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[考试辅导] 金融口语:部门会议DepartmentalMeeting

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  SHARON: Well, you two.4 O1 J, _) W0 z% l) K& T1 U! q1 [
  I have good news from Ms. Wells.6 v6 t& C0 g$ A/ C4 u- A
  CANDY: Are we opening the new shop?
" b: ^% k/ `! {: D6 F9 m  SHARON: Not just that, Candy.) a" D+ j! ?0 W) ?" W$ _0 A
  Ms. Wells wants me to tell you that we will be opening two new shops.* j& K3 X" W% V) ]6 |
  CANDY: Two?7 ^* t" O" x" A& r+ ^! t
  ANDREW: So fast?' @# T- L& e8 ]
  SHARON: Yes, two. They've just decided on the second location.+ A' o4 K" J7 Y5 r
  And Ms. Wells wants to thank us especially.
7 d! b) V0 i3 U) b- v& b, |3 ]  CANDY: She is a very aggressive woman. Two shops at once!( |/ K; R+ c1 N* J
  How will they have the staff for that?; t$ V  ~: H; K& n5 X8 I7 Q$ d5 O
  SHARON: That isn't our concern, Candy.
6 y+ S. g4 l' x  G0 a. z& F  But Ms. Wells says she wanted to thank us especially.1 A+ N$ X4 K( r5 {
  She wants to take us to dinner this Saturday.% X# k1 O% E) I) l$ M
  ANDREW: Great. So I guess our television ads worked., D9 {' R- S7 x% j: g- V
  SHARON: If we judge by April's sales, they worked almost miraculously.5 J; m  o9 S& L$ ], `( V) S
  ANDREW: That good?  k' w/ B7 u& `( h* y3 ~
  SHARON: Yes. According to what Ms. Wells told me,
% j7 d* Z6 a0 w  sales are up around 65% at all three stores.# N$ C4 z: t. {" ^4 e
  CANDY: Excellent! And she thinks it was because of the TV ads?
. r' K$ N/ v, ~+ I  SHARON: Yes. What else? She says she is very grateful for your idea, Andrew.
. M& \* n6 J- |4 w  That concept was dynamite.+ a5 M; U/ u  t
  ANDREW: I thought we should promote more directly to younger women.
- P  R7 j/ E# l. t7 _8 D% u  So it worked. I'm glad.8 o% T. ]( @/ U! P0 a& Z4 h# Y
  SHARON: Now we need to develop the concept more.
% \  {, p/ d2 G% P+ p  h6 q% }2 t  I'm thinking about more newspaper ads and billboards.+ u8 N8 k. _7 s! u
  And maybe a new TV ad as well.4 X; \9 X  F. J5 ]9 V! s
  ANDREW: For newspaper ads, we will have to work with a different advertising agency.
( t9 {9 M+ f+ D$ W1 `  The Tate Company only does television.$ T2 C. ]) Q: |5 w& F( \2 e2 O$ R. J
  SHARON: I know that. Can you try to set up some meetings with other agencies, Candy?9 ]9 u, D5 G: e
  CANDY: Sure. I'll call around. I just need to know your schedule.
8 Q" L0 K& e! ?* g% c. R  SHARON: We'll have to work hard on this, you two.
$ |1 G8 O1 s- N$ {% U( p2 d! P  Ms. Wells thinks we may be able to steal the market from the shopping malls.) x, w7 ^$ ?$ F
  So she wants to hit them hard, and hit them fast.) m1 Z2 S; e: ~( R6 }; u
  ANDREW: That sounds more like military strategy than makeup sales.
/ M. ]: C2 I# k. M' B  SHARON: Well, you know, Andrew——beauty products are like anything else.) C8 S7 G0 s6 \! p# p1 i% ]
  Business is war, whatever you sell.2 f4 c: x! Z% e+ {" D
  夏伦:嗯,你们两个。1 e+ ^; T: [1 s% `
  我从威尔斯太太那儿听到好消息。9 t5 e" z% \. M' W5 ~! @
9 H% u9 Q3 b8 S3 g8 f, J/ S% r1 N  夏伦:不止是那样,肯蒂。
# \0 I3 D/ f: t- y# D  威尔斯太太要我告诉你们我们将要开两家店。
! ]" z0 b  W5 K7 K) Y1 E  肯蒂:两家?
: M# k2 `! T8 T5 i& q5 z  安卓鲁:那么快?$ ^8 K) |3 ^7 s- d2 n5 u% j
  夏伦:是的,两家。他们才刚决定第二家店的地点。- H# v( }; _- U9 H
  威尔斯太太特别要谢谢我们。6 c" M1 K* j" `8 E
  肯蒂:她是非常有冲劲的女人,同时开两家店!+ I& }! T8 g5 j0 G" P4 d
( j' a! b5 [9 Y+ S# P6 k  夏伦:那并不是我们所担心的,肯蒂。( J# O9 D  p6 @0 i  ^% `5 q8 K1 [
  但威尔斯太太说要特别谢谢我们。: b/ o# [' C$ a
  她要在这个星期六带我们去晚餐。3 W+ a1 L3 r  E
  安卓鲁:真好,所以我猜电视的广告有效了。9 E+ Y6 i/ c. R0 m+ A6 R& b% L
: X0 ?2 R: q% B( P9 Y: Z) a% |3 C+ k  安卓鲁:那么好?, B6 \) n) ^$ J2 H# g; ?( L- J
  夏伦:是的。按威尔斯太太所告诉我的,# i  S+ a' M* q0 L
  在三个店面销售都上升百分之六十五。4 i/ K) p5 L) T- w' k
  肯蒂:太好了!她相信是因为拜电视广告所赐的?; k3 y& m: G  _) @, r- u  p
  夏伦:是的。还有什么呢?她说她非常感谢你的构想,安德鲁。# Q: \9 C: V6 O5 K* v/ O
  那个概念真具爆炸性。6 N8 V. O0 e& Q
* R0 c3 t# {4 q# y  这是有效的,我很高兴。+ v: @, P; ?: z, F2 I
  L2 T9 P% i7 Z% t) M  我在想有关报纸广告以及设立广告牌。1 F& ~: k6 D6 y/ T5 S& ?; i
" Q- }- T4 w. q% @  安卓鲁:有关报纸广告,我们需要再找一个煌墓愀娲砩獭?br> 泰德公司只做电视广告。6 G' B/ h  r" S3 e; d
  夏伦:我知道。你可以再安排一些跟代理商的会谈吗,肯蒂?+ G( W; J8 h9 J% f
4 C6 J+ h3 f( x, i% O: h! ~' F# `  夏伦:我们必须要在这方面很努力,你们两位。
3 y7 V/ J! V  S7 a+ Z( }  威尔斯太太希望我们能够把百货公司的市场给抢过来。
' R5 M' b; [8 w% G  她要大大地打击他们,而且要快速。: M( S/ l9 z- F' n7 p" w  |* ~
  安卓鲁:那比较像军事战略而非化妆品的销售。3 |2 A9 G7 q! \) f+ g6 w3 H
! Y: O$ ?! J- E- j9 a  商场如战场,不管你是卖什么。

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