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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:HAVEHAS

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
New Words+ i) R: C# L; G: B' c% b( A6 w
新单词1 _+ X- U4 U  T# H( W" S1 t
convenient     adj.
  d% q! f8 z! M( S) @便利的,方便的1 m. B! t, M$ `9 {. D' i0 e
negotiation      n.
  D; X2 Z, [3 x3 b' w谈判,协商
3 w) R3 L% H9 P% ^( Sfigure       v.( O* S! i! l2 I, v  [
. r, f- F7 F0 v7 G$ evacant    adj.
* I. [' K8 g% c  O0 _空的- `( Z3 t; @9 t
position     n.0 d- i: e* c  \5 ]
职位+ ^( ]& z, A* d0 D( K! e; l5 s( A
chapter    n.. c, Q( @4 r1 L. |. Q8 e
6 m4 K4 F- z% G! z/ bdetail    n.
9 ~" L1 Y* }- `3 W4 C' G6 X6 T8 R细节. N6 k- B& ?2 k
section    n.
6 m4 o4 H, Q; {
( F7 R! l1 w& O1 H+ \insurance    n.7 i: j8 [' S/ E/ J
1 T( R1 d1 x+ A/ pcustoms    n.
2 U: E4 H/ m! [- O/ A关税,海关% q, d& t7 G7 ]4 T9 m- W* J
regulation    n.
1 ^) m# q  h* P) @2 t规章,条例
& v" Q+ n" o! R/ m8 Q' [8 D6 Cinvitation     n.8 D( C0 Q* V4 k
请帖,邀请& a8 n" x- f; z  x
Phrases & expressions
+ Z& O% R( n/ J8 U! j) P& K短语汇1 R' v5 p; b  H5 |
credit card0 S7 h" w% J0 E7 J( s8 T* r$ F# T
信用卡3 N/ Y9 x2 X7 Y: A* m' H' @
life insurance
% H! [2 g6 a% z  ~' A- M- g# y/ z9 i人生保险,人寿保险
& }8 S  F) |8 [# v+ lAngel Falls+ T! C, Z2 r0 T0 r2 G' _
3 i! E# ~3 w- |1 e1.Have you ever seen a credit card?
0 I' t. K# y. m9 ^2 c1.你见过信用卡吗?5 u6 F- E. R  Z
-Yes, I have. It's very convenient to use while travelling.
0 f5 a+ g( n2 N( ]" N我见过,在旅游时使用很方便。
' ?# m0 {2 G" F4 R, C6 y* \2.Has she decided yet?# G3 y2 _8 |' f* T5 D  Y
+ N- i6 `0 K) W( _-Yes, she has. Tomorrow she shall start our new business.# b8 R2 Z2 S( ?0 e# [0 h
她已决定,明天开始新的营业。% q$ S2 V, K" {/ `- m, @
3.Have you finished the negotiation with the foreigners?
6 D: R6 ~1 w; x- n2 M0 B; e3.你同外商的谈判是否已经结束?
8 x0 Z9 V9 o2 J* M-No, not yet. We figure we have two more days of discussion.8 e, x1 O: |0 A5 \' E
还没有,估计还得讨论两天。: C& ]$ y9 A3 f; [8 h, b
4.Have all the vacant positions been filled yet?
2 f. R" s1 a  w2 T% K4.所有空缺的职位是否已满了?: x& r5 G6 m2 z( x& D0 ?# ^+ }
-Yes, they have.
. N. M# G1 o7 F- @是,已满了。$ o1 ]# L( {: q' H
5.Have I explained the first chapter clearly?
8 i; f. t$ Y& S6 i8 V4 G5.我是否已很清楚地讲了第一章内容?
( U2 W+ L. y4 a- ^-Yes, except for a few details in the second section.! a* D4 I% ~! o& m1 o0 }- u
& ~* V" u' m! r/ Q; [# q' h. }9 e6.Has he learned to type in English?
# u' m. {0 n$ R* |8 a6.他已学会英文打字了吗?7 k' K0 `, p; F
-No, He hasn't. He has no typewriter.% ^0 {& F0 ^0 F; ^
8 q' k- C7 V! v$ T2 k6 p- u& B( v1 }3 C7.Has he signed a contract for life insurance?! I9 m4 h8 c4 X
7.他已签约进行人寿保险公司了吗?% `2 W2 W/ ^0 `' R
-Yes, he has.
3 k/ c" l8 h+ w" _& V$ W( a3 p* l' n是的,他已办完手续。
! K0 \) r9 t; t8 p8.Have all the students gone now?. y, F4 y! F3 y. M  x; m
8.所有学生都走了吗?$ D! N$ N3 {8 z/ u
-No. Three girl students remain.
) B1 p/ ]8 f7 e" L不,还有三位女学生留在那儿。
# w" `7 i2 s  u1 F: b7 g2 o, v9.Have you ever heard of Angel Falls?
. m- k; r/ L! e% l- t4 f' P9.你曾听说过安琪儿大瀑布吗?7 K6 {3 j7 J4 j1 O% N9 ?6 g
-Yes, I have. It's the highest waterfall in the world.
: g4 w: N5 t3 U- L+ a8 _1 L& u, m我听说过,那是世界上最高的大瀑布。
& {, m: w9 b, V10.Have you read the customs regulations?; ?, X* u7 x: n) S/ S
10.你看过关税条例吗?! A  G/ k) R9 v- c1 o
-Yes, I have.7 \5 R: n2 K5 a$ R3 l4 c) h
我看过。* v, z$ A: @$ n: c9 u& U( P6 r  A
11.You have never met each other in Beijing before, have you?
$ i- A2 a) p. P) b8 F: R+ }$ k11.你们过去在北京从未见过面,是吗?. ^9 l' ?  p# e, A
-No, we haven't.9 c! a- {- w1 n/ r8 I. _1 }( {
7 g; }& x$ N3 `% M12.You have already got our invitation, haven't you?' F- R" i1 E/ h( k/ ?
12.你们接到我们的邀请没有?. Q: u, p9 G+ K1 l
-Yes, we have got it.
% |: v$ f: D+ w5 d: Z* s我们已接到邀请。

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