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[其他] 翻译技巧:主从复合句的分译

发表于 2012-8-16 09:14:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: Y. F9 v3 z$ q+ e% r& `8 L( }  U英语复合句汉译时常在分句连接处加以切分,分译成两个或两个以上的句子。例如:
1 @) v/ y/ t$ Y1 [( c- d/ h, X; x$ [(1) One day, while out on the bleak moors, Pip is startled by a hulking, menacing man who threatens him if he does not bring him some food immediately.  F3 q1 n2 c' ?0 W; C# Y% s. H
匹普外出在阴冷的荒原上游荡时,一个魁梧、凶狠的男子把他吓了一跳。这个男子威胁他,让他立即为他送些食物来。(在who引导的从句前切分)  b( O" C0 N3 P
(2) All this had come to an end in 1905 when the medical mission was dissolved and several of Mother‘s colleagues were killed in the uprising.8 B3 @3 W! P( J
1905年,这一切都宣布结束了。在一次暴动中,妈妈的几个同事牺牲了,医疗队也解散了。(when处切分): Y1 c& w1 b( q
D. 其他情况的分译
) G2 N+ b2 e$ Z8 A- g" F! G有些长句的翻译得根据具体情况、意群的分布等进行灵活处理,合理进行切分,使译文层次分明,观点明确。例如:来自www.Examw.com- q' c1 A( n, R+ @
(1) Suddenly the door bursts open and the Time Traveler appears, dirty, disheveled, and bedraggled, with a nasty cut on his chin.
' n% y' a% U. N突然,门猛然开了,时间旅行家出现。他十分肮脏,衣冠不整,满身是泥,下巴颏被严重划伤。(在appear后切分)
5 Y/ M9 Q$ j; `: Z$ u(2) The boy and the woman were already seated by spread table-cloth when the man came down to them, dressed in his business suit and vest and tie and hat as if he expected to meet someone along the way.6 y: `9 o! D6 v

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