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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:提供托收项目

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Placing an Item for Collection
- ^1 ]) i1 _0 z' p' H  提供托收项目
$ A1 m2 y0 p% b4 c/ g  Situation 30
& z2 z- R/ Z* v: t. r7 k6 z. Y  情景 30& Y6 ]0 R$ i  u" q) a
  Chris Morris wants to cash a check his mother sent him for hisbirthday .He is talking to the collections clerk at the First NationalBank./ m2 K( V4 H  @& J
; H) y6 f7 y3 J6 [/ K  Morris:I wanted to cash this check from my mother ,but the teller told me to bring it here.8 J0 u" J+ V: ^! t( \& Q
  莫里斯:我想把我母亲寄给我的这张支票兑现,出纳员让我把支票交到这里。: j9 i, D4 U6 g: `& L- _
  Clerk:Yes,sir.That’s an out-of-town personal check.We wouldn’t be able to cash it for you until theproceeds are collected from the drawee bank.
9 e& g6 @* k" ]5 v. I3 j. O* V  职员:好的,先生。这是一张外地个人支票,要等到款项从票据付款行取回来以后,我们才能够为您的支票兑现。
7 i; x0 U" D. r5 f  M:Well,how do I cash it then ?! [' Q+ b/ d) S; W
2 ~/ A7 h% n6 j! O! P( t+ b& T  C:We will accept the endorsed check for collection and notify you as soon as it’s paid .
* z, A9 o7 P5 }0 ?4 p1 ?4 \" C  职员:我们会收到用于取款的已背书的支票。支票被支付后,我们马上就会通知您。! G. r' a( R4 C/ l
  Do you have any accounts with us ?
' C# A: V0 n8 h! N6 t  您在我们行里有帐户吗?
: b* T: M6 J/ ?  M:No,I don’t have any bank accounts yet.I’ve lived here only a few weeks.I’m going to collegehere .
8 d/ Z& b8 {0 z: H7 c  莫里斯:没有,我还没有任何银行帐户呢。我到这里才几个星期,我就要在这里上大学。+ Y" ~* _, g) m+ Y% ^/ N
  C:Well,if you will please endorse this check and show me some identification ,I’ll prepare a collection receipt for you .
; r* x6 H; p- _4 g6 M! a: U% F. r  职员:噢,请您在这张支票背面签字,并让我看一下您的某种身份的证件,我为您准备一张取款收据。
) p- B  ~6 g' O: y& p  M:Do I have to pay for this ?
; k$ S7 s* n& c  莫里斯:我必须为此付钱吗?
' L' [3 p, M4 T1 c5 @  F* H  C:Yes,sir .We must charge a collection fee of $1.50 if you don’t have an account with us.
8 g/ [: D0 K! M; H4 `  职员:是的,先生。如果您在我行没有帐户的话,你就需要支付1.5美元的取款费。3 W0 K, m! R% ?0 W" g  Z8 S
  if you’d like to open an account with the proceeds,there will be no charge.
) Z" h0 P8 D- z2 r; |; V/ r( b  如果您愿意用这笔汇款开立一个帐户,你您就不用付钱了。5 ]$ z# N0 N1 c+ V
  M:Yes,I’d better do that.I need an account anyway,so I may as well open one here .* @( v* p6 X; W# @* i6 W& J
! _& F7 O& [: {" t& b8 d, x) j  C;Will you please go to the New Accounts counter to open your account while I fill out yourreceipt?4 o3 e4 C8 p* n0 [$ j; o9 m4 L
  职员:请您到新开帐户柜台去开立您的帐户,同时,我在这里为您填写收据,好吗?4 [! o, I- F! j3 H) g6 Y
  M:Fine.I’ll come back and get the receipt after I make arrangements to open an account .6 R- Q; n8 f: M% g7 e7 y2 F
  莫里斯:好的,等我办理好开立帐戾的事情后,我就回来取收据。& f" N" H; f$ [7 w% \+ e" |2 k, L+ P
  Thanks very much for all your help.
% _; ]/ u( L- T0 T* {: H  非常感谢您的帮助。

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