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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语:跟单信用证常见条款及短语15

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  .beneficiary′s drafts are to be made out for 95% of invoice value, being 5% commission payable to credit opener 受益人的汇票按发票金额95%开具,5%佣金付给开证人
2 W" e) b6 I  B8 j  9.drafts to be drawn for full CIF value less 5% commission, invoice to show full CIF value 汇票按CIF总金额减少5%开具发票须表明CIF的全部金额3 e6 e7 |! r5 E/ k0 Y2 `9 D
  10.5% commission to be remitted to credit openers by way of bank drafts in sterling poungds drawn on…this commission not to be showed on the invoice 5%佣金用英镑开成以……为付款人的银行汇票付给开证人,该佣金勿在发票上表明* B. \( ?  W5 C5 L% R' `$ |' K1 I, q, `
  11.freight and charges to be showed on bill of lading etc. 提单等(单据)须标明运费及附加费" b+ w1 v9 b( ]! b: L5 D
  12.cable copy of shipping advice despatched to the accountee immediately after shipment 装船后,即将装船通知电报副本寄交开证人
0 ^$ a; _2 G: @; M- C) M. k$ ]  13.one copy of commercial invoice and packing list should be sent to the credit openers 15 days before shipment 商业发票和装箱单各一份须在装船前15天寄给开证人1 U3 L6 W$ {7 \) k. N1 B; O- J
  14.the beneficiary is to cable Mr.…stating L/C No., quantity shipped name & ETD of vessel within 5 days after shipment, a copy of this cable must accompany the documents for negotiation 受益人应在装船后5天内将信用证号码、装船数量、船名和预计开航日期电告……先生,该电报的副本须随同单据一起议付7 |) ]. S3 s% l6 u, x% o
  15.all documents except bills of exchange and B/Lading to be made out in name of A.B.C.Co. Ltd. and which name is to be shown in B/Lading as joint notifying party with the applicant 除汇票和提单外,所有单据均须作成以A.B.C.有限公司为抬头,并以该公司和申请人作为提单的通知人5 G9 M7 J3 H: V: \% d( I
  16.signed carbon copy of cable required 要求(提供)经签署的电报复本
0 w4 h9 ^+ d8 h0 g6 Q0 D& P1 a  17.both shipment and validity dates of this credit shall be automatically extended for 15 days at the date of expiry 本证的装船有效期均于到期日自延展15天! p$ W+ Q: E# Q. d  D
  18.amount of credit and quantity of merchandise…% more or less acceptable 证内金额与货物数量允许增减……%
, ?7 F0 S' R3 v; ^% c5 f  19.credit amount and shipment quantity…% more or less allowed 证内金额与装运数量允许增减……%3 N# @9 n" U6 v* i7 D# A
  20.shipment samples to be sent direct by airmail to buyer before shipment 装运前须将装船货样直接航寄买方

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