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[口译高级] 口译高级中英对照示例四十一

发表于 2012-8-16 09:48:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.中美自 1972 年建交以来,两国的经贸关系克服了重重困难,逾越了重重 障碍,在两国企业家和金融家的努力下,取得了长足的进步。 8 {+ ^9 m& ]; Z: w: a1 l
Since the establishment of Sino-US diplomatic relations in 1972, economic and trade relations between the two countries have overcome numerous difficulties and obstacles and have made great headway as a result of the invested efforts on the part of the entrepreneurs and financiers of both countries.
2 u% A2 T, S8 c+ v& r* @: G2.美国最大的 500 家公司中已有 50 多家在中国投资。 3 n. E: t2 `/ D4 M7 r
Over 50 of 500 largest American companies have invested in China.
; a( B  `) e; S# q7 S; Q5 \$ W3.美国投资项目大多规模大,技术先进,经济回报率高。 0 I, \8 L8 v" R% D* b
Most of American investment projects in China are large in scale and advanced in technology, and have provided excellent economic returns. 4 x5 k! E, r. @3 T
  n: _: h/ _5 E4 m. L3 xSino-US investment cooperation has a solid foundation and broad prospects, which will benefit both countries immensely. 2 z, C; e7 q) U4 K) ]. L% |# Q
& c6 C8 Q; }5 l- GAmerica has sufficient capital and a strong technological force.

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