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[考试辅导] 商谈交易NegotiatingADeal

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  SHERRY: I understand we will need seven air conditioning units on the two floors.2 w& Q* T& `% n* V, Y
  That’s what you think, yes?
# ~* U2 B. q! D' F2 G  ARNOLD: Yes. You could use five or six units./ {- P6 W$ B  j$ e( D, _( |
  But five or six wouldn’t be very efficient. I recommend seven.
/ N. l" J/ }0 ~  SHERRY: And if we take the Decker units you suggested, what would the price be?+ G$ t6 K4 X+ r" M. V) x
  ARNOLD: Let me calculate the price for you.5 B" G% h# M% S! g
  I can give you a 15% discount if you buy the seven units.7 e5 k6 i  z+ N8 Q' j3 j: i/ }
  Let’s see here. Your total would be 5929 dollars.
- J! ^1 h& P, T% v& S& e4 u- P0 Z  SHERRY: Isn’t there any way we can get central air conditioning in this building?. @+ }1 {; ?9 i; }
  ARNOLD: As I said, it is possible, but it would be much more expensive.3 M2 _7 E  ~: l$ Q
  I think it would be at least 12000 dollars to do a complete system.
- X- @$ _7 G! |" ?) u  SHERRY: That’s too much. We need to use the separate units, I guess.
1 t6 `' K) Q/ B3 M# k' e  ARNOLD: It’s more practical, and the new units really are very quiet.
, M% P5 R( A* x9 u+ r  }  Your customers won’t even notice them.$ d9 O: E* q* ]& v
  SHERRY: So you say we can do it for 6000 dollars.
, G- e5 e- J* V$ f2 k: S# d" `" P  ARNOLD: Yes, that’s for the units.
$ b! e  f8 d* h+ f4 U0 a7 Z% g  Installation would probably be another 700 to 1000 dollars.
6 a7 w: w. h. ]$ o* Z0 l# A  But it depends on the time spent, of course.
8 O) W6 k+ B/ D% s3 y6 o0 z4 v  SHERRY: You mean installation isn’t included? I’m very surprised.
& ]4 [+ |' \  t1 Y5 A# n% ~. U  ARNOLD: No, Ma’am. Installation isn’t included.8 g" W3 w* x6 G6 m
  The price I quoted was just for the units.
8 R; }. @: S8 v  SHERRY: In Taipei, you know, the company usually installs the things they sell.6 ~' P& v  x( \: t. _
  They don’t charge extra.
! u2 w* v( u8 P$ O  ARNOLD: I know that, Ma’am.# Y5 [  ?$ C3 D; L; R
  But they would just raise the price of the units to cover their costs.. ]3 r: O% ?4 N$ @! F7 \
  Here in L.A., installation is charged separately.& `  Y7 \2 D1 Q9 B+ \6 ~' g
  SHERRY: Yes, I suppose I should get used to it.
8 G( h1 c2 f; U& H; [" ]2 V  But I’m not really willing to spend more than 6000 dollars for this.+ F  h: }; B* }) u- X
  We haven’t even opened yet.
$ H# C& J6 K8 o4 Q- I4 S( m. z  ARNOLD: I understand, Ma’am.
. _9 ?3 Q) |! E) ~6 ^0 m7 z- [  SHERRY: And the other company that gave me a quote on this said they could do it for 4000 dollars.
# {4 U: W8 o6 h4 V: I  ARNOLD: It’s a question of quality, Ma’am.
; Q" X  G* ]* f0 e7 u  At that price, you would not get good equipment.) R, z# l+ T+ Q3 E; u! ]( }
  I’ve been in this business for almost twenty years. I know what happens.6 l# j" v/ P* y. f: T
  If you don’t get quality air conditioning now,# w9 j/ q) W( b4 Q
  you will just have to replace the system after two years.
$ a+ s8 I, F( H3 v  SHERRY: I will tell you what I can agree to.
1 k9 z- @" m9 d  If you can quote me a price of 6000 dollars, installation included, I can accept./ E. U: p7 b" m$ h$ w
  ARNOLD: Well.
* c5 t$ [7 U& h5 V& v  SHERRY: You do seem like a better company than the other one.0 x( A8 u/ |" q5 \; ]* c: w/ Q5 \
  So I am willing to pay more than 4000 for you. But I won’t pay more than 6000.) [  }* B: @) K0 Q) R$ e
  ARNOLD: Well, we don’t usually do it, but... I believe we can accommodate you on this.
: f' y" S8 E  P  ]  We will do the installation for free. Because we appreciate your business.
: y( q. z* b; `( v, g  SHERRY: Good. I hope we can arrange the contract as soon as possible.
4 S% u+ ?0 C, [; y  x4 P" i8 t  雪莉:我了解我们需要七部空调机在两个楼面。
: b& H3 ^. Q: A4 G; \" s5 Z  你是这个意思,对吧?
% ?2 E3 m" d: ?9 C- ^% ~  阿诺:是的。你可以装五到六部。$ J1 N' \2 y  ^# c
  但五到六部会不够,所以我建议七部。' c4 ~' M0 k! P! w; }+ C
  雪莉:还有我们如果用你建议的戴格牌,会是多少钱?% j0 s# t! o; v2 t/ _, J( M1 z
/ f' i9 H: q+ f1 k' |- r7 |: T  如果你一次购买七部,我可以给你百分之十五的折扣。/ \1 t( w+ \4 C0 ]2 B$ x" E
* N/ g6 F6 o9 Z  f8 F  雪莉:我们可以在这栋建筑装设中央空调系统吗?0 Z- Y: I) p5 f+ i/ [6 ]
6 X, F! _$ ~/ F  我想会需要一万二千美元才能完成一个系统。+ ?# D3 U; p) d, h; K
  雪莉:那真是太多了。我们必须要分开的装置,我想。0 N0 T8 V2 Q7 p. m3 E
  阿诺:在实用性方面,新的装置也会比较安静。! R! `9 J2 K* P
# Z6 z$ S: _  ?0 |  雪莉:所以你说我们可以在六千美元以内完工。5 r% T/ @& \* C  H  D* q
, V0 y0 w' Q3 ]5 k' U. {  安装费大约是七百至一千美元。
6 H; e, V' A2 H8 O7 g  当然是要看所用的时间而定。
* m4 Z2 I+ O# I  雪莉:你的意思是没有包含安装费?我很惊讶。; D; E+ h& J# r, M% D- f
8 K0 ]3 `& Z' H9 u1 [  我估计的费用是只有装置的费用。6 `* M! c3 C6 Q7 |6 i2 z
  雪莉:在台北,你知道,一般公司都安装他们所卖的产品。& X( x/ D  {; i; F
( [; _! v$ l6 S9 m. E  阿诺:我知道,女士。
  g% `0 _1 N8 [( _  但通常他们都会提高售价来掩饰他们的花费。+ m4 L2 Y  c  c2 m' @) n
  在洛杉矶,安装费都是分开来收取的。, N& \& W- C6 n* D2 d: k, x
  雪莉:是的,我以为我应该可以习惯这种做法。' `: x! g4 x  @% ]4 t
  但我真的没有想要为了安装空调系统花费超过六千美元。! Y7 Z# j# P6 a, X
  我们都还没开张呢。( W; ]9 }8 D) n" i' M
1 e" ?, l: |0 J8 P3 _' @  雪莉:而且另一家公司只给我估价四千美元。$ v, K) n* g1 t+ y
  阿诺:这是有关品质的问题,女士。' P% `! y1 c7 e4 h" z" v
  而且那种价位,你不会拿到好的装置。6 a2 n: b) Z8 G( _6 ~. W9 e8 A
4 d; x& ^4 V, x/ ~  如果你现在不拿品质好的空调机,0 G" Q% Z9 K! P0 C! _4 K- v: Y! @
  两年后,你将必须重换这个系统。( G; b0 |) K" ~) d$ j

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


5 z/ o9 `8 }8 P  阿诺:嗯。0 N- o. e. D& i; d; `# q( t; ~0 e
1 J' U. e5 ^$ }3 a1 J$ D( w5 r( u  所以我愿意给超过四千美元给你们。但我不会花费超过六千美元。
/ K! i: M+ Q) H, c' o5 W& b" A8 p  阿诺:嗯,我们通常不会接受这样的,但是...我相信我们这次是可以通融的。: q3 m4 }' a7 u( e! Q( e: W
: C  @) P" t" h, T% X' k  雪莉:好。我希望我们可以尽快地安排签约。
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