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[卫生类英语] 2010年职称英语考试全真卫生类B级模拟:完型填空

发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第六部分:完型填空 (每题1分,共15分)
) a7 N3 X) N6 K6 @& J. b阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出了4个选项,请根据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案,并涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live2 L' j( Z) x9 ]( D+ N- l: V. Z9 t9 l
It’s now a fair bet that we will never see the total extinction of the smallpox virus.The idea was to cap the glorious achievement of 1 980,when smallpox was eradicated in the wild,by destroying the killer virus in the last two labs that are supposed to have it -- one in the US and one in Russia?If smallpox had truly gone from the planet,what point Was there in keeping these reserves?% \7 h, }# t. W8 t5 {9 [, ^; |" s2 u+ u
__1__reality,of course,it was naive to __2 __ that everyone would let __3__ of
; w: p! [6 f% G( i+ N# ~$ H1 t+ |such a potent potential weapon.‘Undoubtedly several nations still have__4__ vials. __5__ the last“official”stocks of live virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia,__6__ no obvious gain." c! b( X' A0 i) q
Now American researchers have __7__ an animal model of the human disease,8 d9 w$ s3 g' C5 C; R+ E4 h$ {
opening the __8__for tests on new treatments and vaccines.So once again there’s a good reason to__9__ the virus--just in __10__ the disease puts in a reappearance.- l) U. F" I2 c! T( G
How do we __11__ with the mistrust of the US and Russia? __12__.Keep the
& {" W9 {, N9 ]+ N# h" Q: lvirus __13__ international auspices in a well-guarded UN laboratory that’s open to all countries.The US will object,of course,just as it rejects a multilateral approach to just about everything.But it doesn’t __14__the idea is wrong.If the virus __15__ useful,then let’s make it the servant of all humanity——not just a part of it.& i' h' `4 n4 l" i. N
/ @3 p: y, |5 t$ p, Esmallpox n.天花
' O% U( _9 E9 U0 l; h7 o, Vvial n.小瓶
3 w% E& W& I9 z1 f- e& f% ~' w9 Lauspices n.赞助;支持) o6 E+ m$ n$ E2 I2 x3 Z
cap vt.结束;覆盖
% U6 e- J' i# Y- Apotent adj.有效力的;强有力的
* l" v/ f/ ^7 U6 j1 f5 l- h6 n, n" gmistrust n.不信任,怀疑
2 h' f- t) W. p) y5 K# I# S
0 `  Q2 o( [. u! k+ x- y2 ?, n- u6 I- k7 z
1. A) In B) On C) At D)For7 Q# u2 S( l: [$ U6 v/ y% k" [7 H
2. A)know B) imagine C) realize D)be aware8 B" \  h& x  v3 \3 S
3. A)to go B) going C) go D) went3 t- f% Q3 K- g: O% H' A' O! Y- l( u
4. A) much B) more C) most D) a few+ z6 E9 [) O* V3 V
5. A)And B) While C) Whereas D) Although. a. k/ x1 X: ?2 n# A
6. A)since B) for C) because D) of. ^  b( I- ?8 `! q0 o
7. A)looked for B) sought0 P, D, }/ ~/ Q$ v2 H' l
C) found D) talked about1 K! B" [1 v, S1 I' V
8. A)method B) road C) street D) way4 m2 c/ Q) z: q8 n+ y% J
9. A)keep B) put C) destroy D) eradicate- y; \, f4 r' w9 x5 u- v- Y$ h
10.A)need B) case C) necessity D) time( L* ?5 h' `+ a$ W  B2 y+ B5 p3 B
11.A)handle B) tackle C)deal D) treat
  {" W: U. ^7 K7 f6 p$ {# h% P12.A) Difficult B) Hard C) Safe D) Simple( }+ |+ Y! t  o! Q4 i
13.A) under B) in C) on D) for
; y# w6 B' a9 L2 X14.A)say B) mean C) state D) declare
1 Q6 ~0 e; w6 S0 N4 X15.A) will be B) would be C) is D) are5 S; `. C( d/ n/ Y
答案解析:; l" S$ A, z7 W. W# J5 a
第六部分:完型填空 (每题1分,共15分)
) u. @( Q/ E! T* _7 v2 f) z5 p3 j阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出了4个选项,请根据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案,并涂在答题卡相应的位置上。6 \3 L6 v9 l! C+ ^9 }8 j

( P. V, V* \' ~: s3 g0 u1 x完型填空解题思路:8 D6 }/ _% u0 p+ L9 ~  `+ v! f
1. 借助被选项的特点缩小答案范围,确认答案判断方向;
& ~7 l7 b" `: n6 \2. 借助空格两端的搭配结构特点判断答案;
1 B1 a6 I- X+ Y3. 借助空格所在句子中用词特点猜测答案;2 u) X! `2 z9 S$ n/ q
4. 借助空格所在句子句意判断答案;
& B/ I& z' J1 _# T$ D5. 围绕文章中心(标题反应内容)猜测答案;
5 u; k+ j1 J2 Y5 d" `; N+ {; P# \6. 借助上下文用词/语意判断答案;5 d/ D! u+ ^6 R% q6 p4 Z
One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live: N! y; }% C8 c, s: `" O5 c
1. A。分析:被选项是介词,注意搭配结构。in reality“实际上,事实上”是固定搭配使用的说法。6 c% j7 I( r( z4 P* M6 ?
2. B。 分析:借助被选项的特点: know = be aware,排除A和D,再借助搭配结构(..是天真的)判断B(想象)是答案。. u7 w, }/ V( c1 O: z
3. C。 分析:1et跟原形动词,go符合这一原则。
* Y/ h* Y; A) A/ ?! q3 ?4. D。分析:根据搭配结构--..小瓶,判断D最合适(而且该句和前句中都没有出现比较的含义)
( k$ b2 ^5 M2 V+ c3 K, c5. A。分析:该句结构是“句子+短语结构”,因此空格5处的连词必须能引导一个独立的句子,这样判断只有A合适(其他选项都只能引导从句结构)% q) _( C- W# ^* d. ], H/ f
6. B。分析:借助被选项的特点B和C相关,用法不同,重点注意,再借助空格后是名词性结构这个特点判断B合适。
9 J( t- ~. ^2 K7.C.分析:借助被选项的特点A和C有关系:前者是“寻找”,后者是“找到”,重点注意。借助该句子主干结构大意:“现在美国研究者已经..,开启了...”,这样判断C(找到)合适。. ?" S' L, \( X! W
8.D.分析:借助被选项的特点:method 的习惯搭配介词是of,因此排除A; B和C都是具体指代“街道”,而 way可以抽象和具体的指代“道路”,判断D合适。Open the way v.为...创造条件; Clear the way v.扫清道路, 让路;On the way to在...途中;Find one’s way out 找到某人出去的路;寻找解决方法  O, {2 @+ z# }+ c2 Y8 W4 G* C
9. A。分析:该句的结构与标题的结构一致,因此借助标题内容直接判断A(保留/保存)是答案。
# I3 z- n' t3 K* W0 y# p10.B.分析:借助搭配结构“in..判断A,B和D是答案”,再根据空格后是一个句子的特点判断B(in case conj.万一)是答案。 1 H1 `- |$ o, n+ k- b, \
11. C. 分析:借助搭配“.. with”直接判断C是答案。7 M2 U3 K1 b6 C5 d# _# Y; e
Tackle vt 应付(难事等), 处理, 解决; P  c5 R" H6 f# o
12. D。分析:借助下文句子是在教人们怎样做(祈使句结构),因此判断D是答案。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:34 | 显示全部楼层


13. A。 分析:被选项是介词,所以注意搭配结构:keep...in a .. laboratory; .. international auspices(赞助),根据介词的基本含义和用法判断A(under prep.在...之下, 在...领导下)是答案。( n5 S; L+ `. T5 \+ W
14. B。 分析:因为空格是作谓语,而句子主语是“非人”,所以A,C 和D都不行(这些词的主语往往都是是“人”)。
$ P1 K! T; \! a: G: r) M15. C。分析:首先借助后面主句中的代词it判断前面的the virus应该是单数,而且状语从句结构中只能用一般时态来表示将来,所以判断C是答案。</p>
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