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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:国际法专用(下)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation 双边和多边经济合作
' x/ m: ^  Q, B* i, X  bilateral trade 双边贸易. E5 ~9 ]) x  E# @
  dual nationality 双重国籍
( ~3 Y1 O5 C) d# B( _* w  trusteeship 托管制度- `, v1 Q" i7 r
  outer space 外层空间
. a/ }# W+ x$ w+ A; \! P  sole legal government 唯一合法政府
, L- j1 s4 N& ]* _; }. x' ^  loans with no or low interest 无息和低息贷款, D% n  L# w. f2 b
  colonialism and neo-colonialism 新老殖民主义1 J* O. A( A; U0 E: G1 r3 Q
  delayed repayment of capital and interest 延期还本付息/ |; k: M; F" j, i& }7 s
  extradition 引渡
- d( A9 @' C: Q9 s  Zionism 犹太复国主义! z% X9 i$ K1 Y0 A+ N) ^! a& N
  friendly exchanges 友好往来: p, @1 N% s# T1 m
  disputed areas 有争议的地区
; R2 W0 R. I. b( H7 j! [  fishery resources 渔业资源# j. ^& Y$ u1 A; V
  political offender 政治犯( B5 f8 _6 F+ W4 x0 e
  political fugitive 政治逃犯
2 `: F' b* C1 C. R+ n  Middle East, Mideast 中东
3 V! B& P/ N, @  neutral state, neutral country 中立国
5 g4 _9 I1 @/ H1 X  neutralized state 永久中立国: [9 x: A& ?  I! o$ |2 l
  apartheid, racial segregation 种族隔离2 O1 F  E! \" R: }
  genocide 种族灭绝
$ C4 K% e! |" c' ~- q1 t/ @$ I2 N  sovereign state 主权国家
& L: m3 G' g) m2 z  exclusive economic zone 专属经济区3 U$ l5 ]) x6 @/ j% B5 k, b( Q
  suzerain state, metropolitan state 宗主国
0 \* X( N; t- a6 o. L  suzerainty 宗主权
; A3 n) K! q7 v3 n  T7 i  to maintain neutrality 保持中立8 M4 }+ s% H) B" y8 R+ {
  to safeguard national sovereignty and national resources 保卫国家主权和民族资源& b# e  o: U& y# X( Z
  to take concerted steps 采取协调行动' W: n  N/ P' h& c
  to undertake obligations in respect of the nuclear-free zone 对无核区承担义务1 I2 n, A# T% X8 ?- O- A3 U0 _# `# Y
  to develop relations of peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, and prolonged stability 发展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系7 C  R* \6 i5 T! d# Q
  to develop the national economy 发展民族经济8 n9 Y7 y" X8 w
  to peddle munitions 贩卖军火- W; H! b* _9 F% d0 f5 ?( _6 F
  All countries, big or small, should be equal. 国家不分大小,应该一律平等
, `& W+ {1 P! H' D& E+ I% y  to establish normal state relations 建立正常的国家关系3 ]6 L" k) V& I# A$ r* L4 K
  to seek a fair and reasonable solution 求得公平合理的解决! s1 j5 D( s; K/ R! B! n
  to make up for each other's deficiencies 取长补短7 W  x7 {  ?8 f2 N: O1 c7 ~
  to negotiate through diplomatic channels 通过外交途径进行谈判
2 W# `2 b4 i5 U* |. M  to safeguard national independence and the integrity of sovereignty
6 K5 w0 C# W* R. l( S4 Z# Y- e* m  维护国家独立和主权完整% S; {# e. A$ Q$ z
  to safeguard world peace 维护世界和平
6 N3 t! E2 r; {/ y3 i) }2 G: K  to solve disputes by peaceful means 用和平手段解决争端
6 y% V" }( }" ?3 ]* U. G$ L  in consideration of the actual conditions 照顾现实情况
; u: j  w7 F: X4 M7 y; G* K. p  the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 和平共处五项原则
6 Q8 G5 v+ K( W) D  mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity
' v& O5 [4 F7 R, D9 P! `( x  互相尊重主权和领土完整' ]; Q7 j# H/ U, s: T* q; o; k4 W
  mutual non-aggression 互不侵犯4 x! D+ n0 V( y8 b3 p: y* O
  non-interference in each other's internal affairs 互不干涉内政% T2 I6 q. f0 `, K* n
  equality and mutual benefit 平等互利
& q* L5 F" G- ^+ v8 }9 _" Q3 b. T) [2 N- V  peaceful coexistence 和平共处

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