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[考试辅导] “市账率”、“账面价值”的表达

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  势将打破全球集资额最高纪录的工行A+H股招股活动已正式启动。消息人士透露,工行A股招股价初定为每股2.6元~3.12元人民币,市账率介乎1.95~2.23 倍。
, n6 R3 A. Y) B" {  请看《中国日报》相关报道:The world-record US$19.1 billion public offer by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was met with great enthusiasm by domestic and overseas investors yesterday.5 ^" V+ n$ T$ t! e
  The bank set its A-share price at between 2.6 yuan (33 US cents) and 3.12 yuan (39 US cents) 1.95 times and 2.23 times its 2006 book value, bankers involved in the sale said.& T3 A) X9 ^# a% c
  报道中的book value指的是“(股票的)账面价值”,又称“股票净值”或“每股净资产”,是每股股票所代表的实际资产的价值。“市账率”即“股价与股票帐面值的比率”,其相应的英文表达为“price-to-book ratio”,显然,“市账率”越低,股价愈便宜。* S6 `1 v  }& u" C* k
  在商业纪录中,“book value”(帐面价值)指公司显示在“资产负债表上的价值”,即公司的净资产值,相等于总资产减无形资产(专利、商誉等)及负债。
$ P( C2 I6 @4 X% {$ P: x  看例句:Book value per share is equal to the net assets represented by one share of stock.(每股账面价值等于每股股票代表的净资产。)5 M( \% l' j' [# b" ?- M

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