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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:电汇

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Telegraphic Transfers/ A0 N( a: n" K0 ~  G
) @$ q: W  I9 u% w  Situation 28/ i( D) x8 v5 m9 M$ [: g2 Q: U
  情景 28
3 P* r9 a- U/ z: ]/ u  Paul Massey works for a French company in Tokyo .He is askinga Higashi Bank clerk about sending some money to his brother in Paris.
' M) h3 @; X( \  t# ]9 `& Y  保罗·马瑟在东京为一家法国公司办事,他正在身东银行的一位职员询问有关给他在巴黎的弟弟寄钱的事。
( Q( e  X# ]. ]' n! f8 D/ d' g  Massey:I’d like to send some money to my brother in Paris .8 i. ~5 N, X5 k( r/ J6 x8 m( x' g
) G+ R9 Y. b+ n; c6 S& A, h4 [  Can I buy francs from you to send him ?$ m6 E2 s4 O& _9 h
  我可以从你们这里买些法郎再寄给他吗?+ q* L( A7 y8 D0 Q
  Clerk:Yes,of course .We can sell you a remittance check payable in francs and you can send thatto him .
6 k' T8 C. W- j# U4 P  职员:当然可以。我们可以卖给您一张应以法郎支付的汇款支票,然后您就可以寄给他了。  \! ~- w5 m6 H, j( e! M, @
  M:I would like to send it to him as soon as possible.Can I write the money to him ?
' m6 z: M1 P8 J7 K% _. H! b  马瑟:我想尽快地把钱寄给他,我可以电汇这笔钱吗?
/ U" ?0 Q" v3 Z) H4 Z  C:Yes ,we have a telegraphic transfer service for foreign remittances.We can make arrangementsto send it by cable if you would like ./ }) W- u) d1 O- _
  职员:我们有向国外汇款的电汇业务,如果您需要,我们可以替您电汇。; ]/ o8 _1 m+ ~4 h, v, _
  M:That would be fastest ,wouldn’t it ?
- F5 h. U; A8 k3 H: N  马瑟:这是最快的办法,对吗?) t1 ?0 b6 I: T, |
  C:Yes,either a regular or urgent cable would be faster than sending a check or a mail transfer fromus to bank .
, F$ y) `3 ~+ @: g  职员:是的,从我们这里到他的银行,无论是普通的或者是加急电汇都比寄支票或邮汇要快。
. S3 }% A5 W5 S  M:Do you charge extra for cable remittances?% q9 ~8 ]' f: J6 L, ?3 m4 h2 I
  马瑟:是否电汇要收更多的费用?3 ?! s. I6 T! i% m0 {
  C:Yes,sir .We would add the cost of cable to our regular service charges .
3 d4 m" w0 f3 _" U  职员:是的,先生。我们要把电汇费用加到我们正常的手续费上。3 N% J( ?; ]3 Y$ K: @! b0 a6 i
  M:Well,he needs it right away ,so please cable it to his bank .
, g) G3 F8 Z8 s  马瑟:可以的,我弟弟急需这笔钱,因此,请把这些钱电汇给他的银行,
; n  R* I2 a+ k  I have the bank’s name and account number here.
! M: p9 U, X$ a2 {  我这里有那边银行的名称和帐户号码。+ G* K* `; y1 T' S4 i4 G
  C;All right .Would you please fill out this remittance request and check the box that says "banktransfer by cable"?
0 ^$ I; _) @! o8 T. `) f  职员:那好,请您填写汇款申请单,并标出“经银行电汇”,好吗?
4 n: r- ^$ t3 K0 x% v8 H4 }  We will need your address and telephone number ,too.
. I0 h1 E; U% j' R3 Y6 k  另外还需要填上您的地址和电话号码。! _5 U7 |, `1 R) p( N' m) s! t
  M:Can you debit my savings account here for the amount ,including service and cable charges?
! H) }9 Z) @! q! E# t& l; l  马瑟:您是否可以将我的汇款金额,包括手续费和电汇费在内的所有花费记入我这里的储蓄帐户的借方。
  d7 V! ?, s* l" x" \  C:Yes,of course .Please sign this withdrawal slip and we’ll charge this item to your account .9 l6 J( q: b- e/ k3 r: e

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