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[考试辅导] 辅导:英汉《营销学》常用词汇三(1)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 U+ @1 B7 b- l+ @  Pacific Electric 太平洋电气% j8 ?$ Z! u- v
  packaging 包装
+ S* X( P& O! _: Y2 n  K  panel of experts 专家小组
, n+ b4 I) z. F' w. y# C  parentage 渊源, f. k/ n! Y5 P. `' B) P( }! W( F  i
  parties involved 交换中的各方
' \- w6 T* S  }  e  payment terms 支付条款# u; N9 B8 s2 b  ]* c
  pay-off control 支出控制( |1 ?& W* b9 Q( z5 a- ~
  penetration pricing 渗透定价
, {+ m0 R, c5 l9 E. W8 j  Pepsi-Cola 百事可乐$ `2 P8 }; Z7 Y  z1 Q% I$ S
  perceived customer value 顾客感知价值+ F* Y; ?4 I9 l3 H2 s
  perceived quality 感知到的质量
, i- w. m7 V8 _9 V# i) g  perceived value 感知到的价值9 z1 w& T( |, ~! e/ p& U
  percentage of sales promotion budgeting method 销售额百分比促销预算法6 W! a% q1 e( R, i9 }
  perceptions of consumers 消费者感知/理解1 m, H! C, A0 D& K+ {  V
  perceptual (product) pisitioning 感知(产品)定位$ P' s( ^5 k4 C! a
  perceptual map 感知图
. `# ~; T* c' E7 O: Q; A  perceptual organization 感知组织2 n' d- k5 V' b& t9 s4 l
  perceptual vigilance 感性的警惕% a! D$ ~& j# U& s0 A
  performance dimension 业绩标准" X! z7 L% ]* M' f7 U/ x
  performance evaluation 业绩评估
+ D/ I" S! H( k" ^/ ~/ V  performance measures 表现/业绩测度2 q: S. Q. \2 U7 w
  performance objective 绩效目标
* E6 a' O3 L* [( t3 F% v  performance standards 绩效标准
1 I- s/ Z. N( u/ Q  performance 功能) T! e: ~7 p8 Q  D( ^
  perishability 非持久性
; D$ a& M& K2 W( Y8 U6 A  personal selling 人员推销
7 s2 S; d" F' g( }% R% ^  personal sources 个人的信息来源4 s% A/ r7 k0 x/ v6 T- F
  personnel development 人力资源开发
. ]( _, ^4 t+ W0 l) f! \5 _  persuasive 说服性的' b. ~. \- G5 N" M) C
  pharmaceuticals industry 医药行业" }' M& Z% r' G8 m
  physical (product) positioning 物理(产品)定位! y; w& P) v9 j$ v5 X  m
  physical descriptors 物理变量3 ?1 q, ?9 _& v7 z+ _9 q, k; V4 X
  physical distribution 实物分销
% W' Y4 M* R& J+ X' b- c  Pillsbury 皮尔斯博瑞1 W8 Z) ]/ N! p! R
  pioneers 先入者
$ Z6 b+ C" A, _4 `  Pizza Hut 必胜客9 P+ G1 {2 R, Z/ s
  place utility 地点效用
- y% }7 ?1 ?) Z0 }  planning and control system area audit 计划与控制系统领域的审计
8 G+ o* B# m# F8 K1 g. d  point of sale information 销售点信息( z# X6 Q" M7 ~% \% z& D1 Q. N' E" h
  point-of-purhcase (POP) promotion 采购点促销
  n2 q& V& z. J- D, E  point-of-sales (POS) data 销售点数据
$ x  @8 }% Q, I4 {, K  pontificator 保守派. |, ?1 s" W; p9 C# o
  popularity 通用性
# ^5 M! R9 ?4 ^* ]" @) B  population trends 人口趋势8 Y; L) u( P+ C+ |( s9 h7 n: R0 [: l: W
  portfolio models for resource allocation 资源配置的资产组合模式
3 A  E( J0 u5 E/ z$ [. U0 i. W  position intensity 地位集中程度
1 r. p& E, O" I( b1 T# V9 y* P8 O  positioning 定位9 a' v% q; f0 h/ \( m
  possession utility 拥有效用* i2 l% m+ ?4 A. A9 I6 _& Z% \
  post-purchase dissonance 购买后的不协调% B; T& \/ S) Q( l- C" I9 N
  post-purchase evaluation 购买后评估
+ V! U- ~+ r9 T0 g9 }1 y" c1 ^2 Z  post-purchase/after-sale service 售后服务. m3 ~- }! \9 j
  potential advantages 潜在优势
# @+ f* H8 \) ]( j1 r* E$ h* v7 E  potential customer 潜在顾客 potential market 潜在市场' l1 ]* h1 J% [
  potential target market 潜在目标市场
. p( T, M4 b9 b- d: t1 F) {  power in distribution 分销权力
! D8 G& ^$ M0 f" R* ^+ p! B" y  power of buyers 购买者能力
" T, B5 z3 d# ]2 f- b# V. M- `  power of suppliers 供应商能力/ U" x2 E7 ]/ A* y
  predatory pricing 掠夺性定价法; \) y4 g7 ~+ C- E# g- T5 j
  pre-empting scarce resources 先占稀缺资源" W+ T/ J% Y  N! Z! H4 ?: m
  preferential treatment 特惠待遇1 x3 D7 i+ b5 m7 C
  premiums 额外奖励4 p5 Z9 k$ {! p* t% z! P. g
  present competitors 现有的竞争者' S' Q* ?% {- e0 P* c% t
  presenting sales message 提供销售信息: c8 {! G1 f. W* g& i
  pre-test market research 测试前市场研究
2 Q9 z8 m) i& K6 D" y; H  price discrimination 价格歧视
! F8 v) ~8 I. t  price elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性
2 m* o! @5 \# |) _8 n1 q  price fixing 价格设定2 n# z5 u; Y# D) J0 s5 h
  price leaders 价格领导者
& |0 g% @. p. v; J  r7 s% X; p  price lining 价格排列定价法( Q9 h; A% O6 \, L% [- o* C
  price promotion 价格促销/ M' y5 r7 D% F8 U  {
  price quotation 报价9 A1 E$ E. F# Z( }
  price sensitivity 价格敏感度! H& v* ]" S5 a+ W' L/ K, `+ o
  price structure 价格结构  `) O: w! q7 ^1 ?( x; j# H" J
  price 价格
, p, H0 q4 Q6 ^9 t- H2 W( `& P& u  price/earnings ration 价格/收益比
! P. p1 @" h! V# p$ j  price-off promotions 降价促销
1 g% [, P6 c1 F& D3 ~  price-setting process 定价过程
2 \! n$ g- b; _7 S$ i% L8 e& Z  pricing adjustments 定价调整
5 ~0 |$ P4 u. v" f% A  pricing policies 价格策略
  F$ o5 l# Y/ G' @. g5 y  pricing 定价
* Z. i8 `& p* x. A  primary demand 基本需求
- Z4 B, k4 J2 {/ F- `* ?( l* D  primary sources 第一类/主要数据
: ^  G+ w$ Q7 I0 p  print media 印刷媒体* Q( [" D9 f" h$ t9 h
  private/for-profit organization 私营/盈利性组织
/ k/ d/ @. R" s5 [  PRIZM (Potential Rating Index for Zip Markets) 按邮政区划为基础的潜力等级指数
( m: y/ z0 g. w6 S/ m  proactive new-product development strategy 进取型新产品开发战略9 E, c0 z# `1 n* g) V+ {
  probability sampling 概率抽样: L" L, i* @+ ]
  problem formulation 界定问题
+ a; v& K2 i/ ]+ W# R, G  problem identificatioin 确定问题
$ J$ ?4 d$ V. q0 k  process management 过程管理
5 ^  c- A$ v" W/ Y/ \$ E  Procter & Gamble (P&G) 宝洁公司
6 u( @4 [& B! }% M  product line 产品线3 t7 ^4 g/ P1 B8 Q4 D
  product availability 产品的可获得性; l2 @  Z* \, a. j' N% M
  product category 产品类别6 n" K# d4 p0 `. y, w2 ~+ u) P
  product class 产品类别
% k0 A0 A8 }6 l8 b: V. _% D* K) S  product decisions 产品决策
! B. a2 M, V0 W" H4 k$ H' g$ N  f7 R  product design 产品设计
/ N( [9 Q) F7 S4 E1 H  product development 产品开发0 J, n# ~3 E" d1 b" v
  product dimension or attributes 产品维度/属性3 X% N- P; @: e8 Z9 t' N
  product evolution 产品演变& v6 Q4 R: F5 }9 |: m% m3 b  M
  product features 产品特征
6 X+ a! I+ `& e/ n* x  product intent share 产品倾向份额; W. M( ?- L8 P3 [! q. ]! s
  product leadership 产品领导能力
/ g# ^. k9 F" d" f3 E" [, s0 R  product life cycle (PLC) 产品生命周期
, `: \1 l0 _+ c) E& _9 z  product life cycle curve 产品生命周期曲线
8 @, m; c1 n* z! D5 p  product line 产品线# ~5 T; i! R) T2 y  {8 i5 A- j/ F
  product manager audit 产品经理审计
5 ?$ G/ b& E1 k; s7 G4 L  product offering 供应品
  ^2 u  Z& t- p" j  product organizaiton of salesforce 按产品组织销售队伍0 p" H7 C( p" q7 U% {+ r
  product policies 产品策略  I% ^  S, T# G
  product positioning 产品定位/ q/ O) B+ {1 i7 E' [
  product quality 产品质量4 _/ q# W; y+ B0 |6 Z6 r  g7 l# m
  product scope 产品范围
5 w& g8 j2 V* W/ ~  product space 产品位置+ o1 q! E" b; h+ l2 n
  product specifications 产品规格2 k% e, A2 d: L$ ?  h! v! j7 ~
  product systems 产品体系
2 \8 z: e" s. V% L# [6 ~  product type 产品类型

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


  product usage 产品用途
9 Y  q1 J6 ^5 K% i& _; h2 ~  product 产品8 h( G- j, W4 O0 o* f9 _% r
  product(ion)-oriented organization 产品/生产导向型组织* ~/ M. t7 Q% E. L+ X: D( K1 e
  production 生产9 \# A* t( }3 t; Q. s# k+ F0 U
  product-line pricing adjustments 产品线定价调整3 B$ ?( h) s. h0 ]$ U) }
  product-management organizational structure 产品管理组织结构1 |6 v) a: v! t1 |& R4 U; D
  product-market entry control 产品-市场进入控制
1 D/ b+ V) X* J) R" u, z; M  product-related behavioral descriptors 与产品相关的行为变量
- r0 Z& {+ L# u" y* `  product's market characteristics 产品的市场特征+ ~( S& R2 Y, s* C5 F6 R
  product-use testing 产品使用测试* K  [8 n# L, d* b4 Y* Q# \$ W
  pro-environment 环保
; K$ h' V$ k9 H1 N( b) L# C  profit impact of market strategy (PIMS) 市场战略的利润影响
1 S0 Y. K9 j- F* L# e2 D" I  profitability analysis 盈利性分析
3 s/ V7 x  d1 n4 [  profitability 盈利性/盈利能力
& ^7 J2 n  {% V! a6 N' N/ l  profitable survivor strategy 有利可图的生存者战略, r. b- Z2 @2 G6 \8 @) I5 r2 v+ Y' Q
  project-company resource compatibility 项目与公司资源的协调性' w/ l4 N5 b6 s+ O7 {
  projected profit-and-loss statement 预计损益表; R- i) x4 B& B6 a* D% h
  projective tests 投影测试
+ Y1 e1 }/ F: \! \1 Z4 D7 q  promotion decisions 促销决策
5 }7 E; x/ B/ R  promotion mix 促销组合$ I* }  F" f) d6 b1 S+ z
  promotion policies 促销策略% h9 T' e! R" J+ b6 q' v0 a
  promotion 促销
7 h. B* ^1 z+ x6 e3 K/ k& ~% f/ }  promotional allowance 促销折让4 O* s% F( C; d+ |- k% D
  promotional effort 促销努力
9 m5 w" X% }$ T  N$ ?; {  promotional pricing 促销定价$ I  _5 k4 X/ `+ Y
  promptness 及时性: {' E1 z5 p$ L. _# d" [
  propector strategy 探索型战略
' h' [5 C6 f/ k! k2 _# n; o  prospecting for customers 寻找顾客
4 d& ~1 b! S& M7 l% E  x  psychographics 心理统计特征
0 o' I' ^$ R; a9 n  psychological cost 心理成本! |5 W) D% h- _  v; O! H
  psychological pricing 心理定价法) l6 j/ z) r6 A# q0 K( G1 O
  public organization 公共组织3 ~$ w6 b% K  w9 r2 Y
  public relations 公共关系
( ]! x# G! V- h3 ?+ |0 k6 m  public utilities 公共设施
# O5 s  Q3 s$ R! J( f$ r2 W  publicity 公共宣传
0 c# X) n( \( {0 x- a4 z( S1 x  pull strategy for control of distribution channels 分销渠道控制的拉式战略7 v7 L2 I+ r5 w3 v' k. D: M# m& H
  pupil dilation 瞳孔扩张
! N  q7 B8 J: f( r# E  purchase predisposition 购买倾向1 O- L) ^' i5 r) t0 l4 p2 P
  purchasing agent 采购代理
( L8 ^2 I7 [. W% J0 j  purchasing contract 采购合同  v; n) ?' l0 P* x( F
  purchasing manager/agent 采购经理/代理
/ g; W% p# p2 _2 E  purchasing power perity (PPP) 购买力平价指数9 @' b/ c+ ]; x) ]
  push money/spiffs 佣金
7 `- l; ^) d3 A  push stragtegy for control of distribution channels 分销渠道控制的推式战略
2 {+ S9 D2 S7 i) ~; T6 O( o  Q
7 d, ~5 m5 q- H( ^/ p  qualifying prospects 审查潜在顾客资格
' {) \$ V; s, g# r  quality dimensions 质量维度
* p7 J) y2 s' n5 {7 i  quality 质量% @8 \) S9 f$ B$ G& [; R0 h
  quantity discount 数量折扣# B( s1 i! R$ B
  question marks 问题类& x6 T4 u) J, @) V
  questioning 询问法
% J1 R' W6 G  S3 h) q5 b  quotas 定额
7 H2 J+ z8 M6 ^/ x5 i  R
4 q; G% p1 J0 f9 @  R & D expenditure 研究开发战略$ d9 o& H4 S: O5 g/ l9 `
  race and ethnic origin 种族和民族; V1 F+ z- S0 h0 q2 n# Z
  rack jobbers 供应超级市场的批发商
  e1 r* I) l1 m  radio 无线电广播% ?5 O# g! X" `4 k
  rank ordering 排序
" Z# h4 [5 }" _7 X7 q* A' t  rate of adoption 采购率
$ D5 ~, ]& F9 _. t  rate-of-return/target return pricing 回报率/目标回报定价法
- _5 v$ q& k$ x* @) y  rational appeals 理性诉求
# t$ D3 i  c* s1 ?  rationale 基本原理) r+ A: r+ j( C- `& r: u$ H9 m
  raw materials 原材料% ~8 ]: N: w( @  F  A
  reactive and proactive responses 反应及前摄策略
- J9 @, B' g& Z% N7 T2 h6 n1 j; g. C  reactive new-product development strategy: E; p; j& ^& V' M( v4 G+ x. O. W
  reactor strategy 反应型战略
; Z+ i4 ?) d2 ~: O/ A* y  real estate 房地产
0 X  {3 Z3 {8 L% ^( z0 f6 _: t: |! v  rebates 回扣
4 k, D: s( E8 s  recall tests 记忆测试9 q1 O  x( @( m- R. @
  receiver 接收者
8 W9 }  Q$ Y! d4 @" a  reciprocity 利益互惠
8 k2 J7 [. g5 T1 R7 D" X  recognition of problem/need 发现问题/需求8 E; l; i2 G, U+ Y& |! C4 F) u
  recognition tests 认知测试  s1 `" g. P  S0 Q& _
  recreation 娱乐业+ K9 c4 k7 }- G/ h% k" p) d( Y
  recruitment and selection 招聘与选拔" A2 D! k; e; a$ h
  recycling of packaging 包装回收(利用)4 X/ L8 g# ^2 s# }
  Reebok 锐步  ^& t" G$ N6 b4 `; @, I0 a
  reference group 参照群体
; B: `0 V: I1 C; O, Q  referent power 参照权
1 K* q. p( B; M9 M% T  refocus 巩固" ~3 Q7 Z1 E+ _* y+ h+ |  w! c: I2 W
  refunds 退款6 j5 `4 q( B+ J: y
  refusal to deal 拒绝经营. p; Q& K! w$ a/ ]- G" N: A
  regression analysis 回归分析法
; J& ?  K7 E8 Q  f9 B+ o# {1 y  regulation 管制
6 X& {: s9 s  W; R4 x- N  related/concentric diversification 相关/同心多元化: R( _) o3 [; m9 B2 \1 G# e
  relational VMSs 相关式垂直营销系统
$ t/ l' x& W6 i8 k: Q1 _; m7 o  relative attractiveness of declining markets 衰退市场的相对吸引力- W9 j2 O' d# E, K
  relative market potential 相对市场潜力
' v% K4 C9 V  c7 y$ g( Y4 Q  S  relative market share 相对市场份额
, E" c' g! }3 {3 h0 {  reliability 可靠性
( k5 x  ?8 W; y/ i: |, f1 W$ R+ b; _  repeat purchase behavior 重复购买行为5 R. p3 f' e. }- B
  repetition 重复/ @6 ~. w: D* y% _4 _! {
  repositionings 重新定位产品
% r7 n. U6 {4 u4 x3 H5 E  requirements planning 需求计划+ Z5 K" [6 P/ g* L! m1 x
  reseller 中间商
  b' G2 E1 w8 ?* ]: R  resident buyers 常驻采购员( L# {3 x- Q, C+ U  ]
  resource allocation/deployment 资源配置
( E# S; e+ B7 w0 T2 e0 W8 F: r: w  response strategies 反应策略* b' _# N) g- c& j' T, Q0 p4 R
  response to communication 传播响应
! ~( \. |+ |; N4 [' U: u: K  responsive strategy 反应型新产品开发战略" A; v# G5 o% W% p% |1 v
  responsiveness 响应性
' p4 E1 @8 l5 l" r2 C  retail coverage strategy 零售范围战略
9 o" R* d1 I& T+ y- X  Retail Index 零售指数! D- l( A  k  f. N
  retail outlets 零售店
' _# D' o: I+ q- Y  retail sales 零售额5 U$ R) S0 o! V
  retailer co-operatives 零售商合作社
: m% W3 T1 o8 w1 P  u  retailer 零售商
, Z0 v# E! F& _3 h- Y  retailing trends 零售趋势0 B# W( v' F- {% T4 n
  Return on Equity (ROE) 权益回报率+ o: j; W- B% _
  Return on Investment (ROI) 投资回报率
/ \3 g5 V& N1 L+ y" v$ {  Return on Net Assets (RONA) 净资产回报率
9 x" Q3 P! @/ @( E$ W; t) T0 `  reverse engineering 反向工程
5 k. I, k& e( l7 T2 z* o  reward systems 奖励系统
0 Y) R% q9 O& c) L6 Q  rivalry determinants 竞争决定因素
) B  s; \0 _. D8 I  rivalry 竞争对手2 K3 T! ^: v4 a7 J
  Robert Miles 罗伯特·迈尔斯
& f0 F& a, x8 G% k& v  Rockwell 洛克威尔9 M% `2 C, s# o* X/ W* ~6 [: x' R
  Rolex 劳力士9 L& C5 M& f: n, W$ I! W: t8 m# ]
  Rolls-Royce 劳斯莱斯
, A# `/ g) ~2 X& |2 \; ~- p' t  roster 名册' M1 i3 u0 T! o
  Rover 罗佛公司
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