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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:The History

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  New Words
( E4 v9 F7 a% ]# d  g  新单词% V* {8 w3 F) |0 |
  Babylon     n.
* ^' X4 p( r& ^5 |9 A  巴比伦(古代巴比伦王国首都)
) B0 H' _, T( a! ?) w7 Z  temple     n.
" M% C4 H; N" L  庙宇,专供某种活动场所
0 @3 g6 S7 S5 ~  (the) Renaissance      n.
# i8 A3 E5 W- P, A" `; o# x  文艺复兴,
! @  v$ `: f5 d6 Z5 t) |4 O  ancient      adj.
( \- p: {% g7 r1 Z* I1 _( C7 ^  古代的* M- C9 S" @) f- C) W
  Greece    n.
* t$ Q8 S# x, A$ Y  希腊6 M- t+ j" ^4 V2 z
  breakup     n.- B! Q! @9 J- J1 X+ L  z
  分裂,崩溃, t2 X3 K5 o1 B7 i2 x
  decline    n.  a+ p! F$ k' Z- k. P5 y/ V
9 x% |6 M2 S) e" f  i% Y/ B  usury     n.
9 S( u; ^& K& J7 J3 Q+ K5 q  高利贷,高利
6 D4 f1 c7 H. ^1 G. ?  illegal        adj.
/ q2 [3 y4 G, Q& ?( C; N  不合法的;非法的8 }7 r! L) [/ b/ _, e
  Belgium     n.
" P1 G$ R! E4 t, @; t, j& w) }  比利时# }# ~) ?" K4 r4 n
  function      n.
8 v+ H1 M# f! W$ i( v5 K  功能,作用! T3 L1 l; I6 q& j# o: |; n
  complex    adj.
7 f, X2 \6 \. Z( h/ R8 {  复杂的: q6 k) h  a" e9 ^% P6 S
  especially     adv.
: L5 G3 b2 q" F/ c  特别地
$ |; L7 m6 W3 v" R. X  F  expand     v./ U7 I5 ^5 ?" r8 }
' S- [8 {* o+ u! Z8 r  partially     adv., }. K" X( [' N! M8 q9 N2 S
" o7 E7 R* K: }! `" Z7 \  Venice     n.
7 G& J6 P& q5 o2 D& p# v6 D! r  威尼斯(意大利港市)
1 ~! |+ X9 t: A9 c+ O  semi-public     adj.
9 Z6 y# h8 ?% N9 w  半公立的2 E& A% X/ e3 F8 }
  Phrases & Expressions
$ A* T! v: p: o8 `  R  Roman Empire
$ k' v- I# K: s4 O% |! c4 e  罗马帝国
- ]% p8 B1 A7 @' E6 k  emerge from
8 F& {, W% W1 F' s  U  出现,冒出
5 l( w1 w! [! n$ S7 A8 R  feudal system
- i# V+ D6 ?! u6 s4 Y  封建体制
  |) K: s, F( ]3 C/ R4 @* l  Middle Ages
# ?* G. x; ^  z, M  中世纪
) S2 o& ~- {9 e6 Q  bill of exchange6 |7 }' o1 c/ k$ z! L1 ?6 P; C
  汇票# {0 b, Y. A. ?
  regulatory function' ?  h0 o* H/ @) R- o; ~2 Y
  常规作用& ?7 T8 f3 [9 }# {( w
  Z:Good afternoon!
  I# e# O3 o. U4 D, r  张:下午好!
' H' J0 I  v; V$ K- X& j* G7 k  A:Good afternoon!
! N/ f! f7 E6 y$ ~) N, g  全体:下午好!
+ Q4 M& X* l0 L; E  Z:Today I'll introduce something about the history of banking in the west.
4 f2 w! o5 x& ^/ g& z* G  张:今天我要讲点西方银行史。
) E# i/ i2 M3 l$ R+ Y! k' R% X  Well, that's very interesting, the earliest banks started in Babylon almost 4 000 years ago.$ d8 w5 A3 Y& ?0 x5 z- B7 }3 k; m
; R' B6 j- m  M- ]$ y6 U  They were really temples which collected deposits and made loans.
& \& \0 O4 v# g4 o, ]  实际上,那些银行只是一种收集存款并进行的放款的场所。7 A/ _2 q" L) ?* Z' l
  S1:I see, but I had always thought that banking started during the Renaissance in Europe.3 q- h' N' a) @  g8 @, `/ c
6 x$ |2 {0 x, O7 v0 V% T, F  N:No, it was much earlier than that. Then, there were banks in ancient Greece and Rome, too.* \- S* V- L) @3 }. W- \
  周:不,比那个时期早多了。古希腊和罗马都有许多银行,  |& v4 X6 f, c  H$ h' O/ s0 N
  It wasn't until the breakup of the Roman Empire and the decline in trade and commercial transactions that banking lost its previous importance.
% M) u6 b" u( c! `6 h  直到罗马帝崩溃和商贸业务的衰落,银行业才失去了它以往的重要性。
7 ~3 s" |, u" W/ |( O- ^+ c  S2:What about the laws against usury during the Middle Ages?: ]' j5 j* y! Y0 `" w; g7 b& \1 l! S
  学2:中世纪时,放禁止放高利贷是怎么回事?7 R& Q- T5 Z9 x! A0 u4 T
  Didn't such laws make it illegal to charge interest on loans?; _0 z: M& i' {' x8 {/ O& R+ \7 p
- i* h! K, `5 f* E  Z:Yes, they did, but these laws were gradually changed during the 14th and 15th centuries and banking functions started appearing again in Italy and Belgium and later in France,. X+ p% y# V. o2 t, Z
  周:是的,规定了,但是这些法律在14,15世纪时逐步地改变了,银行的作用又在意大利和比利时开始出现,后来又在法国,' l, G% k: K- t4 {
  Germany and England.2 F' ^4 S8 K0 m' L/ p
* r, b! f3 ], l3 C1 z) P6 S  S3:So we can really say that banking restarted during the Renaissance.7 n1 I% c+ o- V
& c0 B7 z4 H0 Q; E$ _4 x1 N. ^  Z:You are right. We can easily see the need for the development of the banks during that period.6 n3 d: f4 G) A) Q1 `
- d6 v( u2 P8 r0 `0 ^. X  Commercial and financial transactions had once again started to become more complex as Europe emerged from the feudal system of the Middle Ages.
$ u& O+ `: U4 _9 o  商业和金融交易再一次开始变得复杂起来了。
! @  m) Y# d; b/ c- R  S4:Could you tell us more in detail?6 E1 Z; _6 K! O
( }! I0 t: Y& m/ o4 I4 i  Z:Yeah. For one thing, many banks started that way, especially in France and England,
" a. W. l+ v0 T, W2 u; K% `7 v  周:是的。一方面很多银行就是这样兴起的,特别是在法国和英国。. I# t4 K) b. C
  but they gradually expanded their activities to handling deposits and loans,! P) E2 p5 a. w9 e0 q; }
: R( a2 G* C; V/ g& @3 R  issuing and trading bills of exchange and even issuing their own notes;
& {5 p0 j' H$ S  发行和买卖汇票,甚至发行他们自己的货币。
9 p5 b, {" M9 A+ N9 u7 w/ h  for another thing, they started the fractional reserve system which is the central feature of modern banks., y5 |  A/ e( V) k, K( C  _5 A
  另一方面他们开始建立起部分储备制度,而这一点正是现代银行的主要特征。4 m0 g8 c! O% o( k4 q! i6 I
  S5:When did the idea of central banks get started?, |" g2 y8 U3 [
  学5:建立中央银行的想法是什么时候开始的?( D1 p7 I8 O3 C* X3 J# Y# ]
  Z:Well, the first bank that was partially owned and controlled by a state government was established in Venice in 1587.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层

金融英语口语辅导:The History

  张:哦,第一个由国家政府部分拥有和控制的银行是1587年在威尼斯建立起来的。$ f" o; A6 U) ]$ l: Z
  Then, the bank of England appeared. We could call them semi-public.- R. @: e# l( L; Z- c2 A
+ _& k# z6 i4 t  As a matter of fact, the central banks with specific regulatory functions were created in the middle of 19th century. OK, we call it a day.
( v; x/ K  s8 o7 s* D0 B  a$ H: V  事实上在19世纪中叶具有明确常规作用的中央银行已建立起来。好吧!下课。
3 i, R& t8 z; m' ~' P; T6 ]* g5 E  A:Good-bye!5 J3 f5 W' k5 o6 h% S0 ]0 I
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