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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:WTO英语900句12

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Do you mean to say that if we entrust you with the agency, you will sell $1,000,000 each year?  你的意思是说如果我们指定你们为代理,你将每年销售100万美元?
: g4 G% a* ]* }& d  I couldn't have said it any better. But we expect a 10% commission, of course.: Z5 w5 B% R  I9 C% k; Q0 L
  就是这个意思。当然我们要求10%的佣金。" a" y' F6 b4 F/ Q- p
  commission:[C, U] payment to sb for selling goods which increases with the quantity of goods sold 佣金; 回扣; 酬劳金:8 X2 Y  i5 T: }7 T, |
  * You get (a) 10% commission on everything you sell. 你可从售出的每种货物中得到10%佣金。' J2 t( G4 b% I" |- b
  * earn 2000 (in) commission 挣得2000英镑酬劳金, s2 }1 j: s3 `, C6 t. n  |2 d# \
  * She is working for us on commission, ie is not paid a salary. 她按挣回扣方式为我们工作(没有薪水)。8 y3 l, x/ p" d( p
  Our agents in other areas usually get a 5-7% commission.0 e& r3 b! |- |# U
  我们给其它地区代理的佣金通常是5-7%.& }2 g' {& I# h
  But your product is still new to our market, and we need to do a lot of work and spend a lot of money on sales promotion.
3 r8 P) F, u9 b! o8 T3 X7 D  但我们市场对你们产品仍然不太了解,我们在推销过程中需要做很多工作,花很多钱。4 w# ~/ T8 v) A: S0 a
  A 10% commission won't leave us much.' B$ S4 i" y6 m0 s! n
- ]9 M* t5 h! h( x' l" x+ d  As you know, we are a well-established firm in the line of textiles, and we enjoy good relations with all the wholesalers, chain stores and distributors in Canada.' c/ Q- @) m, F' c9 Q
  你知道,我公司在纺织业有良好的信誉,跟加拿大所有的批发商、连锁商店和分销商都保持很好的关系。/ R( Z9 {: a' [* Q
  line: [sing] department of activity; type of business 活动的范围; 行业:# d5 c1 Y2 X3 M1 W, f6 R  ]% f) l
  * He's something in the `banking line. 他在银行工作。8 [! f8 J3 b7 A  e
  * Her line is more selling than production. 她搞销售而不搞生产。
; l1 Q$ g; q& N  * That's not (much in) my line, ie not one of my skills or interests. 那我可不(大)在行。
) o+ k9 w- u. g1 c  You'll find it most worthwhile if you appoint us as your sole agent.) Z9 X/ q+ R% w! s! V
  如果指定我们为你们的独家代理,你们会觉得特别值。7 ^3 Z1 _/ x1 K2 h
  Thank you for your intention to help promote the sales of our products, and we are quite satisfied with your performance in the last two years.- N* f& l# \# v
* a6 b) Y' G8 u/ _: z! d; f/ I  But honestly, an annual sales volume of $500,000 does not justify a sole agency agreement.& h8 h" s  R/ Y: k
3 x+ \" ?; ~  |; f  If we are granted the sole agency, we can assure you that we'll double the turnover.
( A9 C- m( Q& ~7 ]4 M  I  如果我们得到独家代理权,我们保证销售量可翻一番。
' g0 W& T- k) H- v1 h. g  I've come to talk about an agency agreement.
+ e" h$ X) r/ k, B$ v! @0 R  我是来谈代理协议的。
, ?/ M3 z# S( {6 O4 A9 r  What do you have in mind?
- u, g: x' {3 R6 J/ S  你们有什么想法?  S- L# A5 @5 W6 g' e0 z
  Ever since your product entered our market two years ago, it has shown a great market potential.4 p/ b' R% `6 X: i8 |
' l# {$ l' i0 A  potential :n [U] ~ (for sth) possibility of being developed or used 潜在性; 可能性:
9 ~% p7 Q8 F1 _5 r  C  *She recognized the potential for error in the method being used. 她意识到在所采用的方法中可能出错。
0 ~. q! G! y1 x  * He studied the German market to find the potential there for profitable investment.5 D7 N  @% s! F/ R
  他对德国的市场进行了研究以寻求投资获利的可能性。. h4 l& }, K+ m3 f0 j, L4 g8 n
  But you can do even better if you develop some kind of sales network there.& v+ b8 G/ q& W6 |
  但如果你们能在那儿开发出某种销售网络,将会卖得更好。& j9 V1 y- H! S" H
  To tell you the truth, I was just thinking of that.
% h- M: z/ W' W2 \' g5 k% t- b# x  说实话我也正在考虑这事。

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