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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:IS(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.Is this book useful?
0 ]8 T. |$ W3 H; l# J6 |* v# A# u  1.这本书有用吗?: a  k6 B8 x! @5 K
  -Yes, it is a bank booklet.
3 Z4 N9 Q5 O/ W6 t; \* d4 ~  是的,这是一本银行手册。
. K4 p  ?; A: ?  2.Is the payment by cable or mail?& c9 z" p* Y, ?* V4 I0 g
! L: K1 c! B0 a. r, _  -I have no idea, you can call and ask them.
8 G! \1 y6 p- j) i. x) j4 u  我不知,你可以打电话询问他们。, m1 z- `' d) B- a
  3.Is the money order from the bank or the post?
2 M1 F+ A! e( f; ]  3.汇票是由银行,还是由邮局汇来的?1 D: v) i0 E/ z- V( l
  -It's a post transfer.
" Q) C1 m' J7 _% m* G, Y  是由邮局汇来的。
' E' d/ m+ g* z  4.Is this the original contract?5 a# ~( l, P" l' M0 U* L- O4 n+ i
  4.这是一份原版合同吗?$ x6 g2 n. E* D, z/ n/ [( o
  -No, it's a copy.+ k6 K- I/ p2 H" r& c
( W5 q  x  e5 j$ d  5.Is this a draft contract for the car assembly plant?
3 P& C2 \! S8 u9 v, f  5.这是一份汽车装配厂的合同草签样吗?& d4 a# e: v: L. S, K" x, X
  -Yes, we will discuss it at our next meeting.
- E: r$ P% y' R% }  是的,你的保险柜只有这把钥匙。
/ g, ]( m5 x0 c; f7 d  6.Is this the only key to my safe deposit box?
7 T) F+ j% A3 s/ W$ F) _& u  6.这是我的存款保险柜唯一的一钥匙吗?
  O) l4 y- s/ X+ Y' a* k  -Yes, it is the only key to your safe.
  {1 E/ O- O0 n$ ~  N8 g% v. W5 A  是的,你的保险柜只有这把钥匙。
1 O2 V- I) N- P  7.Is this a list of banking terms?& x, ~# c$ i5 r  G' p! d/ _
# n/ ^2 i0 l5 |- o# }( x/ x3 K0 x/ z6 S/ Y  -Yes, it is.4 C" ~  ~! e1 j8 j- Z6 V7 k  n
  是的。5 y$ E- i6 i4 _9 _' k! `% m
  8.Is the weather hot or cold in fall here?
, R7 w" d) }7 G0 U8 \' V$ p$ |  8.秋天这里的天气热还是冷?- `' s! t1 T2 w* \; A* y
  -It's usually cool in fall.6 f. ~: v" m  u
0 t: k7 x4 `* U9 ?8 [( U; @8 S. d2 Y  9.Is it difficult to buy the new equipment?
+ V# ]2 x8 k7 v- C7 A% K- h5 I  9.买新的设备有困难吗?
. i9 E  i+ q, l1 a% ]  -Yes, we overspent during the second quarter. Maybe in autumn we can manage it.
1 m) o1 s5 K  ]& ?( b* p  是的,我们第二季度已经超支:或许到秋天可以考虑购置。
  j# C- {3 P, W- ^9 A! n  10.Is there a good supply of day laborers for our building project?, ?& S1 T6 [# V( G3 h, Y
  10.我们的建房工程有足够的临时工可以招聘吗?! r% O& @5 |+ d( o. O6 T2 K
  -Yes. Just look at the corner of the street. You will find many unemployed farmers who are looking for work.
6 \0 N5 c9 H' g% H6 z  是的,你看这一张单子的角上,可以招来很多闲散的农民,他们正在寻找工作。( c- U9 [5 q/ Z: A
  11.This is your homework done, isn't it?
7 c& r& a7 a7 J# a) U" C% \- f( W  11.这是你已做好的作业,是吗?- Y0 L: k* M! Q8 [: h$ a
  -No, I have finished only the first part.$ J' T$ b9 Q9 w" }+ k9 r
  不,我仅完成了作业的第一部分。5 @& e  S5 y' q/ k0 k0 |; d1 K
  12.It isn't easy to find a parking place, is it?
, W: G2 N( U1 X  12.这里要停车场真不易,是不是?
2 D( n6 e& k) Q1 m' s  -No, it isn't easy.9 A8 N. |* ~& n# u. P; V6 w

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