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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:IS(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.Is this book useful?; C5 A" r$ W5 v$ K0 v, S1 v
: x2 S' M; s$ R8 [7 y  -Yes, it is a bank booklet.0 ~; Q* d5 W! V. {0 g2 N
; X: x7 F' x$ s8 [% B  2.Is the payment by cable or mail?$ f- |( X4 T0 T
  2.付款用电汇还是邮汇?* ]* t6 m9 J+ ^% z" \4 ?9 I7 {
  -I have no idea, you can call and ask them.
7 H6 n! o, z1 p, e9 M) b" ~3 x  我不知,你可以打电话询问他们。$ D: P- }4 ?! Z
  3.Is the money order from the bank or the post?
' x: j. U/ S: v  |5 {" k: N- F4 Q  3.汇票是由银行,还是由邮局汇来的?
; L- H9 x  U' L2 j# [, k6 c  -It's a post transfer.
; j1 }% d- Z2 D$ ?' j: _6 E  是由邮局汇来的。
; a5 k/ a0 L$ Y2 i1 G! r  4.Is this the original contract?4 g" V8 _$ \3 ?
  4.这是一份原版合同吗?0 @# a, b. U& u# u8 z# m8 u
  -No, it's a copy.
2 M, ]; n# g( w  不,这是一份复印本。( k) O) i3 T) K9 b: K
  5.Is this a draft contract for the car assembly plant?  {. M9 F4 T0 i: J$ y, v0 f6 i0 e
( W9 o! _' P: ^4 G) x. x" n: ]  -Yes, we will discuss it at our next meeting.
: h  i8 Y. }  s& q" X& n  是的,你的保险柜只有这把钥匙。
' ^  u, }4 I( l. J# Y4 P8 e  6.Is this the only key to my safe deposit box?! E( E4 ~" r" w+ l
# p, @  [4 Q6 t/ R, ~  -Yes, it is the only key to your safe.) Y/ a* m5 K& \1 c* [9 [2 m
  是的,你的保险柜只有这把钥匙。4 e4 \5 N+ d  O
  7.Is this a list of banking terms?' x- c1 t! X* i$ i: s3 x
5 N" A( P7 V- @7 m" k  -Yes, it is.
  c% e2 S6 F$ f8 e  ~, @( P1 C  是的。6 c2 u2 ]5 i1 h; T. G
  8.Is the weather hot or cold in fall here?6 e8 ^* f) @" e- o  |6 `: s
$ H  U1 T  ~4 y, u. \5 \  -It's usually cool in fall.9 ~# j- g/ e, W* C
  这里秋天的天气很一般很凉爽。: ?8 T" n/ c9 I+ ~8 F/ C
  9.Is it difficult to buy the new equipment?
# n- v& d2 F; i9 P9 Q0 h, E) s  9.买新的设备有困难吗?
7 P# F; Z* |$ b- E- j, [* [  -Yes, we overspent during the second quarter. Maybe in autumn we can manage it.# L8 x* h9 ~* V) a- P1 ]
7 G+ k; f: ~9 g, {/ L( k4 R" p  10.Is there a good supply of day laborers for our building project?
% S! W1 ]6 k, m+ a7 D8 ]  g# X+ T  10.我们的建房工程有足够的临时工可以招聘吗?
  }9 y5 ~' ~' L, V" x# e4 X  -Yes. Just look at the corner of the street. You will find many unemployed farmers who are looking for work.
9 h+ I: ?+ I& |# k5 s- W- t  是的,你看这一张单子的角上,可以招来很多闲散的农民,他们正在寻找工作。- N2 L5 d3 O3 }4 |. }" q: k2 n+ \
  11.This is your homework done, isn't it?/ [* e3 E$ S( K
, |$ Y  v0 V. L9 ~  -No, I have finished only the first part.# j2 l1 Z! x, z
, [  S# X8 {# D  12.It isn't easy to find a parking place, is it?
# r: x' Q" q4 t9 C& F- T  12.这里要停车场真不易,是不是?4 p" @! ^# g0 q) o  p! G% Y9 s
  -No, it isn't easy.( l5 j/ ?  v' A' T

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