑上排除 A 和 B 选项,一定是留给孩子足够"多"的时间。C 选项 lots 后面若能加上介词 of 则构成修饰可数名字的短语,lots of"许多的",原文中被修饰词 time 是不可数名词,只有 D 选项 plenty of 可以修饰不可数名词,表示"大量的"。
( s# l; o' |' U# _, Z  13. B 四个选项中除了 fond 与 of 搭配,意为"喜欢"之外,其他的选项都可与 to 搭配,be used to sth./doing"习惯于(做)某事",be attached to"依附于,依恋于" ,be keen to do sth. "急切, 渴望",此处孩子要"依恋于"母亲,因此 B 选项正确。 1 \, Y. V6 c& ?1 }' q( j( d
  14. D 此处意为"为你的孩子做到最好",一般用 do one' s best for ,而不用 make one' s best ,若想用 give,则是 give one' s best to,因此只有 D 选项符合要求。
" m- X3 l0 C6 m$ g- D1 [9 r6 ]. r  15. A 上半句的 quantity 已经对此题的答案做出了暗示,一定是"质量" quality 与"数量" quantity 相对。
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