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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:法律制止信范例

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; n; U. s2 C9 Y  |! W. A" c  Date/ s# I: h5 r/ [# d+ Z$ l
  日期& n3 ^0 [: T. ]6 F* C& |# l% v
  Name of Spouse
# \  Q' p9 P# s0 a2 m. v( f  配偶的姓名
8 |( y$ Y- Z: z: {' x  Address
6 i( t- N5 P: O! W3 x9 x5 D  住址  m& c. |5 I. [. B9 A! s
  Dear Name of Spouse:
/ {- q8 O) R2 L6 I5 r3 o2 G2 c7 y  配偶名:
. R( y% m6 u1 o  I am writing you this letter to document a series of physical beatings I received from you during the month of (specify)。
# `5 A; ?- F1 }) j& H5 Q! V  我写此信是为了以文件证明在X月你给我带来了连续的身体伤害。
% H% W; k& \( a  j  Such conduct has caused me to suffer severe humiliation and embarrassment, emotional distress, and physical discomfort from lacerations and other visible bruises. I have taken photographs of my injuries as proof of your acts.# S% }0 m5 v$ X  v: i0 F! s
  这样的暴行使我遭受了极度的屈辱,情感压抑,并忍受着伤口和其他可见伤痕带来的身体不适。我已对这些伤处进行了拍照,作为你暴行的证据。1 a3 A2 t5 h+ T
  Please treat this as my final demand for you to cease and desist perpetrating any conduct of a threatening nature upon me. This includes.findlaw verbal threats, abusive language, and physical contact. In the event this request is ignored, be assured I will call the police and seek a temporary order of protection in the family court. This order may, among other things, prohibit you from remaining in our marital residence. I have consulted an attorney who will file criminal charges as well as a civil lawsuit grounded in assault and battery, not to mention a request for the police to arrest you.
! `  D0 j% o& D0 S/ A; h  请你停止对我实施任何意在威胁的行为,这是我对你最后的请求。这包括不要对我进行口头威胁、辱骂和身体上的触碰。如果你对此请求置若罔闻,我一定会叫警察并请求家事庭发临时保护令。保护令的内容将包括禁止你在我们的婚内住所继续居住。我已经咨询了律师,届时他会以殴打为由对你正式提起刑事诉讼并附带民事诉讼,当然请求对你的逮捕也是不可避免的。
4 u: C  S7 ]* w  Hopefully, all of this will not be necessary. I suggest you hire an attorney to contact my lawyer within the next several days in the amicable attempt to resolve our marital difficulties and avoid expensive and protracted legal intervention.
" D  F0 w% j( @- [  非常希望事情不会发展到如此地步。建议你最近几天雇律师与我的律师联系,希望能以和平的方式解决我们婚姻中的问题,从而避免昂贵又冗长的法律方式。
$ h% v7 x$ ]: _! j  Very truly yours,
6 i. ?' S6 D+ A" X  此致. i4 I" v; r. T0 c& S# L5 B: q
  Name of Spouse
' J8 ?! v5 }# o( O0 |# R% Z+ A  配偶名% M! I5 t; D# E0 |- s& X: g
  cc: Name of Your Attorney
8 _6 f% o* g& E" a  律师名
5 K9 f; u% c1 v# C  ——Send certified mail, return receipt requested./ x2 `% \$ N) @' x8 u$ D" W6 E
0 W/ X8 p0 |5 c/ V% ?  ——Author's Note: A similar version of this letter can be sent by your attorney if you prefer.: V7 F( ?4 B# B* }, I

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