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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:美元兑换日元

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Changing Dollars to Yen
% [: q& h% B! i  美元兑换日元( Q" Q1 o3 A# }% m  C2 i* i- I
  Situation 22
  e" K: Y# X. }. N5 b' f  情景 22
3 U- g7 U" R9 n6 c, @/ Q& P( |  Cyrus Morton is visiting Tokyo on his vacation.He stops into theHigashi Bank to change some dollars into yen .6 f+ [' N% i1 T5 _5 F/ o2 Z7 i
  休假期间,赛勒斯·莫顿在东京参观游览,他步入东银行,把一些美元兑换成日元。" A$ K$ U1 H3 [1 B% A
  Clerk:Good afternoon ,sir.May I help you ?! w: Q  G! S- O: t$ E6 {& @( u4 B
4 e# i7 n1 w3 ^  Morton:Yes,please .I want to get some yen notes for my stay in Japan .Can I buy them withAmerican dollars?$ ?+ o+ b. B/ Y7 W7 b! U" `# s
3 L) b7 Y6 g6 n  H: C  C;Yes,sir .We are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can change them for you .. z2 p8 e% ~- X" X" ~
4 _3 x$ W8 ?! z  M;Well,I have got $467.89 that I want to change .What’s the exchange rate today ?: E4 K, N6 M/ T) U8 G
  莫顿:那我,我想把476美元89美分兑换成日元,今天的兑换率是多少呢?0 w5 [! i2 j. |5 N+ ?9 N9 j
  C:Today’s rate for cash purchases is listed on this chart here.I can exchange the bills for you ,butwe cannot take the coins.1 O$ U! O; U1 E, S' Z
2 {! u! w; M( V) R, v( a1 K  M:Oh,really ?Why not ?
1 {$ P4 O' s% ^0 E! E2 x  莫顿:哦,真的吗?为什么呢?
. k  A2 e- _2 e" {" K: L/ n8 q. }! _  C:We don’t deal in coins ,sir .Usually ,we have very little request for coin exchange and it makes itdifficult for us to maintain a supply of coins adequate to what may be needed .
4 G( I' `1 }: c3 K+ G  职员:我们不买硬币,先生。平时我们这里很少需要兑换硬币,这样,就使我们很难确保存一批足够的硬币应付可能的需要量。9 `) F; i: Q" b! z5 M% W  Y
  M;Oh,yes,I remember that was true in America ,too.I couldn’t get any yen coins before I left .1 N; f" {; \' |% p
  莫顿:哦,是的,我记得在美国也是如此。看来,在我离开之前,可能是一点日本硬币也弄不到了。# x; Z4 U$ s( E0 h  a. ]0 Q
  C:Our head office may keep a supply of coins ,but branches rarely do .So we just exchange thebills and make up any difference in Japanese coins.2 z) ^0 S: ~! v& v" }
  职员:我们总行可能提供硬币,但是分行很少有这样做的。因此,我们只能兑换纸币并用日本硬币补齐差额。$ _, I$ [8 o' X9 w3 J5 A
  Do you have your passport with you ?
6 K" m% y+ H5 Q7 m+ r. z$ [  您带着护照吗?9 u* F/ G) X& e6 N3 D: ~
  M:Yes,here it is .
* p* U) E* @) t/ f, P( _8 ?3 C  莫顿:带着,在这里。2 s* x. ~$ b. J7 H. G% ^
  C:Well,please sign your name and local address on this exchange request .$ ~/ z8 Q5 ^0 e, i5 g+ R
  职员:请把您的姓名、本地住址写在这张兑换申请单上,  F  G6 }. c0 Y7 h
  Also put down your passport number .I’ll get your yen for you while you’re filling this out .
8 C$ N, k# @* `/ G+ _6 f6 v  还要写上您的护照号码。在您填写时,我给您准备日元。

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