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[口译初级] 口译试题英译汉部分试题分析

发表于 2012-8-16 09:59:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  翻译原则本无定论。然而,本项考试英译汉的评分标准主要倾向于"忠实"与"通顺 "并举。也就是说,英语文本能否以直译的类型。具体要求为:内容完整、准确.基本无 遗漏或错译,表达流利,语言基本无错误。
! j; p, ]+ _- S; A* k  英译汉测试题型及选材原则  M- m- B6 u$ F- M" w" ?! N3 u$ E
  英译汉测试题型为主观试题,一般由5~8个句子组成两个段落的一篇文章(长度约为2 50词)。由此可见,英译汉的难处在于翻译结构相对复杂的长句。
0 H: v" l2 @  B  选材原则取自近年国外英语书报杂志,内容涉及国际知识。外交关系。英美国家的政 治、经济、社会、文化、法律或历史,而且是正统的英文。由于考试选材的与时俱进,因 此考生必须关心国内外的时势.对国内外所发生的一些重大事件有所了解。背景知识的丰 富是理解英文文章的关键。建议考生经常阅读英语国家的报刊和杂志,如《New York Times》《Washington Post》《The Times》等。
' _4 T& ?& k0 K5 F1 w  结构复杂长句的翻译
  ^% ~& m+ a: e3 E, _  翻译结构复杂的长句,应首先弄清英文句子各个成分之间的相互关系.在准确理解句 子完整意思的基础上,按汉语所习惯的时间顺序和逻辑思维顺序,译成符合汉语表达习惯 的文字。由于英语的状语位置灵活.可放在句首、句尾或句子中间,定语又有前置定语、 后置定语和同位语。翻译长句时,不可能把英语原句的结构转换成与其一模一样的汉语句 子。考生须对英文原句的内容按语段进行拆分,而后按汉语表达方式,将拆分后的各部分 内容重新整合成意思与英语原句完全相同的句子。通过对考生试卷的分析,有一定英文基 础,又掌握了这种"拆分-整合"的翻译技巧的考生都能将英文长句的意思忠实而又通顺 地翻译出来,取得成功。
  z* l  M1 `* ~. m) ~  句子"拆分"
: j. N, @* y' c  T- c  (1) The expansion and increase have produced technicians, etc. who are employed by men. 6 G4 [/ F# h2 A2 {/ s
  (2) These people that they deal with symbols and ideas have become the engineer. 0 q; T2 h7 }0 j% i' @7 {( v  X
  (3) Intellectuals are free from daily work, they carry load and enjoy grants and subsidies.
/ j+ G- f8 m2 a  (4) The budget is the base that supports his independence. 7 E( b9 P5 d' K
  (5) The budget sustains both the existence and fiscal solvency, which takes a percentage. ( l- v/ @4 w) f1 s/ H  i
  (6) The feature is that it is given on a basis so that the independence rests upon capacity.
5 b- J! ]9 k# z1 y$ z  (7) The ability is a talent. " n) `! s& g1 Z& Y
       考生如果遇到这样的英译汉试题,一定会觉得主考教师发错了试卷,将高中生英文试卷 误作中级口译试卷,其实这一试题就是2003年9月上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考 试英译汉部分的试题,只不过在此做了"拆分"工作。全真试题如下:0 m/ N, h+ e8 ]. l
  (1) The expansion of the universities since the beginning of the World War II and the great increase in the number of college graduates and Ph. D' s have produced a corps of technicians, aids, speechwriters, symbol manufacturers, investigators and policy proposers who are now employed by practical men in al l institutions.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:59:04 | 显示全部楼层


  (2) These people, called intellectuals in the sense that they deal with symbols and ideas, have become professionalized in exactly the same sense as the engineer.
1 ~$ ~4 K  c  k) D  (3) Unlike the engineer, however, these professional intellectuals are free from much of the routine grind of daily work: they carry light teaching load and enjoy government and foundation grants and subsidies for their research.
( C7 D+ T* m3 a$ v3 d5 d  (4) The professor's project budget is the initial economic base that supports his independence within the university.3 M" j& p1 K8 M7 {# \
  (5) The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students an d the fiscal solvency of the university, which takes percentage "overhead" out of every project budget.
2 F% O9 ~: B# M% a1 y6 Y  (6) The major feature of project money, whether its source is government o r business, is that it is given on a contractual basis, a different contract f or each project, so that the investigator's independence rests upon his capacity to secure a succession of contracts.# a6 B+ R8 l; ^; G# H+ L
  (7) The ability to secure contracts is a genuine talent among professional intellectuals.! A& d' V+ [5 i. n5 k7 z
( p' m3 l- i! Y( `. B9 y* N" g  句子"拆分"使考生有了翻译的总体思路,但考生还须掌握句子"整合"技能,才能 既忠实又通顺地进行翻译,现逐句点评如下:
, Q+ E3 S( i' f/ a4 J. n/ g5 p$ C2 v% y  (1)自二战开始以来(时间状语前置),大学的扩招以及大学毕业生和博土生的大量增加 (并列主语),产生了一大批技术人员、助理、演说词撰稿人、符号编制人、调查研究人员 和政策建议人(并列宾语),他们目前在各个机构中受雇于具有实际工作经验的人(定语从句 被动语态)。- x- \6 F+ d6 |$ r0 i9 s% h$ u. O
  (2)这些从事符号和思想工作而被称为知识分子的人(过去分词作定语),如工程师一样 变成了职业人士(the same…as)。
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