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[综合] 金融英语综合辅导:WTO英语(17)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The color won't fade, will it?
$ z3 M1 g6 ~" @: c/ Z6 F) t# |不会褪色吧?- J) ]. ?  [: g) d0 r! M$ \8 j
No, it'll last very well.5 g4 h, W! w4 ^: n+ `% ?
不,不会褪色。( E1 v' `5 Z) k1 a$ w. V) T
If you can produce fashionable styles of such fine quality, your shoes will win great popularity in our market.
, r, i: |- E/ W, o' e- t9 V如果那么你们能生产品质这么优良款式有新颖的鞋子,它们在我们市场上将会大受欢迎。
! A) [  S  B/ H4 J2 n6 epopularity / .p)pju'lжrэti; .papjэ`lжrэti/ n- J2 M& ]3 P; ^9 ]9 i
[U] quality or state of being liked or admired by many people 受大家喜爱或赞赏的性质或状态; 普及; 流行; 通俗性; 声望:
, d/ l: ^0 B9 O* win/gain/enjoy/command the popularity of the voters 获得广大选民的拥戴
7 Q0 s8 F$ p/ @& i$ O* His popularity among working people remains as strong as ever.
" p* p9 {# M5 L# `1 _5 W5 O0 |他在劳动人民中一如既往声望很高。
, E+ ~. l* o7 y6 r1 C* Her books have grown in popularity recently. 她的书近来大受欢迎。
' G( ?) o% ?" B2 v4 h3 ?Quality is something we never neglect. Good quality ensures continued sales.
" H' s; ]1 q$ ]! j6 s我们一直十分重视质量。商品质量好,才能不断有销路。
9 h$ m2 d; k4 C# V1 G- [) `4 s" NIndeed. I see you've got some nice walking shoes too.
5 `# m6 [1 w3 _) L- K: G$ H/ ^确实是。我看你们还有些便鞋也挺不错。9 L2 H5 V% M3 c: s3 F: [9 F
They're remarkably comfortable. By the way, Mr. Smith, isn’t there room in your market for lower grade shoes?# `1 k# }5 d' U
这种鞋穿着非常舒服。顺便问一下,史密斯先生,比较低档的鞋在你们那里有销路吗?! W% f1 K& a8 O$ e( k4 M5 L# a
2 b! i. R# G$ {0 ?: x7 F) j~ (for sth) opportunity; scope 机会; 范围:
: F& y! r0 A& i0 e* U6 C* There's (plenty of) room for improvement in your work, ie It is not as good as it could be. 你的工作还有(许多)改进的余地。
4 F. t1 X5 o8 R. |1 R. H1 p9 [0 }* There's no room for doubt,ie It is quite certain. 没有怀疑的余地。. E: p' d* r$ y( O( A
Even highly demanding markets require a wide range of quality and price levels for any group of products.
, Y6 Y0 W. ?* D5 `即使要求很高的市场对不同种类的商品,也需要有各种档次的货色和价格。
9 M! p5 q# j/ N1 H: s4 ^8 a$ rAnd durable as well.
- X) V) y5 [  t4 e而且也耐穿。. v" ^" B5 A7 P1 A2 K
durable / 'djuэrэbl; US ’duэrэbl; `durэbl/ adj
1 G; B. O: n# nlasting for a long time 持久的; 耐久的: a durable peace, friendship, settlement 持久的和平、 永恒的友谊、 永久的解决- \7 P% j' U" B$ ]- Z) y
* trousers made of durable material 耐穿的料子制成的裤子
  k: N2 _$ V0 G* P8 u. i+ n* This varnish provides a durable finish. 这种清漆可作耐久的罩面漆。
3 c$ X, v; w6 J: \8 j. O) E$ A> durability / .djuэrэ’bilэti; US .durэ’bilэti; .durэ`bilэti/ n [U].
5 _. Y/ y( C7 u2 }; Z- B" Z8 @9 v
durables n [pl] (also con,sumer `durables)

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:23 | 显示全部楼层


</p>goods expected to last for a long time after they have been bought, eg vacuum cleaners7 B  A. `. J1 }1 u( m- ]+ h
耐用品(如吸尘器)。- {9 l' e5 E- C
Oh, durability is not too important nowadays, especially for women's shoes, it’s a style conscious market.
, i" [1 B5 ~, `) Y& }  w, p; n/ S& o噢,耐穿在当今时代已经不大重要了,尤其是女鞋,讲究式样翻新。, ^: e/ v. o. A& D( n
Yes, we've noticed that.
2 }- @+ }; o' W$ @: \+ q, M6 w是的,我们已经注意到了。
9 g$ x, x: g+ N% PSome of your shoes are satisfactory to your domestic market, but they would need to be adapted for the export market or they wouldn't be acceptable.5 Y: N' y; P- F7 o# d2 C' e, g7 C/ d
你们的一些鞋,对你们国内市场来说是不错的,但是作为外销,就要有些改动,要不然,国外不会接受的。( h" ^$ w# e' ]- k4 e
adapt& }% A! F6 }: W
~ sth (for sth) make sth suitable for a new use, situation, etc; modify sth 使某事物适合于新的用途、 情况等; 修改某事物:
, w; W+ Q; \/ X* This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater. 这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的。 * These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes. 这些式样均可改动以适应个人不同的爱好。) _+ q( l- ^$ M; b
We can produce shoes modeled after the fashions of different markets or according to buyers' samples.( o1 v1 M+ `3 s6 i! M* z
5 ?, p- W$ d/ ~1 r. J0 u2 QYour L/C must be opened at least one month before the time of shipment, otherwise we wouldn't be able to catch the ship.
* q0 e; H" J4 J( d) }2 H9 n你方信用证必须在装货前一个月开出,否则我们将赶不上船。3 F7 v* t7 U9 T: }" u
No problem. I'll have the covering L/C opened as soon as I get back.& ]) m4 V' Z( x
4 W! j# }  J  Z. P8 D. B, n+ _! [Fine. I'm very glad our negotiations have arrived at a successful conclusion.
: o( u9 P* t; t- `, M- ?' E& P好,我很高兴我们的谈判取得了成功。! {5 `  g! E+ a0 k( M4 B
Me too. I hope this initial deal will result in further transactions between us.( a; h1 B5 Z& k4 o* ]" e
我也是。我希望这首笔生意会带来更多的交易。) v" _# {; @, E3 j4 Z- N
result in sth have a specified effect or consequence 产生某种作用或结果:
# J& i6 y8 V+ L4 z* Our efforts resulted in success/failure. 我们的努力终于成功[失败]了。& ~! Q9 Q0 p" B
* The talks resulted in reducing the number of missiles/missile reduction.7 T8 K) ?) [' l7 o1 L8 |& X4 y1 w
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