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[FECT高级考试] 金融证券专题辅导之必考词汇整理09

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  S+ K- w4 q% e  F; M  W1 |$ x1 S
  Secretary 局长
' [, x8 W) q2 z! p) Z& S  J' x8 |4 ~  securities 证券 4 s( j% I2 K) ~3 J$ y4 S4 z' I7 X
  securities adviser 证券顾问
- J, W; y  Y% g- X; o  Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal 6 P/ Q) _, b$ ?( V% S. I9 M
6 ~2 E% y# Z$ t  securities and futures industry 证券期货业
! j6 F5 c$ \- S2 q2 ~( ^  securities and futures market 证券期货市场 7 J  _6 c9 E6 C" L+ B
  securities borrowing and lending agreement   d6 Q5 f" Y1 T  A' U$ V
7 ~1 @( s! {# G* _  securities collateral 证券抵押品
1 H/ B, l: U8 J& F  securities consultant 证券顾问
# ~! X  h8 j4 w% H7 x  securities dealer 证券交易商;证券经纪
* q5 Y) |& V& y& a# o- D* _  securities margin financing 证券保证金融资 6 H8 i6 w7 M; _+ T* P% b9 n, X
  Securities Market Maker 证券庄家
+ o; S- L& ]" F, |  segregated account 独立账户
0 I' _8 r  X5 C8 m2 Z% F0 j  SEOCH 期权结算公司
, t1 `. m& w0 Q. m0 M8 r3 w( D  served 送达 1 K( U$ L4 G# [; _. y
  service bureau 服务单位 , _( h% J9 [# G7 D: s  b
  settlement 交收 7 c9 ~+ i% C1 R5 A
  settlement date 交收日期 2 |# J3 a1 m2 K$ \+ {1 I& Q7 u: I
  shadow director 幕后董事
/ r, R9 J& F4 _4 q0 F  share 股份
, }# @- }8 x2 Z0 b4 K, b  share registrar 股份登记员 6 Q( t4 n1 M/ O; ~4 H" H  ?5 V
  Share Repurchase Code 《股份购回守则》
+ ]. x: o: z6 i# v" \  shareholder controller 股东控制人
( S4 U" }; T+ e. b5 O9 w$ V. g  short position 淡仓 & O: }, i  Q( I' M
  short selling 卖空
2 O4 D9 A0 e+ Z# k+ Z% q) K  short selling order 卖空指示 " V. |% Z* m8 @6 P" `4 z0 [
  special debt securities 特别债务证券
" n* @- b" e2 A& C& g: n  specified amount 指明款额 4 I# w& g: \* s9 u
  specified amount requirements 指明数额规定 5 x5 z1 Y" @5 J: B3 J5 j
  specified bank regulator 指明银行规管当局
4 K6 l8 g/ O: C: P$ J  specified credit rating 指明信贷评级 : x" o& I# U- D' ~; ]; z
  specified debt securities 指明债务证券
- c5 W5 [* P2 [  specified decision 指明决定
8 U, g# [( B5 W6 ], r  specified exchange 指明交易所
% p* `9 g- v. L; c  specified futures exchange 指明期货交易所
' c- E2 i/ A7 b/ f) M5 o  specified instrument 指明文书 4 Z$ [) O4 V2 `: I7 i( V0 A
  specified investments 指明投资项目 , x4 Y. i% m1 [- @" y8 N
  specified jurisdiction 指明司法管辖区
: j; K& }. k9 B# J  specified licensed corporation 指明持牌法团 ! @  c$ F( @) I) D, h, P
  specified licensing condition 指明发牌条件 : \8 \+ t6 E% s% o5 O) h
  specified percentage level 指明百分率水平 - [% f6 |9 B' }9 q( e
  specified person 指明人士 7 Y: A% P% [* A9 |% C! Z3 W* [' Y( A
  specified recipient 指明收受者 $ |& c: v; W- M( o* U: N+ N4 ^
  specified risks 指明风险
( B- Z/ G$ l9 K- b  specified securities 指明证券
7 f" s% o5 B# G$ P+ ]3 o6 w1 t  specified securities or futures contracts
* }5 y: T6 v+ [- d! J  指明证券或期货合约
/ u1 X; m  n$ K: H8 b5 \1 ]  specified stock exchange
% ]( v& u/ A1 d. p$ e! f  指明证券交易所 * f( F* T& z5 `5 N" A
  specified titles 指明称衔 ! o: v  l# k5 ~# [& L& g: k
  stabilizing action 稳定价格行动
/ ?1 |+ @1 x7 ^- I0 d  stabilizing manager 稳定价格操作人 * p- t3 W- D! E& t5 H
  stabilizing period 稳定价格期间 - t! Z' z8 d4 _* H6 x
  stabilizing price 稳定价格
# R0 j7 W. V2 |: _1 {6 h  standby subordinated loan facility : G+ T2 _- O+ q& ]& S+ U" {. q% E
  备用后偿贷款融通 2 g  H. u+ v$ s  E3 @
  standing authority 常设授权 1 a# B+ F& [4 c3 S1 a. K' K4 v( A1 V
  stock adviser 股票顾问
4 @2 L' Y& [3 O7 K% d  stock dealer, stockbroker 股票经纪
6 B& S2 G% ^% f/ Q6 Z" q  Stock Exchange Company 联交所 $ t( `' d, T1 h. L" A/ n- Y
  stock futures contract 股票期货合约
- d/ b( y9 H( f4 M0 U5 {+ z  stock market 证券市场 & F6 Y( R! p" }) [3 r. K& a% V
  stock options contract 股票期权合约
7 D/ E4 Y+ A3 C3 ]& P% S1 g  stock return 证券交还 + W+ ?2 X! d' X
  subordinated loan 后偿贷款
) H: r3 y1 W' v" ]  substantial shareholder 大股东
- e3 }' b1 C9 X) k0 \  systems of control 监控系统

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