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[考试辅导] 金融英语阅读辅导:沃尔玛推出自己的信用卡——发现卡

发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Wal-Mart launched its long-anticipated Wal-Mart Discover card Tuesday in a bid to undermine the credit card dominance of Visa and MasterCard as it moves into the financial services sector.5 f' K6 C; E; e5 b% B, o
  Featuring interest rates under 9.9 percent, the card has no annual fee and is usable inside and outside of the retailer s stores, according to Wal-Mart (down $0.18 to $52.54, Research), which already offers an in-store credit card. The card offers up to 1 percent cash back on purchases and 3 cents a gallon off purchases at Wal-Mart stores.1 ?7 I1 }" X+ T5 E3 G: @5 O
  "I think what we re going to do is offer the full spectrum of our customer financial products," said Wal-Mart spokesman Marty Heires. Heires said that the Discover would be offered to customers with established credit, and is something that customers without established credit "can aspire to."
% \! M* }' R2 U! C5 N/ o8 K( Y  Wal-Mart stock was little changed on the news.
6 M" v' B& ^" ^  x; Q6 p1 J7 T  零售业巨头沃尔玛公司2月22日推出公司独立发行的信用卡——发现卡(Discover card)。这是该公司除零售业外进入金融服务领域的又一举措,也是该公司为打破维萨卡和万事达卡垄断地位而出的新招。
/ M; K8 k2 L( [  F- t4 I  据美国有线电视新闻网2月22日报道,新面世的发现卡不收年费,用户可以使用该卡在沃尔玛或其他地方购物,最多可享受达1%的现金折扣。沃尔玛公司发言人玛迪·西尔说,今后公司将面向客户提供全方位金融产品;该卡面向有良好信用记录的客户发行,还没有建立信用记录的客户可以申请。
, x& Z! {" i% e5 _  美国通用公司下属的通用消费金融公司(GE Consumer Finance)负责此次沃尔玛发现卡的发行。: p/ S- p$ H$ B- _, `; T) F

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