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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:WTO英语900句2

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  It'll take a couple of days to process your application.
5 k  ]/ `0 O0 g/ H: Q$ b  银行需要几天来处理你的申请。- J6 m7 o, _! M3 `: z/ V
  You should receive written confirmation of the loan in a few days.! c1 d7 u+ Q* W, H
  几天后,你就会收到贷款的书面答复。8 Z; m8 f5 a8 P" |  l4 T* t6 x
  Let's talk about delivery dates.
( N' I* h7 R: W$ I# @  我们谈一谈送货日期。8 r* \8 ~" ]6 R% V* l
  Let's talk about using a different supplier.
5 B, A/ O1 s" @* z3 G# ]  我们谈一谈用另外一个供应商。' ^: j! u. ]/ P# z" f( p
  We'll be needing 500,000 units.
& `* s2 y0 e6 I. q* p  我们需要五十万件。
, ^/ \2 Q+ V9 f* @1 A8 Y! f  Have you got all the financial details you need?
4 Y+ S6 Z7 t9 O  你得到所需的一切金融详情了吗?
  `3 K6 i8 V7 |+ g  We'll need security on a loan of this size.
; R2 `9 k- o* B( a  我们对这样一笔贷款需要安全担保。. C: m1 b% g" ]$ n
  My father has agreed to guarantee the loan./ E# p5 z8 E1 S
& r& u% |; v" \" a5 D4 P2 q; b. b$ I  Will the bank agree to the loan?
* X1 J6 }5 S8 c. i9 v  银行同意贷款吗?# X8 e; V/ m( U
  That seems fine. I can't see any problems with your application.6 p1 w4 D; h; y; f
8 ^$ e3 Z4 z- m  I want to borrow some money.& N5 A$ p: W- G5 ?
  我想借一些钱。" \9 z* j1 W( [
  How are you going to make the repayments?
/ w3 o3 l, _; O1 t- b  你打算如何还款?
2 ^: \$ f2 `/ E  I think I need to borrow $500,000.
: y7 s: j5 {4 Z1 u/ i  我要借五十万美元。9 }! k, O0 t1 w2 Z
  Have you got any capital?7 A0 J6 M- A( A& l" U
  你有资本吗?4 D2 k! `9 T; j5 l: G" O/ w
  How is the capital invested?
9 U, {3 F. A7 B; H! i( ?3 q" X8 N  资本如何投资的?
; I; a. N3 l8 r/ m8 m2 S  How soon can we expect delivery?- F7 z$ F+ x0 }' E) Q1 Q2 L7 N
  我们多久能收到邮件?4 f9 P) [* T+ G
  We can deliver the order by 15th.
1 O1 E& ^8 a! C+ n3 }2 H; \2 X+ m  我们可以在十五日发送。- N. y7 t: X0 k2 R3 m
  Either the delivery is immediate, or we'll have to cancel the order.8 q" S/ D3 }. `8 l
  若不能立即送货,我们将取消定货。& D1 w1 [/ r2 d9 S; A* Y7 o
  I'd like to talk about a bank loan.
, c; y# {/ F% T0 _# _  我想谈一谈银行贷款。
1 g& T* `- B/ i2 x. S6 d8 e  What is your income?1 i+ s/ E0 p/ i: t: ?
  你的收入是多少?0 d& @3 |8 l3 c" _1 {! E2 L" T
  What does the guarantee cover?
5 u- g1 @- K& j% n% p  担保的内容是什么?
3 H3 Z: Y! P1 j  Do you charge extra for delivery?
! w" J, U+ ]9 {  另收送货费吗?( j& U" E4 W3 ^5 b4 k
  Yes, we do.
$ \" B; o1 F1 D/ P  是的。
) I9 O% G/ o# X. {% R5 x. F4 {  What about delivery time?2 a0 p5 J4 N. H) P5 B- U: }! T5 d
- D) ~( m, K) N0 T  Y  We can't deliver before July 12th.( y5 D0 L, |$ U6 o! d
  Z$ o6 @* v# t; b* p4 P  If I buy 50 units, will you give me a discount?
/ _/ c, H: p% D3 A( z  如果买五十台,可以打折吗?8 V9 i4 l( N! x4 b
  I'll give you a 20% discount if you buy 200.
; ?; V- d+ G4 Q& f7 v5 ]  如果买二百台,可以打八折。" [  Z- u: c. o! t
  What sort of guarantee do you offer?( b( |$ g: y) j6 @0 T: D, q
' a- f) k- |7 Q( O( m! |  How long does the guarantee last?& R! k' l* g& @4 t& z
  担保期多长?! @) |' R" y! o% i3 n+ t
  It's valid for two years.
6 ]* Q2 w0 ^( x4 b, H1 ?$ L0 U" S  两年。) C' u! u7 A( t7 p
  It's made of wood.
4 W$ X7 x' |* h: x8 c' x  木制的。- x4 c, k2 i& i
  How much does it weigh?- e0 K+ Q% }" s4 r
. \4 H" `. \2 M  s6 m: O  It weighs 15 kgs.
. A" N- R+ i  ?8 |0 b' g& t( r0 k  重15公斤。
5 E1 |9 z% Z/ L/ K  Could you give me a discount?0 H: H; w0 q4 O9 f
  可以打折吗?! ]2 z9 \, I) I$ n- d% `' B6 g- y
  It depends on the size of the order.
5 W! P# D. l$ R5 a  这取决于你的订购数量。) r0 T) f- d" G2 Q6 {
  What does it look like?! @3 t! U  m6 Q9 |5 S1 |2 Y
  什么样子?* o6 J- q) M4 c# P" X  W8 I. t
  It's big and heavy but elegant.
2 U1 Q; R& N. J, U  大而重,但很雅观。
% K* l! n3 v% x* a- e  What colors does it come in?+ v2 T  v3 |9 D2 b" C7 a
  一共有几种颜色?2 R2 Q1 e" o8 B/ X: N
  come in: become available (at a particular time of the year)(在一年的某一时间)有(货); 可以买到:" V+ t& {! e) C5 E- h1 ?3 z! Q' h( M+ P
  * English strawberries usually come in in late June. 英国草莓通常在六月下旬上市)
* \+ L' ], X- Y! M0 M) k  It comes in red and blue.  m; M) B4 h9 q$ \  E) Z

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