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[综合类英语] 2013职称英语综合A类词汇选项完全解析五十四

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! l. b/ L+ ^' p9 I: p6 m  F 11.Your teacher will take your illness into account when marking your exams.   A) calculation B) computation C) consideration D) assessment ! B0 v9 x" t- y* g% N  b
  12.We have to put up with her behavior.
/ @9 C9 @2 p  h3 ]4 [7 w0 B8 G  A) tolerate B) accept C) swallow D) take
, U$ Q- [5 U9 W) y! {  13.They have given up the hope to save their friend from drowning ) }0 {) @+ R% x6 |# \. q; W0 q
  A) ended B) abandoned C) built D) strengthen
! n7 v, `" U: e1 g% [% T  14.I seldom watch TV.
8 H, N, V6 a6 V2 Z  A) rarely B) frequently C) normally D) occasionally
0 c7 f7 w; y5 e7 B0 e  15.The dentist has decided to take out the girl's bad tooth. 8 H5 e! V3 ]/ o) P8 m
  A) dig B) draw C) pull D) extract
6 ]7 ^7 h9 m! f# c答案: 11.C account:考虑。consideration:考虑。These figures do nottake into account changes in the rate of inflation.这些数字并没有把通货膨胀率的变化考虑在内。The Department of Hunlan Resources will take into consideration your teaching experience when deciding your salary.人事处在决定你的工资时是会考虑你的教学经验的。calculation:计算。Susan looked at the bill and made some rapid calculations.苏珊看了一下账单,很快算了算。 computation:计算。He is good at computation.他计算能力很好。assessment:估计。What's your assessment of the situation in Iraq? 你对伊拉克的形势是怎样估计的?
( ^( ~8 D! ]; K  12.A put up with:忍耐。 tolerate:忍耐。I don't know how you put up with their constant quarrelling.他们经常吵架,我不知道你是怎么忍得住的。 The workers cannot tolerate the long hours.工人无法忍受长时间的工作。accept:接受。Will you accept our invitation? 你会接受我们的邀请吗?swallow:吞下。Her excuse was obviously a lie,but Jack swallowed it whole.她的理由明显是在说谎,但是杰克全盘接受。take:拿;取。You Can take anything you like.喜欢的东西你随便拿。 * q% y3 z8 K9 {! k1 F5 ^
  13.B give up:放弃。abandon:放弃o Mary has given up the hopeof ever marrying.玛丽已经放弃了结婚的希望。Fearing further attacks,most of the population had abandoned the city.害怕城市进一步受到攻击,大多数人已经离开。end:结束。The government acted to end a bakers' strike in the city.政府采取行动结束了城里面包师傅的罢工。build:建立;加强。Tension is building between the two nations.两国之间的紧张关系正在上升。strengthen:加强。Our friendship has steadily strengthened over the years.几年来我们的友谊有了持续的增进。 考试用书
5 N+ {9 F8 S  R  14.A seldom:很少。rarely:很少。She seldom wearslack shoes.她很少穿黑鞋。She rarely eats pork.她很少吃肉。frequently:常常。The weak child falls sick frequently.这个瘦小的孩子常常生病。normally:通常。I normally stay at home in the evening.晚上我通常在家。occasionally:偶然地。 My brother andl occasionally visit our parents in the countryside.哥哥和我偶然去乡下看我们的父母
( C! k: l3 F1 V3 d& U/ z  15.D take out:取出;带出。 extract:取出;抽出。We'11 take our kids out for a meal next week.下周我们要带孩子出去吃饭。The nuts are crushed to extract the oil from them.胡桃压碎后就能取油。dig:挖。Thief escaped by digging all underground tunnel.盗贼是通过挖一条地道逃走的。draw:抽;取。The corrupt official drew a large sum of money from a bank before he left the country.腐败官员出国时在一家银行取走了一大笔钱。pull:拉。Jack tried to pull the drawer open.杰克试图拉开抽屉。

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