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[考试辅导] 金融英语对话:对公业务和纠纷调解(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  调解纠纷$ _7 N% S/ Z6 ~
. e0 H; o5 y( m! ?/ g- f  How do you do? I’m the manager. Would you please have a talk with me about it?
+ ?% g5 K6 W5 v2 D/ h  我非常抱歉地告诉您,我们的经理现在不在。如果您愿意,我很乐意带您去见我们的经理助理。" S# e2 i. P5 k- |1 [' G
  I’m so sorry to tell you that our manager is not at the moment. I’d be more glad to get our assistant manager for you if you like.
$ u0 k& ~5 S- l  我认为事情没有那么严重,我可以帮助您处理问题。我能问一下您的一些详细情况吗?2 P, X* u& X) ^2 Y; I5 T: b( M
  Well, I think there is nothing serious and I can help you with the problem. Can I ask you for some details?
5 t9 p: v9 y0 V6 Q  对于这个误会我们感到非常抱歉,但我希望能得到您的理解与合作,好吗?1 v' W2 D% O" V& c5 @: o
  We’re terribly sorry for this misunderstanding, but can I ask for your cooperation and understanding?. S! Z* G: p8 \4 W( }
  我们已经讨论了您提出的改进服务的建议. 请您多提宝贵意见." I  i  v) v  D' c9 I
  We have discussed your suggestion about improving our service quality. We sincerely welcome your suggestions.

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