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[考试辅导] 金融口语:出口产品到美国ExportingProductsToTheU.S.

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  JOHN: So it looks like we start selling in the U.S. next year.) G; I2 w7 ^4 Q
  CAROL: Did Mr. Lin put you in charge of marketing?
& D/ I6 Y; B2 k- o- R$ R  JOHN: He's still not sure whether he wants to put me in charge,! X6 {; R! p8 m5 @' U, k: a
  or whether he wants to hire an American.
9 T: g' g$ T" \3 s' C9 [  But even if he hires an American, I'll probably be transferred to our American office.
$ w& O: M2 L  O+ }2 O9 Z  CAROL: Where will it be?
* A; p- a1 o% ^- T: F  JOHN: We aren't sure yet. Maybe L.A. I think L.A. would be the best idea.
* Z  E! v# @2 }6 c* H( m  CAROL: Is it because of trade negotiations that we can start selling in the U.S.?2 V  p9 ?: y! l5 _  `# u" Z9 ~
  JOHN: Yes, the recent agreements between the two governments have changed everything.+ D: o! q% w# w+ A& {
  Now we have the right to sell in America at a much lower tariff.
; \. \( k- }2 t5 W6 }5 U& O6 o$ V/ S6 M  It's going to be good. We can compete more directly with them.
( `) M! _+ `: z* Y# h3 f6 |, X  CAROL: Great.
: {% l+ N1 k# e& i  JOHN: Our computers have a high level of quality now.
  n& N% [" @+ T. Z6 G  We can demonstrate it. And our prices will be good.
9 g5 A: }2 m6 j0 d' H9 o  O& |  So I think it will really be worthwhile.
4 j0 ]2 F! T0 B) q  CAROL: You seem excited about it./ V8 {. f' Y8 K" q: _; m; o. W$ q& C
  JOHN: Well, you know I studied marketing in America.
! R" ?. H/ e0 [8 @, e  So maybe the thought of going back there to promote our brand is kind of exciting to me.1 C! Q, R5 e. }; |. h' R4 k
  I'd love to be part of the team.
! U: T  c& Z3 g% e4 i" H/ K  CAROL: Do you honestly think we can compete though? All the computer giants are there.0 i! Q* p2 @# Y2 S; M
  JOHN: Yes, I do. I think we can compete. I think we can make a name for ourselves.  Z% _% a1 ~" `( l8 R
  It will be hard at first. But if we develop a good advertising campaign,4 z7 @0 z8 [1 K( M/ ?9 p
  I think we can break into the market.4 R5 x+ V0 A- z! }/ `( Z* ?
  CAROL: The company will have to choose a good advertising firm.( |5 R% y2 v  t& P/ S* j- v: S$ W  m
  And then there's the problem of quality.
1 S5 \3 i3 \. m( y( N/ T1 X* m# P, [2 K  How do we convince American buyers that our quality is good?
2 t4 _5 |$ r: F% c; ]5 ?  JOHN: It takes some time.* z0 |( Z. B" V7 T/ p# U
  Because even if the quality is high,- ~8 q1 H( Q: Q4 W( g7 h  j
  people won't accept a high tech product unless they recognize the name.
% i4 U8 u- |6 v2 z8 m( _4 E* D7 a  Name recognition is crucial.+ u3 w' h! _& i0 b
  CAROL: Well, I hope it all works out, John.
; j2 c+ F; j) {7 l  I think if you're part of the team, things will go well.6 ?; Q1 w  S3 p
  But you know we'd all miss you here. So I won’t say I'm happy to think that you’re leaving.; |+ I) V- ~7 W- b. Z0 l. H
  JOHN: That's very nice of you to say.
$ O" E" N2 a' u' w& a  But if we set up an office there in the States, maybe you could try to become part of it.7 Z3 d4 B  [! d0 p9 d4 j
  CAROL: Me? No way.
1 t4 D& q1 ]; w) a2 X2 l8 Z  I'm dedicated to the company, but I’m not going to leave Taiwan. I'm happy here.& S: e, y5 N" G5 _' N: n
  约翰:看起来我们明年要开始往美国销售。  \! v, E6 f% J; p* G4 Q
  卡萝:林先生有让你负责销售吗?( C1 r* }% F# [: h
  约翰:他还没有确定要让我负责- ^5 j( |/ Y1 w# e7 T/ e0 u" Y
  或是他想请一个美国人。( p7 X! [3 s7 L3 h$ T8 X
: X. f: H( d) h, q1 d% W$ t( `  卡萝:会在哪里?$ N9 h( i0 a5 T6 {
  约翰:我们还不确定,可能在洛杉矶。我认为洛杉矶会是最好的想法。9 L6 s8 V" _" u2 y. N# m
. c# \* Q8 \6 ^& X! v" u  约翰:是的,双方政府之间的协议改变了所有的现况。
2 n9 s" T6 P# ]! G  现在我们销售到美国的关税已经减低。  K4 z+ r% S3 t8 N
' P5 x. u" p! E4 r, ^0 k  卡萝:太好了。7 g: E; U/ r9 y) M5 |% G9 Y
& ?3 l6 v& x$ U" u1 H& p$ d6 r+ P  我们可以参展,我们的价格会很好。
, {8 w/ P* h/ j6 ^0 c3 {  所以我认为这是值得做的。4 W" u- R+ j, o( i1 @, Y5 ^
' a1 r& J2 }/ y+ }) g  约翰:嗯,你知道我在美国念营销。
8 B. \. a2 _8 j$ \6 k! E  所以回到那里展出我们的产品对我来说是很兴奋的。
/ r% y; N! k* v  我很高兴能够成为这个队上的一员。
+ A6 R9 P: b: S! f1 Q  卡萝:老实说你真认为我们能竞争吗?有名气的计算机公司都在那里。5 b% \# d( x0 l' k- ?; t1 ]6 K
  约翰:是的,我认为我们能竞争。我认为我们可以成名。: n  }) M, p- Y1 q
  在开始的时候会比较难,但如果我们能够运用好的广告来造势的话," ~% y3 i+ Y! Q/ ?
1 ]% `0 ^" t* g- Q3 q  卡萝:公司会选一个不错的广告公司。
9 {3 F$ a1 X% v0 g' x  再来就是品质上的问题。. ]5 F# r: [, |: u& Q  [
. u# F, m! v* G2 B2 {' c/ E1 H4 }  约翰:这是要花点时间的。$ f0 J* L! U+ Z3 f4 T% Q
  因为即使品质是很高- h* {5 ^) ^$ C' M
( ~: e8 _0 J5 ]+ v  品牌的确是很重要的。! a  q/ Y3 }" a
- w6 b8 G6 u  C  我认为如果你能在这个队上的话,就没有问题。4 d* }% n7 A3 a8 L# Z
  但你知道我们都很想念你,所以对于你的离开,我不会高兴的。/ j+ p5 @' y. e( B/ q+ ?
# S& t% t6 N( z. M# R  但是我们能在美国有一间办公室,或许你也可以成为一份子。8 a0 u. _" o3 I) j- e. n, f" x! J
$ v0 w- |" p" e  我的人奉献给公司,但我是不会离开台湾的。我在这儿很快乐。

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