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[考试辅导] 金融英语备考资料口语篇-日本金融制度

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  The Japanese Financial system
& Z6 Z4 Z# k  M  日本金融制度
# [6 c7 c& H- s4 H$ f% H* j  Situation 9
( n6 [4 [- V+ V) k* ?+ @2 o  情景 9
2 s9 H: D) K( R  I/ h2 t& I' t+ q& f' g  Bob Dillon ,a banker from the United States ,is talking with aJapanese banker about the financial and monetary system inJapan . % p+ W0 r& u5 L& }1 C' g1 i
  来自美国的银行家鲍勃·狄龙正与一位日本银行家谈论日本的金融和货币制度。 5 f+ Q6 c$ ]$ n8 Z: g8 I
  Dillon:Note issue in Japan is controlled by the Bank of Japan ,isn’t it ? 6 o* u7 N+ I, L$ l' \3 A
! v6 ?( n7 \8 ]  Banker:Yes,the Bank of Japan has statutory authority to issue yen currency and coinage which isthe sole legal tender in Japan.
' R+ K/ ~, _  x; q% L" C1 f  银行家:是的,在发行日元和硬币方面,日本银行拥有法定性的权威,它所发行的日元和硬币是日本唯一的法币。 ; G4 C$ A6 X& ]
  D;I have heard a lot about redenomination in Japan .Do you expect that to take place soon ? 8 k1 P+ Y! ~0 i  j8 z
  狄龙:我听到了许多有关日本打算重新规定日元单位面额的消息,您预料这件事会很快着手进行吗? 2 r, p; g. Y# ~
  B;That’s a very good question,Mr.Dillon ,and I wish I could answer it .
2 s% w6 N+ X- [* w  ?7 m  银行家:这是个很好的问题:狄龙先生,我真希望能回答这个问题。
' n9 d: v' ^, G  The Bank of Japan has had that issue under discussion for a long time ,but it hasn’t been resolvedyet . $ D9 z3 B9 H- ?" Y; F/ L1 D
# X1 H) j: C; E/ b  f1 ?9 x" r. ?  D:When was the bank founded ? 3 @) z, ^$ M7 C
$ w. C/ r' e/ }9 q  B:It was established in 1882 and patterned on the National Bank of Belgium . 7 Y* R' }( }9 N- {& d2 z3 C
  银行家:它是1822年按照比利时国民银行的模式建立的, ( n) j8 U7 w' C/ c5 O% ]3 S+ Q0 |/ U
  Its note-issuing provisions were modeled on those of the German Central Bank .
+ h1 D- m( q) o* s2 {& |- x  l. w  它的货币发行章程是仿照德国中央银行制定的。
" g, n3 S. V' d$ ~3 L$ ?  D:Is it a government agency ? : Y7 P, D. T  m& [# a+ D, }
  狄龙:它是一个政府机构吗? 9 G+ u- a4 w' I' B0 U
  B:Yes,since 1942 it has been an agency of the government in actual practice .
0 d: Y! a- m8 d3 e0 i5 P  银行家:是的,从1942年起,日本银行在实际业务方面已成为政府的机构,
- ^5 Y9 l/ |) j8 A4 v  While it was originally founded by private stockholders ,the finance minister has had directauthority over its management since its charter was modified in 1942. ! S  W9 F7 M4 X) |( l$ {
5 z5 O4 `+ J) Q  T) c- t5 s+ f  D:It’s very much like the Bank of England ,then .That also started as a private institution . ' w. G& P9 V8 {( i; X" b6 J6 c
& C; U0 D" L; u& i2 h. ^0 S  B:In the respect it is similar .But the Bank of Japan has a much broader charter to undertake allkinds of financial activities ,as directed by the Cabinet . 4 S+ m! m/ s  W8 L, E) a8 c- C. ~

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