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[考试辅导] 金融经济词汇辅导:汉英口译分类词汇2

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  提高经济效益 improve economic performance; increase economic returns$ E1 R+ X' w  W! s
  讲求社会效益 value contribution to society; pay attention to social effect  O6 S" _6 k& H9 g% `
  加速国民经济信息化 develop information-based economy accelerate it application in economy+ U  Y3 I( l# \, G
  拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth
  r; r) Y  U6 s$ ~8 F1 i- C  利改税 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery
; }! T& v+ V8 C5 C4 J" {" G  费改税 transform administrative fees into taxes9 w1 x& u4 z: }
  债转股 debt-to-equity swap$ i2 S( _7 H" @% |3 }- P
  头寸宽裕(头寸紧缺) in an easy position (tight position)
* B0 l. M3 S$ J6 c3 s5 n  朝阳产业 sunrise industry! I# y7 _+ |2 J5 u& b. l
  招标投标制 the system of public bidding for project
6 [9 D$ l0 U- u! X, m  充分发挥货币政策的作用 give full play to the role of monetary policy$ g1 T) n* M, Q9 }
  实施积极的财政政策 follow a pro-active fiscal policy. Z0 y8 p" P. V: I) v' E7 K% b6 {7 @
  向银行增发国债,扩大投资 the government issued additional treasury bonds to banks to increase investment.
; _! ~, r  U6 u2 V# w* F  再注资 recapitalization
- A" h1 Q6 H+ k1 L3 k  V6 P  放松银根 to ease monetary policy
6 Q! @' W# V; a, l  信息经济 it economy
4 W/ Y; Z$ c  F; }- l  外向型经济 export-oriented economy
2 Y4 v7 [9 `+ I- H! R! }/ G  信息时代 information age. q" g0 B: d( R$ k
  全球化 globalization (全球性globality)/ s6 D! }% D) J/ d
  信誉风险 reputational risk3 E  I' W0 _% u9 b5 S
  风险评级 risk rating
$ T' Y6 n0 F; G7 N7 f$ G% h  到期不还贷 default on a loan1 Y' \) [2 Y3 [+ J5 j* d# v
  资不抵债 insolvency; be insolvent! H" g8 R% p4 |% K; I: a  H0 N
  亚洲金融危机 asian financial crisis (1997-98)* t3 c; f( D+ E1 v. L
  投资(贷款)组合 investment (loan) portfolio
( A, ~6 p$ }; {  外汇储备充足 sufficient foreign exchange reserves* T$ }1 H1 P5 J7 E8 A* g
  中国金融业问题 problems with financial sector in china
4 J9 u) P5 ^+ j  储蓄比例过高 the excessively large proportion of savings in the money supply/ V7 s( T! _/ t) T; t
  国有企业产负债率过高 high leverage ratio of the state-owned enterprises,
& j5 ~& U# Y- V2 g  国有独资商业银行不良资产比例过高 high ratio of non-performing loans of the state commercial banks

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