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[考试辅导] 金融英语辅导:金融英语词汇

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  availability float [银] 存款使用变通期
9 L8 }/ w2 W& ~2 Y# {& a+ m: r% k& l/ e- H
  The time period (or sometimes, the dollar amount) represented by checks that have been deposited but not cleared.7 }) t! [. u' h

9 c- I2 B; {% z1 q$ `  已被存入但尚未清算的支票所代表的期限(金额)。0 r/ D+ d( z- }5 Q
/ y) G) C- L1 y2 V: k/ {9 Q% k
  available assets [银] 可用资产+ A1 p: V( H" A9 x3 B9 ?

+ j1 P. d! U- n! _6 E  Assets that may be sold relatively quickly, to meet an immediate need.& [  H) P* d* D; O! s

' ^7 w" U# u& S/ ]8 }* s  可以相对较快出售以备急用的资产。
/ s$ A! a& B  B" D" `' w( c6 H% k8 C& [- q1 ~8 R, N
  average accounting return [银] 平均帐面回报(收益)/ l9 i3 ?2 h: }% N# N5 [6 J
1 P0 j* y4 R( H5 g
  The average project earnings after taxes and depreciation divided by the
- S2 l7 h; [! F0 ]" a) h0 n0 [% P
: e4 |+ e9 M2 p4 |4 u& ?) B  average book value of the investment during its life.
/ C3 {* T+ P, M& I$ ~3 b+ V0 \+ d6 D9 Y( d5 S. U
' i* e# j  W6 x" V* b! x. \1 g. L5 U) E: [7 t
  Average Annual Growth Rate [特] 平均年度增长率1 g& z9 ^2 b- h9 l
4 x; n; X1 u7 x4 w9 c' v
  The average increase in the value of a portfolio over the period of a year.. D. J4 X0 n% E- h* z
  ]- j! K% ~& U8 r" [
  一个投资组合在一年内价值的平均升幅1 f/ l# v6 C+ O

% I: `6 s9 ~/ h  Average Annual Return [证] 平均年度回报率
3 F! Y2 C6 F% b. x0 L
9 v4 \, K* z4 X3 n$ X: M$ U9 n6 H* f  A figure used when reporting the historical return of a mutual fund. The AAR is stated after expenses have been tallied, including administration fees, 12b-1 fees, and others.
& U3 l5 Q) V* [/ g1 u
7 h8 `4 D- G8 D2 [9 z  用以报告共同基金历史回报表现的数据。平均年度回报率扣除了开支,包括行政费用、12b-1费用以及其他开支

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