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[卫生类英语] 2011年职称英语理工类C级词汇学习(2)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词汇选项题:   1.Since the Great Depression, the United States government has protected farmers from damaging drops in grain prices.& M0 o) x$ }  l+ I* N* H. f% ]6 m
  A. slight   B. surprising    C. sudden    D. harmful2 i, u: j6 B  K  D1 [) o8 Y8 N
  2.Cement was seldom used in building the Middle Ages.0 R* Z; G* q' q9 C8 N1 J$ _3 b6 E8 ^
  A. finally  B. rarely    C. originally    D. practically
( T( k* x) o# d9 ?4 T' Z  3. As there was a power cut in the hospital, the surgeon had to cancel the operation.
& x9 W4 F2 E* u- L  A. call for  B. call on   C. call off  D. call out- y. [2 G( W" Y& Z
  4. The doctor soon made the worried patient feel comfortable.
  \" Z+ S4 \/ x: y7 U  A. at ease   B. in private    C. at rest   D. in peace
$ L  k0 M3 q( i7 f  }) p  5.long before the concert began, big crowds of pop fans had assembled in the stadium.2 A  Z# \; D; Y
  A. concentrated   B. resembled C. gathered   D. dismiss5 Z4 \5 X7 r7 W6 z( P% W5 V7 B
  6. The train came to an abrupt stop, making us wonder where we were.
4 X) l6 ~" H+ g" g/ g- X  A. slow    B.noisy   C. sudden    D. jumpy
% P  |' m3 t. d, v& _7 P+ M  7. Security officials say that computer crime is easy to accomplish and hard to detect.& H# C/ U$ X" W4 [0 `- F
  A. explain    B.  plan  C. uncover    D. ignorewww.Examw.com
% x* @( A! e* a! M' u4 e  8. The boy was seriously wounded in the accident.8 d0 s3 L! e+ {$ s2 R& O
  A. damaged    B.  injured  C. ill    D. bad! y" `7 O) k1 q" z, U+ A9 S
  9. There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a previous  record of performance.
4 R9 C# Q7 x# _0 R, f7 Z# h9 l  A. beats     B. matches C. maintains   D. announces
, [& X7 K. p& K3 `  u  10. A limited number of books on this subject are in the library.
& x& f! z% L* T  A.  little  B.  small  C. tiny      D. low  ^7 I, c( j/ d; o2 x# K& q+ `
  11. They had a far better yield than any other farm miles around this year.
  _) {* w1 C# F! h$ p% z- ?  A.  goods    B. soil     C. climate  D.  harvest3 B  y& `# f/ N/ T4 W7 b
  12. The football team, for the most part, were confident of winning the match.6 Y; ?' Y" n; |6 p. A3 y: M- q
  A.  mostly  B. partly  C. only  D. really
% w9 c' v0 v# c. M! m8 ?4 ]. j  13. The city has decided to do away with all the old buildings in its center.
8 |$ U! ]9 R, y( h) i  A.  get rid of  B. set up  C.  repair  D. paint/ J) c4 q7 X. @
  14. Foreign money can be converted at this bank.5 a1 A  g' F1 d, a, i1 A
  A.  altered   B. changed  C. bought   D. sold
6 ?1 s3 @/ J6 l
9 z4 b3 g. s! ^' O1 ^! @0 n! t' s  15. Fruits such as applies and oranges are very beneficial, and may be eaten at any time.( n+ S7 v& b, [9 d8 _3 F7 L0 ]# a
  A.  normal   B.  healthy  C. appropriate  D. proper

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:34 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  参考答案:$ b2 u- E4 T1 z  V  v8 a! e
  1.  D. 依构词法:划线词的前部分是 damage(破坏),即damaging是动词damage的分词,所以推测该词义大概是“破坏的” , harmful是“破坏的”,因此harmful是答案。
' B7 v7 |( l% i) k  2. B. seldom是常见词汇,该词义是“很少地” .而备选答案中rarely也是常见的否定副词,是“很少地”。finally是“最后,最终”, originally是“原来,最初” , practically是“实际上”。4 \  y& ]! \9 L& g+ N6 G9 ]
  3.  C. call off取消; call on 拜访; 号召;呼吁; call for要求, 提倡; call out出动, 唤起, 大声叫唤。
6 ^6 V2 J4 F- m7 e  4.  A. at rest 安眠, 长眠, 静止; at ease安逸, 自由自在; in private 私下, 秘密地; in peace安祥地。
/ r1 @0 t4 i8 U, e5 l7 Y5 B* L  5.  C. A,C和D都属常见词汇,语义分别为“(注意力)集中”,“集合”和“解散”,B是“像,类似”,assemble和 gather(集合)是近义词。
: c, ^8 f, G# ]5 D# I2 u6 k' V  6.  C. abrupt是“突然的”。备选答案中只有C是“突然的”。 D是“跳动的”。
. o% s2 x9 @8 |. ]! q1 I  7.  C. detect v.察觉, 发觉, 侦查, 探测, detect 和uncover(揭露)词义最接近。
6 f3 m! }; C0 B; U# k/ x; G  8.  B. injure (vt. 伤害)和wound用法接近,都指身体上受到的伤害。 damage(该词用于物品) vt.损害,损坏。
7 Y3 g  r$ Y  Z) W9 r2 V- I& O" {" ^9 a  9.  A. Break是“打破, 违犯, 折断,超过”,而被选项中只有A有“打”的含义,所以判断beat是答案。另外,maintain,announce和match都是常见词,基本含义分别是“保持”,“宣布”和“比得上”。4 ]. \& ^8 r7 w! i8 V' V
  10. B. limited的含义是“有限的”,前三个被选项的语义相近,都有“小的”的含义(low是“低的”)。limited后是number,而number是可数名词。small修饰可数名词,little修饰不可数名词, 而tiny的语义是“微小的”,一般指体积。所以答案是B.( A/ `2 g+ [/ s3 [
  11. D. 在该句中yield 是用作名词(因为该词的前面有不定冠词a),能与不定冠词a搭配使用的被选项只有C和D(气候,倾向, 风气,如:a mild climate温和的气候)。再借助句子中其他特征词farm(农场),判断harvest“收成”是答案。, O0 x6 y0 t# ?. z
  12. A. 借助该介词短语中的核心词形容词most和名词 part,判断该短语与“大多数有关”,所以A(大多数的)是答案。4 e4 i7 B; F% l, d9 u
  13. A. do away with是“去掉”, 该短语与get rid of(摆脱, 去除)是语义相近的短语, set up是“建立”, repair是“修理”, paint 是“描绘”。
8 R! z4 Y' T( z) F" L  Y" K  14. B. bought和 sold 分别是“买”和“卖”, change是“兑换”,其语义与句中的convert一致,alter是“改变”。% ~$ N6 x1 @0 u4 R2 ^3 ~  m" R6 y
  15. B. appropriate和 proper 是近义词,都是“合适的”,因此相互排除。normal 是“正常的”,healthy是“健康的”与beneficial(有益于健康的)是近义词。
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