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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:Bank Performan 3

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  New Words; r* P5 _7 g/ p. z+ [
  新单词8 [9 d( _8 y2 ~8 [! h
  outgoings     n.
( }( Z% H% U- z* n5 P" U  开支,开销
6 v7 r7 r5 Y3 Q5 w2 J( Y  provision      n.7 T8 f5 k/ D' ?3 M3 y- ~
  T- L# U0 V8 p  W8 t" x  premises     n.
% E( N; g. _4 v( ~  N  房屋# x  w$ k2 H( M/ H* x
  previous    adj." o% ]' [5 u3 v* y) H( B
, i( Z2 C9 G, u" D# w, `  illustrate    v.
! y# k, s% `" i* J4 ?" a  说明阐明' u5 O! |7 f2 o) v2 c! t, F
  footing     n.
9 C. g$ \- O# l+ z8 ~: W+ k3 Y! ~  合计9 X/ M* Z/ P" F& M( b5 C- J" J. X
  allocation    n.
0 k: q4 S" |5 r3 s8 e7 g; G  分配
& z+ V0 L8 X/ X6 y4 n4 |  reserve    n.
" H2 O$ _; e! T8 s  储备金
/ t4 o8 k+ a: F  Phrases & Expressions2 E- t8 h8 h% _9 P: p' D- y
  fee-generating activities4 V" Z6 D. \' f
  增加费用的活动5 K0 {5 V* [% [! ~, U  V
  leased assets
  ~  W3 k# J# A2 E  租赁资产) |  P$ ~. g: @
  in addition
2 W4 L1 F) O1 f; O* i: f6 z! `  另外$ F% z6 N! D  i- X1 V" G: B0 J! y
  E:We've seen the income before our coffee break; now let's look at the outgoings.
9 S2 X7 a1 i. W' o. n2 R5 m  爱:我们在喝咖啡休息以前看到了本行的收益情况,现在再来看看支出情况。
7 Q' I( _& U% L5 g0 {. o" ~+ }  V:What is the largest amount of money you spent in 1994?" m% z8 D# e( A$ S
  代表:那么贵行1994年最大的支出项目是什么呢?! j0 U2 ^, P2 o* [# t( Q
  E:Obviously, the largest of these is staff costs.
  ?6 @' P( A3 j4 e, X  I( W% U  爱:很明显,支出中最大的一块是员工开销。9 Q. g9 V. F+ G4 N$ Q: u
  It increased from fifty-five million dollars in the fiscal 1993 to sixty-five million dollars at the end of 1994." d; b3 e% N1 S; c
  1993财政年度为500美元,到1994年底,就增长到6500万美元,$ ^- \* ]& s  g. O
  It covers forty-two per cent in the total group outgoings.$ t5 r8 a2 Q& T6 o, ~" G' l( i  ^+ B
8 r' X2 p2 v9 r) K# S  V:Why is the increase as large as eighteen per cent?
" r) G& c% P4 T9 Q* m) P- S  代表:为什么这部分支出的增长率高达18%呢?4 ]5 k2 Q. H' N* f% p
  E:It is partly because of the increase in staff numbers required to deal with the expansion of the bank's fee-generating activities which I have just mentioned in the income section.
0 T* T6 M! b1 h; l0 J  爱:这一方面是由于增加了职工人数,用于从事前面我所提到的增加服务佣金等工作。! d. E9 M1 r& M% G4 s
  V:How about doubtful debt provision and depreciation?- c% V" f9 }: Y* G' Q% J7 n* O) R
( Z6 q  a4 z0 v  E:Provisions for doubtful debts amounted to eight million dollars,$ Y( }* N6 b! c- _8 y5 ^; I
  爱:坏帐抵充资金高达800万美元,( U9 ?) S6 T* N5 F: \, \: H. h+ e
  an increase of sixty per cent;0 R+ h+ p! b# n) O! [2 V3 Q- R
  增长了60% 。1 \0 A# e, s7 \5 \
  while depreciation on leased assets and on premises and equipment decreased from sixteen million dollars to fifteen million dollars.
9 ~" X! g, S; V. y8 A/ X  而租赁资产的折旧费以及营业大楼。设备的折旧费则从1 600万美元降至1500美元。
: X$ z( e8 _8 D, y; f# Y% H# j  V:Is depreciation calculated on a straight line basis?
: F0 t) F8 f2 p4 A: {  y+ W5 Q  代表:折旧费是采用直线折旧法来计算的吗?
5 t" r5 B2 a1 T. x  E:Yes, that' how we calculate depreciation.
- P8 s' ^& r9 U: K/ ?  爱:是的,我们就是按照直线折旧法来算的。  T6 O6 j" u% \" L; H8 P
  V:Besides the largest of outgoings, staff costs, as well as provision for doubtful debts and depreciation,
/ N0 u& f8 O( L) e; P& s  代表:除去员工费用最大的一块支出,以及坏帐准备金及折旧费之外,( p. G4 A* O9 C7 q
  how about expenses, on tax, dividends?$ R; a! r" K* Y: O: H
3 I3 A" |$ Z  O: `  E:Tax, not much to say really. We paid five million dollars more than in 1993.
2 d  B$ n/ b3 l. I4 S5 e; ]7 H  爱:税,真的不必多说。1994年这一财政年度,我们比1993年多交纳税多500万美元,
) m" D. j; L* S  That is, we paid up to twenty-five million dollars in the financial year of 1994.
( v& E( P  N7 y' }" _6 D0 O  即达2 500万美元。
0 v9 C. s& Y8 _3 e3 T, h$ c; k: F  As for dividends paid to our shareholders,
, U( U2 y$ m' Z: i  我们支付给股东们的股息,
/ [+ r- A" {) [. D  they remained unchanged over the previous fiscal year at five million dollars.7 a4 Q0 ~7 w8 D9 f5 O8 }
  则与1993年底持平,均为500 万美。
1 z( `3 O1 g8 v, t  V:How so?
5 w, s3 Z0 j3 a  代表:就这么多?- P, d( M3 X" u8 W" R; k
  E:Because the major part of the year's profit was retained to expand our consolidated capital base.$ _7 L" r0 E- l% \8 I9 |, S
; n: R: u6 s$ i1 I  This was the first year in which our balance sheet footings passed the three billion dollars mark.
3 k0 f3 [8 k0 A% H4 X  1994年是我们的资产负债表上累计超过30亿美元的第一年。
8 K, g0 R5 Z+ u+ r1 Z* R7 I  V:In addition, is there any sharp increase in other costs?
( u) l& C1 Q, q  代表:除此以外,其它费用还有哪些部分增长迅速吗?
, j1 m4 ^0 f! P1 T  E:No. On the contrary, other expenses increased by only a little under seventeen per cent.; `7 `2 k, G  M
7 A& ^6 T- b' M' s- t& o5 C  That's the smallest annual increase since 1989.# G6 o3 C# a: |
  这是1989年以来支出年度增长最少的一年。& x( H0 q  @0 O; S
  Personally, I think it illustrates our determination to bring costs under control.
4 H2 |, F* e8 e& y8 ]  我个人的看法是:以上这些数字表明我们控制费用增长额度的决心。
* h2 [/ ?, v+ a! P" H4 I! W2 d  V:What's your yearly profit after paying dividends to shareholders?
- Q! s: J; G  O4 n! d/ ~6 s
8 v% A8 l- M$ q; T7 Q7 y  代表:扣除股东的股息,贵行的年利润有多少?

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层

金融英语学习:Bank Performan 3

</p>  E:After allocation of the dividends, there remained a net undistributed balance for the year of nine million dollars.
& ]% t7 r& x2 c6 @. N) Q  爱:支付完股东的股息后,剩下的非分配利润有900万美元,
8 q5 u& n  J8 G7 v; W# V  The total amount was transferred to reserves to cover unexpected events.% ~1 z3 k- Z+ E1 U5 t* q3 g4 t+ E
7 y) t* B1 a% J  V:So as your annual report indicates, all this adds up to total group outgoings of one hundred and fifty-five million dollars.7 r- X, ?1 z! T# c. c
" E1 v/ p$ Y5 `* y7 l  E:Yes,the figure of total group outgoings exactly balances out with the total income.' Q2 q/ {( M, @4 o; Y5 W
$ I$ R' d) \8 D; P2 T4 D  V:Now, we have a clearer picture of the source of income and the application of income for your bank in 1994 compared with 1993.. _4 z3 z( @" i# s4 \
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