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[笔译中级] 2011翻译资格备考:汉译英难点解析500例(3)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第三篇 脾气和性格4 T: }& [. k1 t
  1. 偷懒耍滑头 goof-off
% q* [( a% b" ~! |& a  小王总是偷懒耍滑头。上班时不是去打电话就是跑到医务室去看病。
0 }' Z$ A2 ~4 ]4 T( E& {  XiaoWang’s always goofing-off----either making phone calls or going to the clinic to see doctors during office hours.
& D6 r" z1 e; k* P4 j% E: ^/ ^) E- N  2.大动肝火 be up in arms
9 P. v& h" T$ {  由于公司最近几个月销售业绩不佳,老板正在大动肝火& {9 S7 k) R  W; x
  The boss is up in arms about the company’s poor sales record in the past few months.' _. G3 i; D$ ~* r  h8 W
  3.保持冷静keep cool
7 C' u; Q6 x! ^8 ]  即使在十分气愤的情况下她也能保持冷静
$ Z7 m1 m4 M& c3 R0 C  She can keep cool even under heavy pressure of anger.
- d$ w+ J5 A7 c* h  o  4.说话兜圈子 beat about the bush
+ r7 h# p+ G! N# m3 r: j0 ^3 j  5.心怀叵测 have an ax to grind( }, f2 [# P. c/ @( E
  她总是心怀叵测,对她说的话你得多留神 。
- E) n! ]4 y! h6 g5 }4 W  She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she says with a pinch of salt.
) ^+ h3 V: g% m4 Q. o0 o  6.心数不正 not have one’s heart in the right place
$ G% N/ ~6 k3 G3 U  ?; b  他的心数不正,动不动就在别人的背后捅刀子。4 {- w& _% l% \7 K0 E# }0 s
  He doesn’t have his heart in the right place. He would find every opportunity to stab in the back of others.2 f! r$ K- o0 ^( q3 G, T9 r
  7.背后捅刀子 stab in the back
1 u0 R  D$ s. G3 D( m  我万万没想到张某会在背后捅我一刀。我过去太信任她了。
7 u* I- ^% B2 U* J+ c  I was taken aback and didn’t think Zhang would stab me in the back. I placed too much trust in her./ M, Q6 e# v" o% j- J/ F# R% ~1 z
  8.说某人的坏话 badmouth somebody
0 d  F5 l, q3 B& g  D. o  我从来没说过任何人的坏话。
& M: |/ s4 k/ o) T  i: v  I’ve never badmouthed anyone.
1 {5 E2 i  k$ E2 _  9.傻笑 grin like a Cheshire cat# \; o- I# C* X) F7 z
$ S' V4 W5 \" j* B, J  She’s a real nitwit. She would now and then burst out grinning like a Cheshire car for no reason at all.(Cheshire是英国的郡名:柴郡。据说此地有一种猫,常常会无缘无故地咧开嘴对主人笑。后来人们便以此来形容傻笑地的人& j7 l) c  u4 O6 y+ i5 G  f
  10.厚着脸皮去干 have the gall to do
0 j. _6 Y1 q. A! V  U  Y5 N  你怎么能厚着脸皮去抱怨说别人不勤快?( l3 H6 a! U) B
  How can you have the gall to complaint about other people’s being lazy?
7 b+ Y% x- Q% v, ]* X  A+ P  11.大献殷勤dance attendance
9 X8 J/ X1 ?8 w' g: s# ^  小李在老板面前可会献殷勤了。
. B1 \/ ^7 m9 [4 i: ~' Y  Xiao li is so good at dancing attendance on her boss.
0 N2 f# }; C4 G8 q& \  12.血口喷人 smite with the tongue9 F! C- _, h) R) W: V; C
  千万别得罪她,她经常血口喷人。5 p& R5 k0 b# Y( u1 V9 _
  Take care not to offend her. She always smites with the tongue.) `& b: @3 v; G/ C" Z" G5 ?. T! A
  13.假惺惺的说speak with one’s tongue in one’s cheek
3 d, ?5 D' `/ [+ {* M  我特别讨厌她。她说话总是假惺惺地。
3 S* W0 j2 `$ u8 g  j& \  I feel sick of her. She always speaks with her tongue in her cheek.7 A: g5 N; q* Y* N% k& E5 J- d( |
  14.这山望着那山高 The grass is always greener on the other hill.; Y, b  r" o) n  L* M4 A5 ~
  人都是这山望着那山高,对自己的状况没有满意的时候。; z6 q2 t. u: a' e6 b# l4 h
  Almost all people see that the grass is greener on the other hill. They never feel satisfied with what they’ve already got.
6 k+ \0 ]/ J; Z2 b  15.上瘾get into one’s blood
' w1 A9 c" n4 \& D/ ?  说来也怪,很多不好的事往往会使人上瘾。+ s& ?% i% Q5 h
  It’s astoundingly funny that many harmful things usually get into our blood.$ t* a" [7 n5 l6 H' [8 }
  16.特别爱生气 be quick to take offense) A: _$ p, I  @& s, v; k% ~* n
  17.发牢骚 beef' P+ L; I: `6 e/ X
  他坐在那里什么事也不干,总是发牢骚,真烦死人。+ b$ u: L( W1 Z  z
  I’m really bored stiff with his sitting there doing nothing but beefing.3 b3 a2 v' u" h) n2 W7 i! y
  18.等不及了 champ at the bit
# d" ~% w/ S  s4 [; w1 F  咱们快点吧,孩子们都等不及了。
! h4 c, y$ ~2 [6 I2 d/ t7 u  Let’s shake the leg. The kids are champing at the bit.转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]" k7 x; B- q* _1 i
  19.点头哈腰bow and scrape' W7 }7 O/ E# F2 I4 u/ a, D0 x
1 i$ u0 p, {6 Y* [  From the way she’s bowing and scraping in front of the boss, you’ll know what sort of person she is.
& V" b: o$ g8 M/ v0 W1 d  20.疯疯癫癫go gaga5 R7 q- q, f  ]3 b% N# s
  对他的话不要太在意了,他总是疯疯癫癫的。* h3 Q9 N, Q" ]7 u$ ?9 G. F! L  {! A
  Don’t take what he says so seriously. He’s always going gaga.
, c, s9 \  g9 U+ s5 |: E  21.说话不算数go back on one’s words
7 O( n9 S4 \# S0 S+ a0 k; w  他那个人说话从不算数,我们可不能依靠他。, d( |6 e7 B1 a. C2 ~6 A6 \1 r
  We cannot account on him. He always goes back on his words.- ]) o* P5 [# T2 @  o8 g
  22.废话连篇beat one’s gums
  \5 J0 P9 I0 C# L7 b" f1 ?  谁喜欢坐在那里听你的废话连篇?. m( I2 o4 J( p# j$ C3 Q
  Who would enjoy sitting there listening to your beating your gums?. V( z4 V, v3 P2 M8 K# |# g
  23.恩将仇报 bite the hand that feeds one
2 p% ]- ~3 w" T  w1 w2 K  你难道不知道她是个恩将仇报的人?
: }' j9 x; u7 P( D+ E7 A4 i# q  Don’t you know she’s the one that would bite the hand that feeds her?
' W4 P2 p% v& y1 k& p. j  24.不忍心not have the heart to do0 V- G* E  S$ }8 h5 i- q. V
  如果我是你,我可不忍心把孩子们就在家里没人照看* x+ x. D) n  d( _2 S5 D- G- q
  If I were you, I wouldn’t have the heart tot leave the kids at home uncared for.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:21 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  25.勤快an eager beaver' p1 N9 b. }' m. n
  他特别勤快,从来没有闲着的时候。$ A- x% u+ {  P2 F. m* B
  He’s an eager beaver, never staying idle.
% O/ z# R; y& r% }- T. U  26.太不象话了The idea of somebody’s doing
" d; E2 ^) p5 U4 S  你太不象话了,竟然骂自己的母亲' ], i6 [9 {- y! }- A
  The idea of your calling your mum damned!& j% Y7 g' z! |
  27.懒透了be bone-idle% e/ y9 u! \9 w& a) X  [' Y
  Y; ~4 I; ?/ [% h  q' r  She’s bone-idle. She’s even tired of washing her own socks.5 O! w4 Z' ^; S! X
  28.好客 keep open house* l4 ^8 n6 V" e& E& ]
  我们的邻居特别好客; Q- Q1 T0 L" s4 z
  Our neighbor keeps open house.0 \  g* ]  j6 W8 J: Q
  29.待客周到keep a good house.  }  k# r/ I, \; N2 E; J
  She keeps a good house and always makes her guests feel content and satisfied.
' j3 Z: v/ A8 u9 p4 i: O  30.正直be on the up and up) r; W. e% `& y3 t: |
9 x; h& {3 C3 M+ F  n0 D& m8 M  She’s always been on the up and up and I don’t think she would have done such a thing.9 f) Y) q- Q% [- Q; `
  31.偷鸡摸狗be on the sly' X/ o: ^, x  y4 t6 z: V* y( w
  我们这儿的人都知道他是个爱偷鸡摸狗的人. O8 O2 o0 G* f4 l
  Everyone around here knows that he’s a man on the sly.
. C6 e3 Y7 B+ B# W  32. 与……不合be at odds with
& V5 H: f6 G1 ~  不要把他们两个分在一个组里,他俩不合" j# @9 x7 v( k' ^
  Don’t put them in the same group. The two of them are at odds with each other.
; H% b. e) N' l7 P- [$ O  33.巴结buddy up
0 ]+ b$ A! \+ P1 z3 K' ]2 }  她可会巴结当官的了。5 _& S" p9 O! r/ k# a7 V
  She’s so good at budding up to shoes in authorities. W+ K6 B8 k% U7 E0 I7 \) V' h$ c2 }
  34.装傻 play possum
- \; C- z% c* ]# |7 L9 w( a* ]  我知道你当时只不过是装傻而已
7 ^* x0 F) Q; h  Y  I know you were only playing possum.
, \! D: [6 V8 I1 T. g  35.省吃俭用 pinch and scrape9 c8 C, h% S) Q0 c2 {
! p) N7 }8 d/ j' g  c% T  She’s always been pinching and scraping without ever wasting a single cent.
9 B" i7 Z  ?- @  g2 \  36. 花言巧语do a snow job+ `1 w2 ?+ `( q4 N  g! z
  他花言巧语的哄骗那个女孩,说自己是某个部长的儿子。- u2 P1 k  i" m+ b9 M  o+ h$ K% \/ L
  He did a snow job on the girl by saying that he is the son of a minister .
9 Q8 O$ F2 s4 R# [: e  F9 A  37. 哪壶不开提哪壶 touch the tender spot
# ]8 r  _! [5 j+ o1 S( S1 g  你真是哪壶不开提哪壶。她就怕别人提起第三者插足的话题5 a8 R, S" @2 |% U/ {6 v) ~
  You were plain touching the tender spot. She was most sensitive to the topic of “ the third person”, who cut in between a couple.% F' P+ F9 J. {( E) k7 O- z+ M
  38.脚踩两条船 serve two masters
  Q7 g% E7 b" K" X  我可不想脚踩两条船,也不乐意两面讨好。" \: D3 B/ ]9 r
  I don’t want to serve two masers at the same time nor do I like to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.; ^) u- B: J& g# m! a# R/ m
  39.吃醋 be jealous
" U5 D% {8 Y& @  40.不当一回事 as soon do …as look at …
8 t6 e, W5 j9 s' K0 @; H6 R; X  他根本就不把得罪人当回事$ W2 X( X3 a5 K/ B4 h
  He would just as soon offend other people as look at them.7 `3 p4 Q6 [; a
  41.说到做到 be the equal of one’s words
4 m; e5 M) P; p7 Q0 M, ]  他说到做到,从不食言
  _9 _9 _" v. g/ I. F1 u  He’s the equal of his words, never going back on them.5 `4 c5 m  U4 P7 ]. L# \$ M! A/ y
  42.不依不饶 take off the gloves to, N7 b% E& |, H+ T- k. x) a
  你不必对他如此的不依不饶/ e" x/ G3 Y+ ~" B
  You don’t need to take off your gloves to him like that.www.examw.com
: p9 ^0 u# y4 `5 @4 z' o  43.贪吃 gluttonous; B6 c, b0 @3 g4 h6 c! F
  我从来没有见过像他那样贪吃的人$ y' X, v( v: I3 v
  I’ve never met a man as gluttonous as him.
) R6 R* O5 s) c  44.很乖 as good as gold( i/ O  ~% z7 v7 ~" g
' T6 R# G% a- c& o3 w  His little daughter is as good as gold. She’s never been as rebellious as other children.
0 @: P9 Z% b8 F3 o  O2 h  45.十分嫉妒 be green with envy1 N# }0 _  E" U' K
  王先生的成功使得周围很多人都嫉妒4 }$ Z2 V7 K( b# w& R8 C1 q8 h% w
  Mr. Wang’s success has made many people around him green with envy.
5 y$ S  p, l: Q8 i% a& \( D+ e  46.满口脏话 swear like a trooper
; S& V+ |& S8 j  那个家伙的嘴特别脏,整天满口脏话骂骂咧咧的。
; s* {( t$ f0 p  That guy has a foul mouth. He always swears like a trooper.
9 v! I% A/ v& ~; Q. Z. v4 o; X  47.神经过敏thin-skinned
/ g4 q( a$ V& c) h4 g  我看这些人都有点神经过敏
; @: w% I: A5 O  I# C6 i8 U% X2 P  In my eyes they’re all sort of thin-skinned.: _$ Y9 }5 V% i+ E! _' k
  48.性子过急be too quick on the trigger
2 G. f6 _, r) s, }- j" q6 F5 W1 E0 E  要不是因为你的性子过急,你也不至于失去那笔买卖2 }8 \; u) {" f3 L! q/ R
  If you were not too quick on the trigger you wouldn’t have lost the deal.
) I1 f' L9 k) y# R+ ^$ T  49.撒娇 play the woman% Y" k5 g* ^( S
  她可会在男人面前撒娇了。6 L; q; C+ R0 m! y  L
  She ‘s so good at playing the woman before men.& a$ Q8 K+ P; z9 z: b# J
  50.占人便宜 load the dice against
$ q' S+ Y# |: B# {/ M  你最好别和她打交道,她总爱占别人的便宜
3 J4 r. a) ~; ^5 n6 U  You’d better not to get involved with her. she always loads the dice against others.
2 O; B' }3 W. A7 H  51.为自己捞油水 be on the take
: M4 T, W) p: |) q5 u* A1 `0 X$ B  近几年来,很多官员都在为自己捞油水。有谁会把国家的利益当回事哪?
0 X) p; {2 W2 ?7 V* ~& Y  In recent years many officials are readily on the take .Who would give much heed to the interest of the country?
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