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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:Remittance汇款

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A:Hello.I want to remit  500 yuan in cash to my son in Beijing University.) s  [8 p' O! L4 z
  B:All right.Our bank provide you quick and convenient electronic  remittance for individuals”.
6 f$ X6 N% x0 c5 r  A:How long does it take?2 k5 U5 h; V4 F/ c- e
  B:We’re sure that the remittance will arrive within 24 hours after you complete the slip.% t6 A" y$ c' \" T# G; n) h
  A:How much does it cost?3 }# ?4 Q/ l. E3 |* a$ p0 J- X* y
  B:The service coharge is 5 yuan.
/ |- R' f) f. r: l  A:I hope to send it there as soon as possible.
& Q- g8 w" H! T1 n% e: G' H  B:Do you have your ID card with you?
6 v; V" T" H5 Y  A:Yes,I do.6 [# W. Q6 Y' A) s+ b* l
  B:No problem.I’ll do it for you right away.   1( F9 j: m8 ?3 w) v2 i/ E$ J, H: B
4 ^2 C! x& l) I) I* g) C  B:好的。我行为您提供又快又方便的个人电子汇款业务。( y& v+ H' L  F1 _
  A:需要多长时间?9 ]( r2 E. C& A  k/ M
  B:我想汇款在您填好汇款单后24小时之内到达。% J9 _$ I% W( D  s2 b
/ c5 q% E) _1 Q8 I# f+ O! a0 h$ O  B:手续费是5元。/ E5 C. B) ~& p( K+ R
2 c7 z$ _% c- Q- M5 D* X  B:您带身份证了吗?, k8 |* q& a" Z) `1 V4 ^1 A* h" C
! v% s3 S7 z* u. |  B:好的。我立刻就为您办。
  K1 h3 O6 t& Z3 J6 h: @9 s  2
7 V% p+ a- S. A+ a  A:May I help you?$ U/ U6 g0 R0 H+ A& Z" y2 Q  @: g: k  W
  B:Yes.I want to remit some money to Xinjiang.% i& a. D, {) j, o1 c
  A:Do you have a current account with our bank?7 J4 ~# u: |! k; N- H. Y! C; |$ W
  B:Yes,I have.
4 }" }6 E+ E& r3 y9 g' N  A:Now we offer quick and convenient remittance:account to account, cash to account or cash to individual,which do you prefer?
" I- e( d5 S- z/ l  B:Account to individual.Is there a faster method?
, }0 r4 g6 P) M. l  A:We’re sure that the money will be there within 2 hours.) F6 m& N( R' [$ n$ G; B! G! N% f
  B:That’s good." ]0 Y) L8 |2 B, n0 _
  A:Please fill in the remittance slip,and show your ID card.
( J! n' F6 ?6 E, _1 @; T& s* d0 _  B:All right.& J, H. O/ Z! x. I  Q" |( @
  A:Please wait a moment.I’ll do it for you at once.
' _  G+ @0 ~0 w$ H$ h  B:Thank you very much.   2
; a" n' C4 a( h" E5 ?  A:您需要什么服务吗?1 i6 W$ W  T. b
  B:需要。我要汇钱到新疆。( d) ^: v8 t  F# s( Q5 v4 \0 _6 a
  A:您在我行有活期账户吗?2 ~4 L7 A, u6 {: y3 @
* b3 J3 N& j9 K- y" Z  A:现在我行提供快捷方便的汇款业务,有账户到账户、现金到账户、现金到个人,您选哪一种?
4 j# Q+ r5 |  ^" H. y% \  b  B:我选账户到个人。您能否用较快的方法汇过去?3 D, {3 t& j% o" v3 Y5 y( f
; `2 H: [  h1 d" x3 I9 s  B:太好了。
% _& \: C: K, V  A:请填写汇款单,出示身份证。0 W! c* x$ e4 P! ^
9 W2 m- Q- z$ S# E  A:请稍等,我立刻为您办。8 `! Z, {/ g2 Y. E' y5 e. A6 q
  B:非常感谢。2 A4 \0 E( A8 P, H5 E! z( d
* G" e( C; X$ n  A::Could you tell me where the counter for inward remittance is?
' z) a. O8 j0 z5 I( n. n% T  B:Yes,Here it is.Can I help you?
2 Q* Y; i8 X" _  A:Well.A relative of mine sent me 1,000 US dollars through Bank of Ameirica,New York 3 days ago.I want to know if the money has  arrived.
1 g' o+ E# n$ l9 K  @  B:Let me check it for you.Do you have any acounts here?
# F* {7 P9 l4 H, B) _! u7 f+ n& ]! y  A:No,I don’t.
  q+ a* M( b( z+ \6 M; `+ j  B:Please tell me your name and show me your password.+ I: D( S* M6 N: V. {
  A:My name is Petersen,and here is my passport.
4 j/ V7 U# Y  Z9 b  B:Oh,here are 1,000 US dollars for you from New York.Will you withdraw the cash?
( M# Z9 b" E/ `* F  A:Yes,I will.
, L2 M  ^+ V6 o! q( S- o3 m$ ^' v  B:Mr Petersen,here you are,1,000 US dollars.Please count it.+ D6 A& U7 m) e
  A:That’s it.Thank you.
) g8 }, b- n$ Y. S+ @2 a% z  B:Not at all.Hope to see you again.   3( s8 x/ B# e" k) U3 b6 {
+ \0 _/ E" X! i& {; B  B:这里就是。我能为您效劳吗?2 a; e3 j7 _' e* O
  A:嗯,我的一个亲戚三天前通过纽约的美洲银行寄给我1,000美元。我想问一下钱是否已经到了。2 N! N9 y0 g- j) s8 N6 G  p' i
" Y8 q5 z' s3 |9 ?2 ~% I  A:没有账户。7 q) w/ `2 A! x) I  S8 O" z
" ?% J8 n! y4 [. [$ V. S  A:我叫彼得森。这是我的护照。
9 c& g: z+ j; s6 e$ m7 q  B:喔。这儿有从纽约寄给您的1,000美元。取现吗?
* @- ^! P, v, t  A:是。' q4 k0 V  t2 Z1 k2 t* S
( t# z) S$ z9 n+ N  ?  A:对。谢谢。* c: ?; l! T' }2 p7 r6 j
  B:不用谢。欢迎您再次光临。2 _  {3 v. T- l6 ^# b1 m
3 k9 S1 o8 V; E: J7 b$ H7 Y: K6 N7 Z  A:May I help you?
8 m( |, z- Q0 f7 A  B:Yes.Could you tell me how I can transfer money here from London as soon as possible?
. R% [5 E- B# ]% c3 X5 @" c  A:Well,the fastest way is by T/T from your bank in London to our bank.
# Q' L4 s3 C8 ]% j  B:My company will send me a check.Can you change it into pounds for me and have some of them exchanged into RMB?
6 ^, m( C' q. K# J  A:Yes,but it will take about 3 days to collect the proceeds if the check is drawn from London Bank.If you ask your company to apply for a check from a bank in Shsnghai,we can cash it right away.- h/ S8 W! W* x; ~- \
  B:Okay.I’ll ask them to do so by fax.
/ w* V2 F+ n5 m" q; Y5 x8 a$ v  A:Welcome you again.
) P6 a0 F& q9 L; Z, ?3 i  B:Thanks a lot.    4; H- u+ H+ V4 S, S+ W% P* x
+ K  Q5 w  S/ \# ^% M3 I3 Q3 C  B:好。请问如何才能把钱从伦敦尽快汇到这里来。0 S3 w* _# F, b; j* i" z" _6 j
  A:嗯,最快的办法是从您的伦敦银行电汇到我行。" l7 j) ?3 |+ y9 ?
  B:我公司将寄来一张支票。您行能替我把它兑换成英镑,并把一部分兑换成人民币吗?" |7 l1 K' k* B" z( _- I
  A:可以,但如果开出的支票是以伦敦银行为付款行的话,就要花3天左右的时间去托收这笔汇款。如果您要公司申请开一张以上海一家银行为付款行的支票,我们就可以立即兑现这张支票。- j( M9 |* j+ v4 ?4 Y
$ p& {2 ]0 X3 r  A:欢迎您再来。
$ A! P! G  b, f3 A# \# g  B:多谢。
9 d, d) ~1 n1 w  5" o5 N: r, L7 k
  A:What can I do for you?4 B. A4 C+ d- ]: u* J. x6 b3 f
  B:I want o change Renminbi into 2,000 US dollars and send it to New York.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


  A:According to the foreign exchange control regulation,you should  get the approval from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.
- t0 X3 g% a# e6 v5 p2 {  B:Yes,I have got the license from the SAFE.Here you are.4 I1 ?9 s, N( l9 Q
  A:Well.May I ask the name of the remittee’s bank?
4 h% m4 W* V/ Q/ g  q2 H  B:Bank of America.8 u9 a; n7 h0 I/ w, F# B. M' {
  A:Please fill out the remittance form and sign your name here./ h- h1 Z3 p2 h9 a* T
  B:Would you show me your ID card,please?
% g- V, p( k% B' S3 I$ o' {/ C  A:Here it is.
) Z' Z7 L2 A3 V. s  B:Please wait a moment.I’ll do it for you as soon as possible.   5$ M! J! M% l0 m3 T# o
  A:您想办理什么业务?7 V" ?; G; Q5 p% y5 W0 k  k
+ E7 S% ?% ]: _- ~" l  n, L8 g  A:按外汇管理条例,您须获得国家外管局的许可。' X1 R/ }% R& z
  B:我已经获得许可证。请过目。4 w5 R6 x* W# K7 c
  A:那么,请问收款行是哪一家?1 ]% G' u% K- `+ L5 s& w
  B:美洲银行。, P4 ~- R8 X/ B8 i4 L) o+ o
3 G9 P; O0 |0 _3 i& l* e  B:请把您的身份证给我看一下好吗?9 d! A6 ^% e- M2 l4 y
  A:您瞧。1 u9 t; R% j+ I/ a6 o  o6 P
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