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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:Money(3)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  New Words: |. U' j, g: f" R; G
  新单词  B9 Y" R$ x, c  I$ S$ u# {
  buck      n.7 l2 x- ?0 m$ h
1 @# J* n' n: X$ ~, k" I$ e( l  greenback    n.
: Y. f- D* Y  u9 x4 K  美钞# @0 C% q0 X/ u) g
  dough      n.+ s  m5 `) w, N% D
1 w# |/ w; n: O  assistant     n.
' J$ E7 E/ [# H3 R; L8 B8 b  售货员
# @7 Y7 V  I8 p" p+ R9 d& D  change       n.1 ^  J7 _# R! F% b* f* L: ~
  找头,零钱3 R# [  H7 T: Y* \- M) n
  sovereign       adj.
  d/ {6 D6 ]: L+ L  独立自主的
. z+ T( N; W+ ]8 Z4 J9 l" Y0 ]  uncountable    adj.
* _# [4 V$ d7 c+ ^3 N% H0 b  不可数的
3 }) \( x! G8 R8 C6 I5 U5 I- E% a  mare     n.9 }7 N$ F: q; u3 G8 C9 w
  母马,牝驴3 F+ s( h5 S2 |9 s
  Phrases & Expressions2 i8 R4 b% h/ q
( W/ V' i" a  F; P0 m% k  public money* m; n5 h& f- b2 ^7 a, ^) a2 ]
  公款, s" l+ H6 N5 ~* |
  tax money
& H6 l1 T: J; E  税款
$ a* x# ^8 V) Y! [  A:Now let's talk about paper money.
. F7 f* Q5 M- d  A:现在我们来谈谈纸币吧。, ?* h. N  s4 r1 f
  B:Yes, paper money can be folded into a wallet. Every country produces its own.2 E. @# K' ^. L* f+ w" a( e
% g0 E; Y3 D' q- x! A7 S, c  A:Another term for paper money is 'note' or 'banknote', we say a five-yuan note,) p/ V' A% o8 ]8 f! w0 ]$ t* u0 h  E
  A:纸币的另一种叫法是钞票,我们一般讲一张五元的钞票,  A" ^! c2 Z1 ?" j: r2 @
  a twenty-cent note. In American English, 'bill' is another term./ y$ s' c* x$ V* b8 S7 q* V
- ^0 |" K+ ^' R2 u# a* G5 ?+ V2 q  In American slang you may hear 'a hundred dollar bill' or 'a buck' as 'ten bucks' or 'greenback' or 'long green(folding green)' or 'folding money'.
9 f# S  ?+ Q! E( O0 E: ?& F  我们到听到一百元美钞,一元,十元,以及greenback ,long green(folding green ),folding money等钞票的各种说法。8 M. S3 V1 p# P8 R" {( j
  B:How complex it is!
0 j! M) Q, K3 J& u  B:多复杂啊!
% l% ]) m; G  M: h3 Z* }' i: C  A:Yes, we'd better understand these terms when we deal with Americans.
$ ]: i# [; m. U  A:是很复杂,我们在同美国人交往中最好还是要知道这些叫法。% _& O8 H) \" p6 S5 s$ x+ U
  B:What's cash?; P7 T3 P- J0 l
7 ]& E. K  a5 M2 a% f  A:Cash is really a common term including everything - currency, coins, paper money.
& O: s8 f1 h8 }, ?' a  A:现金是对流通货币,硬币,钞票的共同叫法。

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