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[综合类英语] 2013年职称英语综合类B级:完形填空模拟01

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  m8 F% A7 v/ D. O9 F' V3 xWhere Did All the Ships Go?  
+ z/ ~6 m" J( Y7 ?The Bermuda Triangle is one__1__the greatest mysteries of the sea.In this triangular area between Florida,Puerto Rico and Bermuda in Atlantic,ships and airplanes __2__to disappear more often than in__3__parts of the ocean。And they do so__4__ leaving any sign of all accident or any dead bodies. 4 f$ Z7 C7 m1 p4 M+ u
It is__5__that Christopher Columbus was the first person to record strange & c3 P2 d, r0 g+ J( X. A6 j3 s- v
happenings in the area.His compass stopped working,a flame came down from the sky,and a wave 1 00 to 200.feet.high carried his ship about a mile away.
- r2 Y1 \* @0 ?  P" n% bThe most famous disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle was the US Naval Air Flight 19.__6__December 5,1945,five bomber planes carrying 14 men.__7__ on a training mission’from the Florida coast.Later that day, all communications with Flight 1 9 were lost.They just disappeared without a trace.
' e4 o4 y% t) y  R- AThe next morning,242 planes and 19 ships took part in the largest air-sea search in history. But they found nothing.
. I2 b4 A5 F9 q) n9 f& FSome people blame the disappearances__8__supernatural forces.It is suggested the
8 j+ L; a  j9 Q" a3 e: a" E- ?__9__ships and planes were either transported to other times and places,kidnappedby aliens__10__ attacked by sea creatures.
6 J. A" C# a7 GThere are__11__natural explanations,though.The US Navy says that the Bermuda triangle is one of two places on earth __12__a magnetic compass points towards true north__13__magnetic north.__14__planes and ships can lose their way if they don’t make adjustments. 7 u8 B, R9 S: W% I, t
The area also has changing weather and is known__15__its high waves.Storms
# r( V4 S* z5 t- M" R; y  ~* KCan turn up suddenly and destroy a plane or ship.Fast currents could then sweep away any trace of an accident.
4 z  {7 S5 @0 G% H6 FBermuda Triangle 百慕大三角区 ; S; o, C/ P, A) N7 ], c
Florida 佛罗里达,美国的一个州 # {6 s* G2 A% S$ s) _9 O' G0 ^
Pueto Rico 波多利加] 中 华 考 试 网5 N9 D9 m- ^, q2 J
Compass n.罗盘,指南针
  M" c0 R9 Z1 i8 [* d8 r( RSupernatural adj.超自然的
) N, w* Q" F- T: f# l3 f% ]Kidnap v.绑架
7 n; [+ J% L" G  k  WAlien n.外星人 5 |2 g5 \7 }+ ]& m4 `
Magnetic adj.有磁性的
8 U& A& o! S; m8 ~  P! h. TTrace n.痕迹

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


/ I, f# B& m( l/ f6 E8 r1.A)from B) Of C)about D) on ' J: n% C/ f# x
2.A)often B)look C)sometimes D) seem - f5 J8 j* C6 \0 q% I1 u
3.A)rest B) another C) other D)others
2 ?9 F. f5 S. U1 ^+ z4.A)without B)by C)from D)upon ( B* |7 K! q/ {9 J( Q8 d
5.A)saying B)being said c)said D)says ' U5 z& k9 W- C" }
6. A) On B)In C) from D) since $ W6 J3 g: B: y) D  ~" _
7.A)took up B) took as C) took after D) took off & H; n0 I) j, O' U7 E# n
8. A)for B) about C) on D) from
; r' g) w$ F+ V4 Z6 w% W7 e9.A)missing B) missed C) miss D) having missed
: M7 r6 R5 N2 u& M10.A) and B) or C) nor D) neither
$ I& H, S6 h1 P& c11.A)also B) no C) more D) beside
7 W2 i; [% m$ [$ b! l+ ?1 {12.A) which B) there C) where D) that ; r! a) A4 V0 I+ p% w' o8 T6 A: `( v
13.A)instead of B) except
4 P# G9 z' {2 u3 i1 v& c& k3 YC) than D) nor
) k" V( p+ T9 e! i6 b14.A)Similarly B) furthermore
: ]; G/ `" I  r2 x2 ]C) However D) Therefore
! T$ a, @7 I  C, A15.A) as B) for C)by D) from
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:37 | 显示全部楼层


完型填空 (每题1分,共15分)
1 b. l0 T( V% g# K' A% V! t3 K  F阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出了4个选项,请根据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案,并涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 - z' O3 C% M% U9 o, H9 I8 U  h
完型填空解题思路: - R1 P+ @) O# w, T. L2 g6 Z+ ]2 |
1. 借助被选项的特点缩小答案范围,确认答案判断方向;
1 E  _2 k8 K2 M* u; {- R2. 借助空格两端的搭配结构特点判断答案; , n- ]) ~& R& \  D- D; {
3. 借助空格所在句子中用词特点猜测答案; 外语学习网8 H! a' X5 U" i( U+ Y( i# N
4. 借助空格所在句子句意判断答案;
! M5 J! g( Q6 f& u5 T7 X& a8 W5. 围绕文章中心(标题反应内容)猜测答案; 0 \+ g! v5 R2 f; z
6. 借助上下文用词/语意判断答案; , O6 m6 }  h, Q8 i
Where Did All the Ships Go?
5 z% M3 i; C$ w/ K& O3 W1. B. 分析:借助搭配 “最..一个”判断B是答案。考点:‘ Of 表达“部分”和“整体/特征群”的关系’的用法。
& C3 j' y/ ^- x# c$ Q0 e! j4 N4 i) C2. D。 分析:借助搭配—不定式符号to,判断D合适。考点:seem to do sth./看起来.. 7 M" U# J  j( v0 Q- S$ a! ~4 P
3。C. 分析:借助搭配结构含义—“比海洋的..部分更经常..”,判断C合适。考点:考察代词的使用。 ! t9 D* v* z: y: R2 H
4. A。分析:根据句意判断A(没有)正确。考点:考察省略结构(they do so = they(ships and airplanes) disappear) 1 i) u4 Z; o( r- ?+ H" d1 E
5 C. 考察结构:it is said/reported/predicted/…
% @# e. O* @, M" O7 `, \6. A. 分析:借助搭配—具体的时间前面介词需要用on,判断A是答案。考点:考察常见介词的习惯用法。
, \. d' N% K4 y+ Q% R4 i7. D. 分析:借助句子中的相关词语(bomber planes)含义直接判断答案。
/ p6 @/ U3 l5 y0 b6 ?- p2 a8. C.分析:借助搭配结构 (blame the disappearance.. supernatural force)判断C是答案。考点:考察常见动词短语。blame ..(on, upon).. 把...归咎于.. ;e.g. Don’t blame it on him, but on me.别怪他, 该怪我。Blame..for..指责..造成了..e.g. They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan.他们怪罪秘书造成计划延误。
6 c/ r" c4 h# \( |5 I" t9 c& h7 l9 A. 分析:根据空格语法结构特点—作定语和搭配结构词语(..ships and planes),判断A(失踪的)是答案。考点:考察由同一词根构成的不同分词结构。
) Z8 x0 j7 a  @8 f" u* Y* N10. B. 分析:根据句子中的结构相关词语(either)判断B(or)是答案。考点;考察表示逻辑关系的固定搭配结构。neither..nor../ 既不...也不...;one..another..一个...另一个...;some..others..一些...其他...;not only..but also..不但...而且... 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
# q4 {' a7 x2 H4 P+ {) ?/ O11. A。 分析:根据句子逻辑语意(尽管也有一些从自然环境的角度上进行的结实)判断A是答案。(though是答案线索)考点:考察句子逻辑关系。
3 Q& ?; [+ `/ m! U/ t7 p5 l12.C.分析:根据空格所在句子的特点:空格后是一个从句,空格前面是表示地点的词语,因此猜测C是答案。考点:考察定语从句。 , D1 k# i, C9 X6 `+ H$ d2 j- {
13.A. 分析:根据搭配特点—空格前后是两个同类结构,因此判断A((不是)…(而是))是答案。考点;考察常见介词短语结构。
1 o" \4 O6 Z0 o! B/ S14. D. 分析:借助前句句意(指南针指向的是真正的北方而不是磁场中的北方)判断D(因此)是答案。考点;考察前后句的逻辑关系。
5 P- L& @# F1 L15.B.分析:根据搭配结构语意判断(这个地区…大浪被闻名)B是答案。know..as..把..看作..;know..for..因为..而了解..
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