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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:最新流行商务用语

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. A going concern 赢利企业. A5 d  B0 j# S7 i$ a
  Concern 在该习语中作名词,意思是“商行,企业”;go指“上涨。增涨”。A going concern是指“活跃或繁荣的企业或机构等”,意即“赢利企业,正在前进的企业”。例如:
* ^# \) d- k* t  A: What’s your overseas branch factory going? 你海外的分厂进展如何?
. G) u) C% J8 H  B: Not very good at first. It has been two years before it becomes a going concern. 开始不太理想,直到两年以后才开始赢利。3 e0 p1 U7 K6 j: O4 u
  A: Once you break the ice, it will be better and better. 一旦打开局面,肯定会越来越好的。0 z% T- [, d, \& Y
  B: I hope so. 但愿如此。; U' G; i' P: x9 i2 [$ @
  2. A leap in the dark 冒险举动! A! A0 k' z; ?- B# h
% \/ k( N( w* ]6 s' G6 D! _) V  His move to America was a leap in the dark.(他迁居美洲是件冒险的事。)
1 z8 a3 p/ Y" e5 A2 _  A: Are you sure you can make profits out of the investment? 你确信这次投资一定能获利吗?5 k. i* ^; e1 m! n* z
  B: I am not sure. It’s only a leap in the dark. 我也没有把握。这只是一次冒险。  @% U9 }& F( P3 B. ?/ B
  A: And it’s the only chance for you to lead your company out of difficulties, isn’t it? 而且这也是你带领公司走出困境的唯一机会,是吗?! t) b) U4 J2 q7 _, t4 n
  B: Yeah. So I have to have a try. 是的。所以我必须一试。

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