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[卫生类英语] 考试辅导:2011年职称英语卫生类类C级完型填空新增文章

发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" v$ U% x; h8 ]" m0 H# _* [0 L教材第二篇文章9 e, f! v+ Z5 Y1 q4 g9 U
Influenza( M0 }) A3 I) _' Q, K. O! V9 a' g7 e  H
Influenza has been with us a long time.According___1_____ some Greek writers on medical history,the outbreak of 412 B.C.was of influenza.The same has been suggested of the sickness that swept through l the Greek army_____2_____ Syracuse in 395 B.C. Flu is a disease that moves most quickly among people____3____ in crowded conditions,hence,it is likely to attack armies.4 j4 l/ t' N" m  R
During the nineteenth century there were five widespread__4__ of influenza.The last of the five_____5_____ in l889 and marked the beginning of the story of influenza in our time.Like the_____6_____started in Asia.! ~( N$ \% Z. O& M- z! n
For more than forty years before that outbreak,influenza had steadily__7__ and was believed to be dying out.2 A new group of outbreaks was introduced by the great outbreak of l889-1890 and for the next quarter of a century flu ____8____ a constant threat.
* k$ d/ I* S' H+ E% aIn April 1918 flu broke out3 among American troops stationed in France.
8 I/ V8 x, {& Y" z. h! m2 KIt quickly spread through all the armies but caused relatively____9____deaths.Four months later,____10____,a second outbreak started which proved to be a killer. It killed not only the old and already sick but also____11_____young adults.It went through4 every country in the world,only a few distant islands in the South Atlantic and the Pacific remaining____12 ____.It brought the life of whole countries_____l3____,food supplies stopped and work loss was very great.Before the great outbreak ended,it___l4___   at least l5 million people.Thereafter there have been several great outbreaks throughout the world.It is thus____15_____ that influenza is a terrible infection that we have to pay more attention to.
6 D4 C$ g# h4 Y; `3 e2 `8 L2 F& ]词汇:. j! ]# u1 e( k6 G% ^9 g9 P* k6 F- v8 [" j
Influenza  n.流行性感冒
9 J9 V0 [$ g; gOutbreak  n.爆发7 ?- U' p3 S, j! {. Y( M. A
Syracuse  n.叙拉古(意大利西 西里岛东南部一海港) 0 q. {$ \$ }' p# v6 D
Widespread  普遍的,散布很 广的" d0 x( x: g, Q1 ^8 o( A: O
steadily adv.稳定地6 {% ]! r' D: k; b- _" o2 G0 w: W! G
quarter n.四分之一
8 A# Q2 U9 o* z( econstant 妨经常发生的
' r3 n; D3 ~+ o+ z7 I: o( m" itroop  (常用复数)军队,部队
7 H# \6 Q6 u0 L& e6 j& ^6 P' Hstation vt.驻扎    ’
( b3 Q  ?2 t% o1 B9 LAtlantic  adj".大西洋的;n.(the Atlantic)大西洋6 I, v1 g+ i1 _/ X( Z" j
Pacific adj.太平洋的;n.(the Pacific)太平洋! p- F- h/ g% l
Thereafter adv.此后,其后
/ y7 k% X4 D: U' O注释:
+ X' F9 k' G3 Q5 b2 P& t9 E1.sweep through:席卷,横扫# j1 U8 a$ j6 G: b; p! s8 z
2.die out:消失,不复存在$ o2 o5 \0 x  Z8 g3 G" }. F( w
3.break out:突然发生;爆发. Y& K5 \( X' v3 ^% `
4.go through:走遍
- u, }7 h( Y4 W0 J& P/ H5 O练习:7 l! n, D4 }- ~- j/ N
1.A  at          B to                C in       D from* }  p+ L( }) A# A
2.A  being attacked    B having been attacked  C attacked     D attacking; S7 D0 f8 s9 u% C
3.A  sitting        B standing              C living         D appearing1 k. m- B% p: l2 l
4.A  outbreaks        B incidents       C accidents      D cases& v( k8 ^! G3 h6 u
5.A changed        B happened       C arise       D descend
: P2 u8 R; c4 L. Y7 h" d6.A it                B they                   C which          D those
0 E( A0 b- b. e* {  Q$ l0 f7.A enlarged          B strengthened           C decreased      D increased( @3 X: N9 Z5 P, Z
8.A was no 1onger     B went out of            C ceased to be   D reamained
$ H1 u9 n% |% [9 j7 G8 ?9.A few               B many                   C countless      D innumerable( I' _- W4 x: f2 p8 n+ ~9 V

5 S/ H* o: M( n. v10.A in addition      B however                C therefore      D moreover

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:34 | 显示全部楼层


</p>11.A weak             B disabled               C sick           D healthy0 g, [4 I, F6 [! m/ @' y6 f+ w$ v
12.A touching         B touched               C untouched      D having touched
' z- k& v% w  w$ B! x( y, @( E' x13.A stop             B stopping              C stopped        D to stop
/ Z8 b* {8 s6 G% e8 v14.A killed           B has killed             C had killed     D has been killing
+ R# i$ e+ r; K2 L6 U15.A clear            B strage                C uncertain      D questionable
# Z4 E/ o  K$ H% D8 ?0 o3 h答案与题解:8 S8 j" `/ Q  ~) ?0 A' k+ ^" ^
1.B  四个选项中只有to可以与according连用,意为“根据,按照”,与上下文意思吻合。
, b. n* E3 ^* R" t& _9 V5 h! I& y2.D  四个选项中只有attacking合适。attack是及物动词,用它的现在分词作为army的定语,后面还带有它的宾语Syracuse,其他三个选项都是表示被动的意思,不仅语法上无法使用,意思上也说不通。    ,6 G( X# r! J' U  A% W: D
3.C从语法上看,四个选项都可以使用,但从意思上分析,只有C项最符合逻辑,最恰当。2 B( t* w$ H8 l1 z: M
4.A  四个选项中,8、C、D的意思分别为“(小)事件”、q(意外)事故"和“病例,案例”,显然不符合上下文意思,只有A项(“爆发”)恰当。2 n" z. E$ d2 h- J3 e
5.B  四个选项中A、C、D的意思分别为“改变,变化”、“上升,升高”和“下降”,均与上下文意思不符,只有B项(“发生")恰当。8 V8 h1 ^$ g9 w2 |7 w( J* c
6.A上面说到,“这五次大爆发的最后一次出现于l889年……像最近一次大爆发一样,它起源于亚洲",此空白处从语法上分析,应该是一个能够代替那次爆发的主语,it是最恰当的;用which就不恰当,因为这里不可能是一个非限制性定语从句,况且which是指the recent outbreak还是指the last of the five也不明确,因此绝对不能用which。
" o( c3 U1 F. i5 \# D. s! |5 ~4 R7.C从上下文意思看,尤其是空白后面所说的“被认为正在消失",因此此处只能是逐步“减
9 n% i+ ?% ?  o  少"的意思,绝不能是“扩大"、“加强”、“增加”等其他意思。8 Y6 `! ]5 [' W& o7 Y
8.D  本空白处前面说到,“l889-1990年那次大爆发引发了一批新的大爆发”,后面接着的显然应该是“此后四分之一世纪流感的威胁仍然是经常不断”,也就是选项D的意思,其他三个选项意思都相反。, j, D' g* Q- p6 N& L& V
9.A  回答这道题时,首先要注意but这个表示转折的连接词的存在,也就是它提示了应该选择few这个选项,其他三个选项意思都相反。few deaths意思是“死的人不多”。8 |8 U) ~" d+ w. K: D9 x5 b4 b- t
10.B上面说到,“上次爆发死的人不多”,后面说到,“这一次可是一个杀手”,可见这个空白处应该是一个表示转折的插入语,四个选项中只有B是表示转折的,其他三个不是表示“递进"(A、D)就是表示“因果"(C)的。  m# }) `9 i) X- i' u
11.D从本空白处的句子中完全可以猜出答案应该是healthy,因为not only...but also可以起到很明显的提示作用,前面说old and sick,后面自然是young and healthy。7 z% F0 o" |0 t5 w* i3 E* m9 A6 i
12.C从前后文可以很容易猜到。,只有少数地方幸免于难,因此只有选项C合适,其他三项都不恰当。0 ]* y& G/ F6 e- C8 k0 g! u
13.D  回答这道题时涉及一个词组的用法:bring sb./sth.to do sth.,意思是“促使……去做……”,知道这个用法就会选择D 。* ^4 t) X3 U- z/ _9 l( R
+ w; w4 v! U8 `  z, y* |15.A  从上下文看,只有clear才恰当,其他三项的意思在这里都不合适。It is thus clear That...是一个很常见的组合,意思是:“由此可见……"或“因此,很明显……"。
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