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[考试辅导] 金融口语:商业提议BusinessProposal

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  TIFFANY: We have the capital ready.
6 ]' r: A3 M7 h' _; h& q/ y  Right now I am looking at three different companies to produce our products.
# L" q3 o7 x/ E  And your company, Mr. Chen, seems to me to be the best for what we want.
- o" ~/ N4 i- B/ d, Z  TOM: I appreciate your remarks. And we are always happy to do more business.. D# p# K. c' W" _; m! n* B
  But, you know, if we take on a contract to produce new products,$ a/ j# P1 L6 G, K6 W  @
  we want to be confident the product is marketable.1 `; f  X& o& J6 V; H9 r
  Because, to start producing new things requires a lot of preparation.5 x5 P7 W4 t. l+ v' q" c  {
  It requires a lot of investment for us.. L1 K, l/ u% c. K7 D1 _, q
  TIFFANY: You have some doubts about our products, I understand.
+ y7 k! F  t; q  TOM: I would like to offer you a good price.+ `. ?! v& I# i! ?3 {; S
  But I won't be able to do that if I think this is a one-shot deal.7 ~1 i4 l5 l% `9 V( K
  So I would like to have some confidence in your idea.$ D6 `( P  f7 Y! I2 N% P$ Y, R
  TIFFANY: Of course. Let me tell you in some detail about our idea." o: M" j$ j; ^# q4 \
  You know the popular “Hello Kitty” products.
# t0 c8 a, K. t" W2 i% ~8 q% `  TOM: Yes, of course.
9 o5 h- M* z6 c$ r+ H/ R  TIFFANY: Well, the products in themselves are very simple.
# ~- s5 f6 O9 O3 A; N  It is the logo that is successful.3 {  S, l0 c% I4 f% R8 w% G8 m
  So, “Hello Kitty” is successful because of the logo, but the products are very simple.
& y3 \6 J/ I. N) D+ u2 z% A  TOM: And I would say the logo is successful mainly because it comes from Japan./ N# {  v4 H! t/ V* {* R) m
  It is the Japanese that have made it a fad.( ~: S$ P& H( R5 A# [& q4 @
  TIFFANY: That might be true.
5 u  u  s) i( s4 C* d  But we have a logo concept that is great. It is really great.. u6 {/ _! ^# C* r& M
  I think it will catch on in Taiwan at least. Young people will love it.
; l( R* ?9 E2 y* x, `  It is because of our logo that our products will sell.
- s- i; h6 s/ L6 ~1 \/ P- C4 E  We just need someone to produce the products for us.
* }% ?' }- `% T4 `' z  We have the backup and people to do the marketing.- I0 ^) J/ x4 V2 f0 G
  TOM: So what you are really trying to sell is a fad.
% w! X- B8 A# `0 n; ^* t  G5 [  TIFFANY: Yes, we would like to make things like key chains,4 f1 \# v! s9 I- j' w( Q
  plastic pencil sharpeners, plastic rulers, watches, wallets, things like that.
4 G7 O: E5 w/ f/ ]  Little accessories for young people. But the reason these will sell is the logo.
  d7 W+ ?2 A( A; u  Just like “Hello Kitty.”
) l4 o1 `. ^, S2 t9 z  TOM: I understand. But why won't you show me the logo?
/ o: ~) L; L, q2 {  TIFFANY: Because it hasn't been copyrighted. We want to get some protection for it.
5 V: b' c% r. _1 G9 P/ r  But while we wait for copyright, we are investigating companies to produce the products.
+ K2 b& X$ G5 J' E$ w  TOM: I see. The problem, however,) _$ X5 l) U: o2 b2 I; T# o1 S3 ?
  is that I can't be confident in giving you a good price5 j- j& I! v' \: E' Z( D
  unless I am confident your product will last.! `; d/ u; q$ s* j* I) s4 c/ v
  TIFFANY: I understand. For now, though, you could just give us an estimated price.9 ]$ c! ?! h  D7 M: f' K
  We aren't going to sign a contract yet. We are just investigating.. |% A+ y2 l' X2 [* k9 m
  I only need to know that your company is capable of producing the products.
4 U: D: y5 @$ ~7 d  And then, I only need a very rough idea of how much it might cost.# j# X' Y# Q; x8 g
  TOM: Alright. I understand. Right now you just want estimates.; U" v% W! q5 i5 U  y
- P# o! E" o5 n# x4 l  蒂芬妮:我们的资金已准备好了。7 R4 u3 M* G$ `3 w
  至今我看过三间不同的公司可以生产我们的产品。! T+ V* h  `  E7 E
  而陈先生,你的公司,在我看来是最符合我们公司所需要的。, i# u" A! T3 q1 m
# N& @; V; e1 u+ o  但是,你知道如果我们接下订单来生产新的产品,
% s1 S. h9 l+ m& p* f  t7 d0 }" \  我们要很有信心这个产品在市场上是有销路的。# d. k# U, n2 D  {, K9 D
  因为,开始生产新的东西需要很多的准备。) p, T( x3 t( f& H; Y1 t
  我们需要很多的投资。3 L% R! m4 L2 C* R+ p+ H. j
+ W, O" R2 H1 E  k  汤姆:我很想给你一个好价钱。
2 l  ^# D- E: S$ K1 I! A  但如果我认为这只是一次性买卖,我没办法那样做。
5 O. x9 c: G, @& i# o+ C  所以我希望能跟你达成共识。  x( ~+ w2 y, d& P8 `2 s* P
  蒂芬妮:当然。让我告诉你更多更详细我们的想法。+ K  p& B8 |' ~" C9 f# i0 i
% z* ~7 d# ?' C0 f: s- k& ~, ^0 H  汤姆:是的,当然。+ G" f1 r6 R( S% Y  I
0 |* _. x8 z  I' `3 D8 J  是它的商标使它成功。/ @& _" E  v0 W( w, P
  所以,“奇蒂猫”会成功是因为它的商标,但产品本身是很简单的。2 r& j% U' O4 l1 B
' [" U& R/ P0 s# r' C" z  是日本人带来流行起来的。2 x$ I5 E! X, |: _5 h% W
/ Z2 e1 j# R& I/ q  v  但我们的商标概念是很好的,真的很好。
5 x& e' ^: F+ A( J1 q6 @  我想至少在台湾是会流行的,年轻人会喜欢的。
8 W+ p$ ~6 X. Z0 O9 p  因为我们的商标所以产品会有卖点。, A+ W( r! e5 K3 w+ I- t
  我们只是需要人来替我们生产产品。' l  ~# J4 L& L  ^) b. c
  我们有后援也有人负责营销。$ v9 x- u& C0 m* v& u4 O
9 {/ h1 m- e! f  蒂芬妮:是的,我们要做的产品是像钥匙链,
- u% E# w/ X: L, w! r  塑料制的削铅笔机,塑料制的尺,手表,皮夹之类的东西。
+ k+ k8 J3 H- G7 Z  小配件专给年轻人,但会畅销完全是商标的原因。
6 D! x, V& z8 G  就像是“奇蒂猫”一样。" [! Q" u6 u! y5 @# K" z' o
3 O0 N3 }6 c% ]( l- w  蒂芬妮:因为还没有注册,我们需要一些保障。( o5 R8 Z& g: S8 k" d. I5 G) C

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


7 A; V+ y$ b9 x+ \4 t  我不确定能给你一个好的价钱,! M' ?9 b7 E) A/ Z3 z" f
" w& S. r7 J; y3 T. W  蒂芬妮:我懂了。现在你可以给我们一个估价。; o1 |+ K# K$ B7 K' o
  我们还没有要签合约,我们还在评估。2 U& a: L1 V2 H) a7 E
- l- N; B' S. c  s6 R- V& N  所以,我只需要一个非常粗略的想法及大约的费用。
6 r* n4 l4 H% T' q8 G7 B. r9 A  汤姆:好,我了解了。现在你只是需要估量价。" Z# p" E* B  m% G
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