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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语:法律名称英译若干问题2

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
其次,是法律(广义)名称大小写原有一定的规矩,奈译者时而不懂或不守规则,舛误起矣,如: 2 ~3 u0 Q  w4 [8 }
8. Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Intake of Experts From( 应作 from) abroad
: W7 G/ z. \( e. w# P( W-Shanghai’s foreign Economic Rules and Regulations(1993-1994),p.3 $ G1 k( B. ~$ q& Q% T% {# j
9. Article l (purpose and Basis) ; \4 }9 r9 i8 I% U3 B% a/ `8 ~9 x, g
The present Procedures are formulated in accordance with the “procedures on the Administration of Registration of Enterprises’ Property Right Over( 应作小写 over) State-owned Assets”……
* }  }1 f# x0 G  q' R0 ^-Supplement (Chinese-English) New Laws and Regulations Monthly,1997,1,p.183
/ d: ^# s2 R/ H4 r10. Measures of the Customs of the People’s Republic of China Concerning the Administration of the Goods, Means of Transport, and Articles Carried by Individuals to be ( 应作大写 Be) Brought into or out( 须大写 ) of the Bonded Area of Outer Gaoqiao in Shanghai # L; e8 a, S8 T  c
-Laws and Regulations of the People’s Republic of China Governing Foreign-Related Matters, China Legal System Publishing House, Beijing 1991.7,p.11
; }' b0 r6 m1 w" ~+ Q- F三、是介词(或准介词)之使用失当,如:查表示法律规范调整的对象,《新法规月刊》增刊 1997 年第 1 期共刊载 15 个条例、规定之类,几乎都通过介词 “on” ,只有一个例外用 “for” :
# |8 U+ a2 J/ xRegulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Mudflat # Y5 [3 r6 |0 ?+ K! W1 K" j
Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the Control of Hygiene of the Food Sold on Urban and Rural Fairs - ~5 |& n  ]( {" e8 E: {
Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Mother and Infant Health Care
/ c" r& O7 H; P; g0 dRegulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Flow of Talented Personnel
0 U" p6 c! A% s& F4 mRegulations of Shanghai Municipality on Drainage Administration
4 a2 P3 f' r" r/ ~% K! a' b- PRegulations on Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone
' Y6 h4 ^  u# l% A; j* YRules of Shanghai Municipality for the Implementation of the Regulations on Family Planning (例外) 1 E* G! ~8 [$ ?% @. y; }
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Registration of Institutions
, j) `0 @$ I. D7 |Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Construction Project Contracting # v7 @6 f, W! K- o- }+ U
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of the Temporary Residence Permit for HongKong and Macao Residents and Overseas Chinese 0 x+ l% b. V2 C$ w$ U. ^
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Granting of Land-use Right
, }9 I$ l) j: @/ dProcedures of Shanghai Municipality on Social Relief % B: e# ~2 F- E, X5 H+ Z! k
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Management of Public Libraries
% e: A* h/ `; \& g6 ]Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Implementation of Enterprises’ Property Right Over State-owned Assets
) `! p0 s# A% I, `2 @. O* zProcedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Protection of Basic Farmland
0 C; p" K* _, w其中的例外用 “for” ,含义与 “on” 不同:表示调整对象,不如由 “on” 表达来得贴切。其次 “on” 只有两个字母(而 “for” 由三个字母拼缀而成),更符合法律名称应尽量言简意赅,短小精悍的要求。遗憾的是,拾 “on” 而取 “for” 的往往还不少哩。例如上海远东出版社 1994 年版的 Shanghai’s Foreign Economic Rules and Regulations(1991-1992) 一书共有十个 “ 法规规章 ” ,其中表示其调整对象而使用介词 “on” 的仅两例,而使用 “for” 的反而有七例: - ^, F2 x; R( l' v2 L9 p: J
Procedures of Shanghai Municipality for the Implementation of…… ; C! G) K/ {( o, e2 }# A6 E* T
Interim Provisions for the Control of Shanghai Metal Exchange
" H6 m9 P6 G8 B8 Z4 O! |Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality for Encouragement of Nonlocal Investments in the Pudong New Area & J) {8 A4 U: a, ^( x- g6 H
Procedures of the Customs of the People’s Republic of China for the Control of Goods…… ) z" m- X. s8 x
Rules of the Shanghai Customs House for the Implementation of surveillance over, and Levy of or Exemption from……
& J% `( ?8 [* b' X6 PProcedures for Controls……
, f( i+ r% c( e, V5 fRules for the implementation of……
2 E8 u. X. }2 k1 S6 E  {; ?& P为什么不用首选 “on” 而退而求其次用 “for” 呢?更何况还有三处是采用那累赘不堪的 “Concerning” 呢: * s3 f1 W- ], s$ M6 V! c8 d& _/ g5 |/ k
Interim Procedures Concerning the Examination, Approval and ……
0 D7 `( [% z( R3 q以下弥足珍贵的一例,可以替代在 “on” 与 “governing” 之间左右摇摆、举棋不定而终于匆匆了事的译审行为: 3 F( |8 c  |( a# P8 X; L
Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Governing Trade Unions in Chinese-foreign Joint Ventures
/ d& \( m5 y' j+ O$ _; C于兹场合,即使用了都尚不能算错之时,这些词( for/concerning/governing )绝对不能列为首选( governing 一词很正宗,现在却并不多用,而在四十年代初笔者是奉之为首选的) — 首选当然是 “on” 了。 8 X8 ~; P  K. e$ `* E* l
四、存在的其他问题,如: - ~( k$ |9 o/ D+ ]8 Q

: y8 |" L2 }# ^: c0 ]  S  ^1 、多用不必用的 governing/concerning, 如:

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