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[考试辅导] 2011年金融英语学习专业词汇(6)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 G & [8 h1 o1 f& b8 g0 E4 W! I5 S6 f
  改革试点 reform experimentation / I  {4 j5 }& Y4 F" x
  杠杆率 leverage ratio - ^. |5 t8 o9 a  g# s9 \
  杠杆收购 leveraged buyout
$ e( L' q) i; G9 A; o0 @  高息集资 to raise funds by offering high interest
* b0 O6 y! _$ Y  个人股 non-institutional shares , a8 f) b7 E1 k! n- V' i) A
  根本扭转 fundamental turnaround(or reversal) + w& H. e6 Y$ k
  公开市场操作 open market operations 8 D. r) U9 t$ ?" R
  公款私存 deposit public funds in personal accounts
) x9 u( s4 D* _  公用事业 public utilities
7 A4 ]: ]# y# F( f( ^' o& r) ~4 B8 C  公有经济 the state-owned sector;the public sector
$ t! K- W5 ~- Y, n' K  公有制 public ownership ' n0 L( ~5 F1 y( U6 U
  工业成本利润率 profit-to-cost ratio * W/ @3 o" I% A
  工业增加值 industrial value added 2 k: J8 I7 W, Q
  供大于求 supply exceeding demand;excessive supply 7 n2 {) L3 e! c5 @0 F
  鼓励措施 incentives ; q- P% ?- l1 T/ o
  股份合作企业 joint-equity cooperative enterprises
0 k) f1 P; b3 s2 N2 E  股份制企业 joint-equity enterprises   J9 ~! u, u% K2 a" G8 q5 F$ M
  股份制银行 joint-equity banks ; D) `7 H  p" e/ A- S
  固定资产贷款 fixed asset loans * g6 _: @5 _) A( i( i; b$ Y
  关税减免 tariff reduction and exemption # v: \( m/ X3 T" y; J$ ^$ G  T
  关税减让 tariff concessions
: X; y! k# c1 i; j  关税优惠 tariff incentives;preferential tariff treatment
) B: ~$ S, ]; x! n  规范行为 to regularize(or standardize)…behavior : h) Z( }. \/ Y6 h1 Z
  规模效益 economies of scale + \# h% D  ^6 j5 e/ F* x
  国计民生 national interest and people's livelihood
% i4 U5 `/ a% |2 n4 N5 W  国家对个人其他支出 other government outlays to individuals 1 j6 Z! [. `2 Y' p3 _
  国家风险 country risk / z4 u1 C$ {! w  O
  国际分工 international division of labor 6 C( l% o; u: t8 U, g' Z
  国际收支 balance of payments   Z  r! e, a" `/ F
  国有独资商业银行 wholly state-owned commercial banks . o2 V" p* c5 y- s8 @
  国有经济(部门) the state-owned(or public)sector ! S: i( U$ x9 T
  国有企业 state-owned enterprises(SOEs)
) P! a- s3 e; @" O  国有制 state-ownership ) s; Y9 w& c* J7 K% a3 Z5 N/ X( p
  国有资产流失 erosion of state assets
& u; ?/ E- P# Y' m4 d- n  国债回购 government securities repurchase
5 h; q; u) W. z3 s: ]- N  国债一级自营商 primary underwriters of government securities ! g& Z' B) A  _7 `
  过度竞争 excessive competition ( T1 u- ?( @7 \
  过度膨胀 excessive expansion 9 |; l  v. r7 f/ j# Y& b
  过热迹象 signs of overheating

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