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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:WTO英语900句19

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Of course. We will have the Sales Contract made out in two days.1 B0 I4 {& Q. K- j3 I
# m; e) w; K2 c3 \  Please remember to use both English and Chinese versions and both versions should be equally valid.4 }  a# f! Y" o4 X3 _2 |1 H
  请记住用中英两种文字缮制合同,两种文本同样有效。6 x, j9 G$ F# T6 P( _1 ^9 M: |
  Naturally. Each of us keeps one original and two copies.# o+ F. X* T  C/ }
  那是当然。我们每人保留一份正本和两份副本。9 n6 ?: v) o; X8 o7 l; ]5 \( v1 c
  original/ copy
9 L+ V% X7 Z7 C0 D  Then I'll come along two days later to put my signature on it.  s5 A3 f5 E% R/ A; _
6 F, c: S7 a$ O- k6 Z  Good.
: h5 ~7 m5 T! ~9 v7 W  好的。
1 ?+ A  R- s) ^: `8 Q: L  Well Mr.Chen, it's been very pleasant talking with you.) a5 C9 ^" P8 x) x
  陈先生,跟您谈话真是非常愉快。( [, h5 _0 g1 r# Y$ [0 F* T
  Thanks. By the way, do you have any plans for tonight?3 E& t& v% O7 Y" @# ]8 p
  谢谢。顺便问一下,今晚有什么安排吗?; |$ B9 {& @0 ^4 z: T  Q1 i9 L* r7 [+ Q
  None whatsoever. I'm at your disposal.
! h3 q1 W4 W6 c( z* q5 z0 N( X  一点儿也没有呢。我得听你安排。
7 {  @2 B4 k" a  Why don't we have dinner together to celebrate the success of our first deal. There is a very nice restaurant round the corner.
/ Y1 \+ T9 o/ ^  g' X( @6 h  咱们一起吃晚饭,庆祝我们的首次交易成功,好不好?附近有一家饭店非常不错。
. z9 m* N& i# m. q+ N$ O3 L  I'd love to!
! ]6 Q1 m6 m: F$ N& n, i  太好了!
+ d8 Z$ H. w; ]  Excuse me, are you Mr. Pierre from Paris?3 O- a8 r0 s. N3 k
  请问,哪一位是从巴黎来的皮埃尔先生?% J0 u- [6 \3 F+ M% X
  Yes, I am. 我就是。2 e) l8 A% R* G' ]3 `7 @- f
  I work in the China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation.) y# i8 N6 y- v" k9 ~
  我在中国机械进出口公司工作。4 U2 ^0 f- e% Y( u& Z7 @
  What's your name, please?# w7 }7 T: `/ p8 h
  E6 v- l5 ]1 g6 k  My name is Zhang.
! o/ Q6 G( m$ g* r; _& r  我姓张。
# y# P- c* l# O$ S  Did you have a good journey?, n! u7 l$ V0 v, e
  您一路上还好吧?( z1 v  [8 ^- o# ~; K
  Not too bad. Thank you.
; D$ Q3 ~/ G; Q2 q  还可以。$ v  Y/ Y& j& [" a7 g
  You must take a rest today and we can talk about our business tomorrow.
+ A  S, P+ U4 `  z  今天您先休息休息,业务的事咱们明天再谈。
5 d% F9 n& `8 ~' A4 U  P4 D5 `9 y  Fine.7 W0 X2 ?+ t7 e( a
  好的。, d  C1 I. _% n/ e
  Aren't you Mr. Smith from the U.S.?
+ P2 X! |: r, H3 N8 f# [  您是从美国来的史密斯先生吧?。% D* @# |0 a. @; M
  Yes, I am." ~7 R: w3 L- L8 \" T
  是的。  G* s. o$ B7 Z" I
  Shall we fix a time for a talk?
" @) O* B# d; ~8 S  我们能定个时间谈谈吗?% @' z% A* W) _' Z( F6 g) v, o
  All right.
; W2 B0 ^! W& b* p! @  可以。3 Q, }3 u* Q" b0 l% y4 ~( X. H$ m
  I'm a foreign trade worker of the China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation.7 e0 P7 T! a, z2 O" P5 v' m% D. ~
( r- q; x  @9 Z1 b: _  I was assigned to negotiate business with you.
# ?5 }  ?1 D- q8 p+ [3 }  公司委托我和你们具体洽谈业务。
8 Q! E5 J% |* j( @  Let me introduce you. This is Mr. White.1 u1 N! k& M3 a  E- \6 h* R
  我先给您介绍一下,这位是怀特先生。9 F, q  b- Q. H7 z8 w( Z
  Welcome to China.
7 z4 b4 l/ J3 l) Y4 n. |! O" S  欢迎你们来中国。
# O+ A& _1 Y4 M, R% W  Weren't you on the phone to me yesterday?
( l$ c6 W& S( p9 r' c, F  昨天打电话的是您吗?! j' M2 H7 c9 ~9 ]3 A
  Yes, I was.
4 E+ O" }' i5 `  对,是我。9 V2 H8 E& D% u% {
  I'm very glad to know you.
+ Y( X- b9 v" f  H6 `( ^  认识您非常高兴。
0 ]" L/ X9 P- @. B3 V4 B/ a! S  It's a great pleasure to meet you today.: l: o- B3 {/ O1 c6 V7 t+ y. C
  今天能见到您非常荣幸。& s& k0 V. ~% q- b2 h: {, H8 b9 F
  We've heard a lot about you.& K, i0 y+ L+ [* [$ Z! p
  我们对您非常熟悉。) A$ c7 }* d! u: H+ C( [
  How shall I get in touch with you?
/ Q1 W2 G9 j6 B+ s7 e4 Z. e  怎么和您联系?
' O9 P% Z3 @0 P$ I( ?, P" G! p  I'm in Rm.208 of Baiyun Guest Hotel. If you need anything, just give me a call.9 t0 H# ?3 |0 \% v
+ P1 V+ T1 g' |1 ?# W  Here is my card. I'm very glad to know you.
4 P4 R4 z( e) ^6 u  这是我的名片。; u& e7 j  O3 R6 k
  If there is an opportunity, we'd like to see your manager.. L& w8 F4 c4 I  i0 z
  如果有机会,我们想见一见你们经理。& I* A# v" X0 {; X' Z/ E
  Our manager would like to meet you., ~+ U0 [) p2 \. O
- X( J& e  V2 S  Our manager would like to invite you to a dinner party this evening at the Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant.* ~) Z6 s/ C4 k5 X; A) u
1 I/ {+ Q5 B, ~9 r  We are going to give a dinner party at the Beijing Hotel this evening and would like to invite you all.
; j( s2 s- T( K* N7 C4 _  今晚我们在北京饭店请客,请各位光临。
; P2 w3 u# O8 L5 A  If it's convenient, would you please tell your manager that he is invited.
' V) n' @& [& f$ k( D  如果方便的话,请您转告经理一下,请他光临。( a3 X: g7 m( J+ m
  If you are free, please come and join us.
3 \# i3 v: Z$ V0 x" Z# w0 B  如果您有时间的话,请光临。2 o4 R0 K4 T  W
  Here is your invitation card.0 ?8 k! p! t3 G- E6 I
  这是给你们的请帖。, L3 i2 K, s$ a" |! H, j
  We'll meet you at the gate of the hotel at six this evening.
6 [3 G. a( u- w9 z1 ?: z; S! m# u  晚上六点,我们在饭店门口等你们。- y3 H+ k+ A( ~/ U3 h. s
  Thank you for your invitation.
6 F9 j( S9 _# o7 [0 }  谢谢您的邀请。! Z/ X' G0 @1 v# o! s( c0 \$ Y
  I'll certainly come if I have time.
8 s4 R+ Q8 l9 a" N) i1 U& z) |  如果有空儿,我一定去。

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