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[考试辅导] 金融口语:签订合约SigningAContract

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  JOHN: Have you had a chance to look over the contract?
1 E3 h" ]+ v0 G6 Z2 X  d+ b! ^6 e0 F  d  LORRIE: Yes. I've read it carefully.
( ~- }0 ?3 p: I2 R  JOHN: And do you have any questions?
2 J; u" V0 C$ ?' ~; G8 Y  LORRIE: No. But the contract stipulates that I will teach 22 hours a week.
! ~, M- D( e5 c1 C$ d3 U  Will you have that many classes for me right away?
) |6 G, _5 W9 ~3 G( q  JOHN: No, probably not. For the first two weeks you may teach 10 or 15 hours.1 v: ^2 o  n! \9 F$ v. n* V, @
  LORRIE: But my salary will be 1100 dollars a month.
8 S! t5 y- k) n  T/ \0 H8 V, f) f  Will you pay me that much for the first month?
6 W+ ^  z6 m3 v  Because, I mean, I won't be working so many hours.
' B7 m* l2 }. h- q% N) s+ E  JOHN: I understand. That's why I didn’t write the date on the contract.! S8 J" `) c6 j2 `. F
  For the first two weeks, we will pay you according to the hours you teach.
$ A: u* v. s$ Y  When you have 22 hours of classes, then the contract will take effect.0 _% M/ Y4 i$ Q* @9 u9 l' |4 D
  Is that alright with you?
4 H' o: q! O5 D  LORRIE: Oh, so I don't sign the contract today. Is that right?
- j+ g, J0 Z' k: l! l" X  JOHN: I don't want you to misunderstand, Miss Briggs.& M% \  M$ d+ t' E
  We are very serious about hiring you. We want you to teach for us.
$ v$ B3 E) N9 C6 E2 ?  We usually do contracts this way because it is more convenient.
/ Q- o# t$ N- U! M# ?  LORRIE: I can accept that.
2 [; v; o" v6 s# a$ A3 o7 u  JOHN: Good. And your benefits will begin immediately.
! t4 A0 {2 X3 E7 v  LORRIE: Even my health insurance?" N' M( \8 }$ |% [- ?
  JOHN: Yes. We will apply for your health insurance tomorrow.; @9 m/ `/ S9 |2 b' G# ?- T! Z
  And your free membership in the club starts today if you like.
0 Z) k% s+ ?* A# C( w5 f6 Z( `  LORRIE: I have a few questions about the free membership.  V6 t% m, P8 t* _, l
  JOHN: What would you like to know?
8 A2 `% c; a0 [. _4 L  LORRIE: Is my membership the same as paying club members?
8 |  [. X! _* J2 \  I mean, can I get discounts at club hotels?
3 g# G% R* n: X; Y0 t0 u  JOHN: Absolutely. The only difference is in the restaurant and bar vouchers.
. B3 y6 Y. U7 H, z  LORRIE: What are bar vouchers?
. t8 O. M: v, R+ p+ [, |  JOHN: Paying club members get around 300 dollars a year in restaurant vouchers.
# b1 n' F+ f1 R  The vouchers can be used in the restaurant or the lounge.
) v6 x+ C* @9 y. Z5 p( h% r  But we don't offer vouchers to employees.
9 a; I1 S) T) \. U) b( A  LORRIE: But according to the contract, employees get a discount in the restaurant.
0 D6 S6 ~  L2 }* m. R7 Y  [' I  JOHN: That's right. So in a way, it is cheaper for you than for the members.  b  ^0 u; e* k" v& g
  You get more benefits than they do.
+ x; f7 O# z, }) D  LORRIE: So, for now, you want me to keep a copy of the contract.
, X7 b* |0 S  a% O  But we won't sign it yet. Is that right?
% D; Y5 S6 M+ L. z9 f+ ^  JOHN: Yes. I've prepared the contract just so that you understand everything.
" k) _: ~; U0 @  So that you understand the terms.
1 _" _6 f' Q5 m! g! H" d  LORRIE: I understand./ `' H. F( c9 T
  And according to the terms on the contract, I am happy to accept this job.' S8 I+ M9 A# |' I5 \
  I look forward to it.
3 F3 G! U& D( H$ Q; @  JOHN: I'm very pleased. We look forward to having you here, Miss Briggs.
8 Z  G1 A' k3 g% z$ U. _  约翰:你有机会看一下合约吗?4 s( L0 U, S( A& L. M' Z( M1 O
- b) h6 A9 N4 s9 x  约翰:你有什么问题吗?3 c8 h. o" R8 q* ^  Y& L3 n  R: `
+ r& k% y+ k( e( L* _  你现在有那么多的课给我上吗?
) J+ u3 Q% Y* m5 `4 c' s; d. p1 V  约翰:没有,大概没有。前两周你可以后教十到十五小时。
3 |$ J1 X2 q* D- l  o! p  罗莉:但我的薪水是一个月一千一百美元。
8 r: p3 a5 N  l: B! c2 k8 ?  |  你第一个月会付我那么多吗?: [  w7 u' J# r5 C
  因为,我的意思是,我没有工作那么多小时。! z& ~( [  q" J! A6 l1 ]
1 H4 j: o0 l1 o4 ~( U  在前两周,我们会以你教的时数付你薪资。
/ b( Z! J: i0 s6 f! n  当你有教二十二个小时的课,合约就生效。* e$ J1 _! a0 l: {! a% |% O
% ~' y. Q3 A1 e$ p1 C% N) s  罗莉:喔,所以我可以今天先不签吗?这样可以吗?
* @- e3 {% d7 g- G  约翰:我不想你误解,布丽格丝小姐。/ {+ j, B! ~. B- [# ?  i/ Q* v% _
  我们是很慎重的要雇用你。我们希望你来这里教。0 C; B5 f: y. Q: D1 a" _
  我们通常这样签约是因为比较方便。8 H) T, n& C: m% Q# r) e" `9 k1 K
4 C& [% }; q  A1 a, [7 E3 w, d& j9 f  约翰:很好。你的福利就立刻生效。% q7 P0 M* d7 t- ~1 V
8 k: Z9 x. I3 W/ w" Y: R  约翰:是的。我们明天会帮你申请健康保险。
7 ^( l( _" f, H/ Y  如果你喜欢,你今天就能成为免费的会员。. C( N$ T" @; p8 \  p
! f2 ~7 P" D7 r! E; s2 q  约翰:你想知道些什么?  V) _* n1 w+ W0 f: H
  罗莉:我的会员身份是否跟付费会员一样呢?, T# D8 T3 I! [6 M! t* X
5 _$ U, N7 K* p7 Q4 o  约翰:绝对可以。唯一不同的在于餐厅和吧台抵用券。
- ~. o& p  P1 e, p- i' j  罗莉:什么是吧台抵用券?
2 g5 N8 y5 g3 J+ J) r$ _/ l. m  约翰:付费会员可以拿到一年三百元的餐厅抵用券。
' R& c2 N0 B0 n5 f  抵用券可在餐厅及会客厅使用。
3 ]0 F: }, }6 _0 w% f$ F: d  但我们不给予员工抵用券。
9 h4 q: t5 F& n* H, A% U, c6 B+ P  罗莉:但根据合约上,员工可以在餐厅享有折扣。
; ^( }' M) Z4 G. N  约翰:没错。换句话说,你是比会员花费更省。- c& n' A: N& [: F" M- ?2 z
  你有比他们有更多的福利。* d8 h- S8 ~8 P- x
  罗莉:所以,现在,你要我保留一份合约影印本。3 O+ G* J5 j/ Y. K; I% {7 a' c
  但我们还不签。是这样吗?8 k- O* r6 ]! c$ Y2 ^$ a
  约翰:是的。我准备合约只是想让你了解一切事情。* S- [3 x* r; O& @7 c5 b
7 D7 ?0 b+ s1 B( C  罗莉:我明白了。: }$ ?6 Z4 J( H" w
  根据合约上的条件,我很高兴接受这个工作。- S$ }0 {/ k0 L, h
# ]7 M* r7 R/ k; v& |; X9 @  约翰:我很高兴。我们期待你来这里,布丽格丝小姐。

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