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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:HowtoProcess

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
New Words- P; G* Q0 {* b1 e& M
新单词0 x, @0 X' ?' d* m/ P0 C
concrete    adj." p- \! F7 s1 N0 u& ?
具体的! A" X3 t2 e6 }1 ~( D1 K
addition     n.
2 q+ ?+ L1 \, B' p7 j  \- l) W- f) ]; r
subtraction    n.
: O+ _% C6 u. C* T+ j6 k0 O; S* W, L7 n+ C) W# i* Q; e% t# d! M
multiplication     n.# C8 |' I, l4 V
+ L/ M7 c9 R& ?, o
division      n.
& y$ u7 j0 [# e5 C
6 U* ~' F+ }' y! M+ cfrequently     adv.7 F) b+ m( J" `
频繁地9 I, V% Z; J$ Q
withdraw    v.
1 o9 P% @& ^8 T+ D8 \, d取出9 E, Q" }4 b% z. f4 |7 o
formula     n.
1 S# m$ K, S! @& F* S& r8 z6 l公式,程式
' b% A$ [* s+ p" p; `, w1 B0 nplus   prep.5 r7 @, ?: x; ^+ T, y

6 R& h- D+ U) `, }9 ?% y6 dminus      prep.; ]2 E: [/ U& F% v
4 Z, [' W: }) ?9 {! _# S& n
compound      v.
; i) Y, h6 H- j7 |合成
' F- u9 N9 N5 N8 R" rtimes     n.* U# o; d& ~3 g5 t
' j: i, @% d, J0 E. i7 w4 j
divide     v.8 n+ k/ Y( c+ {. H) `6 L
% x1 s1 E. y# \  Z$ L
Phrases & Expressions
5 E: `1 v3 I  Q0 E8 k: ~- [8 Q0 Y短语汇
8 W; V2 y$ D+ y/ k: ndeal with8 r2 Z' f1 h, L7 t- g
: e7 m2 f- D9 Zinterest rate
2 m" s* e' a& T; z2 j利率
# w' Q9 y, \! g# E# OB:(Teacher) Madam, you have just said that our future work deals with numbers, but what concrete work do you mean?
( q5 j. Z) Z6 @- AB:老师,你方才说我们将来的工作是同数目打交道,但你具体指的是什么工作?) R' H. i+ ?) W
C:Madam, please explain this., d8 W, K9 E' ^# \$ o* u
C:老师,请你解释一下。6 \# |: v  O% @6 ]/ G2 U
A:All right. This is a good question. There are, in general, four processes in accounting:1 S9 }  a3 @/ P9 Y' r8 v% V
: {, x* o4 x8 V% waddition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The most frequently used is addition.3 d3 d5 {* T7 z1 R$ m! e4 n; u, O
; r4 m& v* W1 D) Z" b0 j! SEvery day we have many current accounts, and every account withdraws money or makes some deposits.
, c' v  x; T6 d- O' T  O6 P1 m& I每天我们有很多往来帐目,每位帐户要就是取款,或是存款。
: t/ ~1 d* ^/ ?9 e* rB:When do we use subtraction for current accounts?8 E) `0 a! e5 L9 j! x8 M4 _/ n4 M
! Q3 o7 l+ y3 w, H. YA:Very simple. When an amount of money is withdrawn, you must subtract this number from the general deposit,- G4 q: L% L8 Y! Z) G4 T
% s# q! t/ U& A6 W# Rthen write the new amount of deposit in the account book.
( F" x% k& Y3 P; s& S. T" L+ h然后在存折上写上新的存款总额。7 r1 H" M: i9 ]9 Z# c0 T
C:How do we use English to say this?
$ K- N; p( v6 g7 p. c( AC:那么我们用英语怎样说呢?" G5 t  k# m2 K) B2 C9 n) o
A:The formulas for addition:7+9=16, 239+145=384. We say 'seven and nine is (or are) sixteen',% }! P% U* e2 c3 K+ B* ^
A:这里看两个算式:7+9=16,239+145=384。第一个算式我们这样说:seven and nine is (或用are)sixteen,% A; y2 n) t/ w. G
but in the latter three-digit number, we should use 'plus' instead of 'and',
; ]( c" A- R- P' G& Y+ x" V1 h+ @但在第二个算式中三位数字的加法法则不用and,而用plus,& G' ]$ n9 ^4 B, C8 R; n  j0 ]: [
we say 'two hundred and thirty-nine plus one (a) hundred and forty-five is (or equals) three hundred and eighty-four.'
( |" D% Q6 H/ @2 a) f我们得这样说:two hundred and thirty-nine plus one (或用a)hundred and forty-five is leaves(或用equals)three hundred and eighty-four。
, m. ]( `4 k) c2 j1 tB:How about subtraction?
0 `8 V. k" n+ PB:那减法怎样说呢?
* ^& i% |5 U' M5 n0 e: ]% f6 V# SA:Look at these two formulas:8-5=3, 543-216=327. In the first formula,
# ?8 H3 ?' T# @' aA:看这两个算题:8-5=3 ,543-216=327。第一个算式,
. a. V: l4 D) |9 G) rwe say 'five from eight leaves (or is) three', or 'eight minus five is three'., i% l7 y5 ^) W9 C
我们说:five from eight leaves(或用is )three ,另一种说法是:eight miuns five is three。
0 k! w) j# z2 B) e' d* d* @6 S8 tIn the latter threedigit number we should use 'minus':
' a" z9 c7 l/ ~/ p在第二个三位数字算式我们应该用“minus”,
, X1 D* O; d/ Wfive hundred and forty-three minus two hundred and sixteen equals three hundred and twenty-seven.
- ^- U: ~: A5 X我们就得这样说:five hundred and forty-three minus two hundred and sixteen equals three hundred and twenty-seven。7 }: d) |' Y! c5 N/ E8 [* ~: M
C:When do we use multiplication and division?/ B( S6 b7 j: m
C:什么时候我们用乘法和除法?. C% J4 y$ |: h* n, b: |2 n
A:Multiplication and division are used to calculate interest rates.
5 C2 s" ~5 Z- p$ i- CA:乘法,除法用在计算利率。
7 E) E' ^# [5 U, TEvery savings deposit compounds the amount of interest.
& ^" J7 |: T" U0 e3 j: m8 P& i) V每一个存款帐本中都包含有利息。
6 J, P- B* N6 R! V7 }) d& gWe should use 'times' or 'multiply' to express this. For the simple formula:4*6=24,
$ c. c3 ?9 l# }: G& h& g这种乘法我们得用times或是multiply 来表示。拿这个4*6=24简单的算式来说吧,0 j" E4 y" c+ H' e2 o8 J8 e
we can say four sixes are twenty-four, but for the larger numbers, such as 18*243=4374
' s& o8 n" H) n; M9 l8 q我们说four sixes are twenty-four ,但在大数目中,如18*243=4372,
1 z! D5 D8 h- D+ |: ^, Dwe say eighteen times two hundred and fortythree makes (or is) four thousand three hundred and seventy-four," J+ \# M$ |" c+ Z
我们就得说:eighteen times two hundred and forty-three makes(或用is)four thousand three hundred and seven-four,9 |* t  k' V  L. i! t# w
but more formally:18 multiplied by 243 equals 4374.
5 \0 f& p2 I6 y5 ^* K% P但一般较正式的用法是:18 multiplied by 243 equals 4374。, [* u! _, j) @# F: p+ P$ u, M
B:Is division used in accounting?9 A! h& w  R6 Z5 x; ^7 ?
- I: o4 c) ?4 g7 y; b& HA:Well, in big firms, companies, enterprises, joint ventures and others,# q1 T: i2 n1 m" o( i/ z
$ v. G. I( d7 G* J! Qsometimes the amount of investments are large,
% R* f, A( ]( k% |7 Q( Q/ p有时投资的量相当大,: X1 ~# k5 D" e+ n' {4 C  _5 [7 M
and everyday current accounts are very complex, so all those processes have to be used.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


每天的往来帐目又相当复杂,所以这几种计算法都得用上。9 E1 a% j) I* p9 R) j4 K% ?+ m
C:Can you give us some examples on division?1 o2 Z: ?" ~# a( E. x& Y, N  L
C:能不能再给我们举个例子说说除法?$ L" S% `, I  j8 G! g8 y
A:A simple one is 9/3=3, we say three into nine goes three;
  c9 s1 P9 Y( y6 `1 A* oA:如简单的算题9/3=3,我们说:three into nine goes three:5 W7 L. ^9 U3 I1 N9 S5 r  ]
296/8=37, we say two hundred and ninety-six divided by eight equals thirty-seven.2 w1 N( ~7 B% S2 a, m
在大多数除法算式中如296/8=37,我们得说two hundred and ninety-six divided by eight equals thirty-seven。
0 F+ X# u% G1 w' h! JB,C:Thanks a lot, Madam!
* ^& F6 N7 s" X" q1 `! ^( m# QB,C:多谢你,老师。
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