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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:HAVEHAS

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
New Words7 _) a6 C( ]+ Q! s8 v2 U" z
" g( u1 [$ z. y) hconvenient     adj.! C, W, q0 r9 J" d4 K
1 V& r! z8 T- V" o" ]7 R& a0 tnegotiation      n.4 Q& T& }& y9 |. \4 s
谈判,协商* o- C2 s8 w$ o( S3 ~& b0 {
figure       v.
" J: x$ @$ x% X估计,揣测
6 a0 {5 m2 ?; V7 u; T& gvacant    adj.
* ?) J' U. I. C' d% y2 b8 F空的( E  i7 f7 r+ t  Q, }9 s
position     n.7 L  N: |" M$ L
, U) V% L5 A4 Xchapter    n.: D0 d& A( ?; ]0 X7 l4 _0 I$ e
章,回! T) g. ^9 r+ M
detail    n.2 t6 y* j# e6 g% I) e! S. `1 }
细节, p  K0 a- E  b8 k
section    n.2 |. T+ Z7 u( D2 C& V- u# p

. V! F( d& |: [. U9 \insurance    n.
* [* _9 D( l. c, N保险
/ f+ v1 w( |$ c5 rcustoms    n.* w8 Y2 }( I6 N5 B* G& R
! }% ?- a8 c6 \4 ]1 {regulation    n.4 g- @( {* Z( l
规章,条例8 L+ |" y6 A3 ^  @5 B
invitation     n.1 x9 e/ R9 w, \, r
请帖,邀请" q: k! O4 b: K+ H8 M
Phrases & expressions
  x' ^6 b* q& o9 l1 O8 U0 C! |% S短语汇: m7 f; q0 ~9 s* n$ Y" x+ r
credit card
7 t# w5 q. ]* `3 o信用卡
9 \, Q* U5 _3 L/ I* rlife insurance3 s- S, Y" q6 U2 L2 C" p
. N; K/ F6 Y$ X! O: H% QAngel Falls$ a: U+ B" @9 R/ Q" ?7 Q
安吉耳瀑布.在委内瑞拉境内,为世界是高之瀑布。* }# x1 ?+ X+ h! q
1.Have you ever seen a credit card?
# G3 W6 U6 W- r0 T1.你见过信用卡吗?0 ^7 p1 J. l7 B( o& f
-Yes, I have. It's very convenient to use while travelling.( _2 |8 M8 m1 D( F
我见过,在旅游时使用很方便。. `! l) p. H5 X
2.Has she decided yet?; v1 k5 H# i" R) v7 H2 F/ n
2.她已决定了没有?! A* i' c- D. a/ X
-Yes, she has. Tomorrow she shall start our new business.
( c* f- E, x  {0 K% X9 z. p她已决定,明天开始新的营业。& F  o; P& o  l: _  [4 m
3.Have you finished the negotiation with the foreigners?; T' V7 v6 |5 L3 j- J9 j6 J
" i$ m  W  Z& i: [7 r$ ?' p-No, not yet. We figure we have two more days of discussion.# h  U2 V8 w) i' D+ X: k
6 O! K& n4 l# v4.Have all the vacant positions been filled yet?1 u) I+ K9 ]3 H0 {2 y: N; S6 c
) y$ ^( O( K  K- X9 Y7 l+ ?-Yes, they have.+ H/ H8 f! @9 y1 \
是,已满了。) ?9 D6 V0 n5 K3 n3 f
5.Have I explained the first chapter clearly?. m/ `: f1 A1 _1 Z  }
0 p6 t! U  a; H& R2 r-Yes, except for a few details in the second section.7 D- H* N5 B' a. b) K% a
挺清楚的,不过第二节内还有些细节有点模糊。7 A5 y3 D! ], ?2 h/ g7 G
6.Has he learned to type in English?/ d9 m8 \# Z; {" Q
6.他已学会英文打字了吗?; m# d! d5 g+ o0 |
-No, He hasn't. He has no typewriter., z3 V! k( K& n' q
他还没有,他自己没有打字机。# v! \9 c2 U. ^# x: n, V
7.Has he signed a contract for life insurance?
' S( e% f7 a* C/ ]2 `' G7.他已签约进行人寿保险公司了吗?
6 k& e9 A/ R, V' d+ j/ k5 w! x4 P-Yes, he has.
4 d. m, N* B. P/ |' H! p* Y是的,他已办完手续。" k) f7 a& N& u, X- X
8.Have all the students gone now?
3 |4 {1 A) {$ w) K' l8.所有学生都走了吗?8 I  y2 a* a- g8 s
-No. Three girl students remain.
# n* D9 |( S7 q+ ?0 R0 j& B. `不,还有三位女学生留在那儿。! P; |/ {* [! b% V; w9 H6 t2 C' B
9.Have you ever heard of Angel Falls?
; w# @  B( K- E3 s2 J9.你曾听说过安琪儿大瀑布吗?
4 E/ N# Z9 q$ R) J-Yes, I have. It's the highest waterfall in the world.6 x) H/ T- J. R, ]0 A
. p. w4 C6 t; g10.Have you read the customs regulations?6 n$ Z& P( q7 ?  X8 q
* M- Z2 [/ W3 N7 i& I* c-Yes, I have.; o5 t5 I3 {. |
! c6 B9 z  H& P! D1 }11.You have never met each other in Beijing before, have you?/ Q9 d% k+ e! m& r
11.你们过去在北京从未见过面,是吗?) |5 I# h2 j$ G) y: m' z, v' X
-No, we haven't.
5 L/ [3 o5 r( H, v6 A( |0 [  {是,我们过去从未见过面。
; p/ K7 A; T. `9 M12.You have already got our invitation, haven't you?: r; V8 b8 S2 {+ b) p
12.你们接到我们的邀请没有?. @9 M# I! d+ T1 H2 y( E
-Yes, we have got it.' z8 _/ ~; [  l' ^( ]

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