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[口译初级] 读经典学翻译:《傲慢与偏见》系列(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:59:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《傲慢与偏见》内容简介:0 `6 o( \  I% b' N
  小说讲述了bennet一家五位千金的婚姻与爱情,表达了婚姻必须建立在爱情和经济两个基础上的婚姻观。傲慢而深情的达西先生成为小说塑造的一个经典形象。简奥斯丁的语言简练而幽默,反复品味,趣味无穷。+ e% w& ~) E- e  o9 w4 {
6 @; i% \+ N7 K! D  and alread had mrs.bennet planned the courses that were to do credit to her housekeeping, when an answer arrived which deferred it all. (chapter 3)2 |2 ^4 z; Z3 Y7 ^- j, V6 j# |
# l. r* I8 V5 R: }3 T# @) ]  翻译要点:5 w0 @+ P! ]  b* Y: A
  上面句子中的credit,意为“赞赏,荣耀,功劳”,do credit to sb.或者do sb. credit就意为“称赞,归功于”。这里的courses that were to do credit to her housekeeping,就是能让人对她的持家本领赞不绝口的美味菜肴。) E6 R. G& |# w( x! v3 |
  英译汉例句:- f; _; b4 `! ^
  1.she has tried her best. we should give her credit for that.
4 d+ v, A$ d) E6 b/ R  她已经尽力了,我们应当承认这点。
! N1 g3 n* ~  ^8 h  2.the credit is belong to the team.8 [, H1 i" p8 f: c- u) E% O; @
7 @' f7 I& E% N  汉译英应用:' i- o3 T$ K" {. _6 m
  知道了这个词的意思,就要会在汉英翻译中巧妙地用上它,要表达“归功于/称赞/……”这类意思的句子,都是可以用到credit这个词的。& Y' k2 Z6 r2 t+ T! s0 Y. v+ T
& X( X1 f8 _+ A1 F  1.你是一个很优秀的学生,千万不要妄自菲薄。
: i7 W# G& D4 Q8 W- u  I9 Z  you are an excellent student, you should give yourself credit.
; H/ _; Y* @' ^. w# D3 E" V  2.他什么都没干,可是到最后功劳都归他一个!
# i* O' e& j* a( P1 A7 `  B7 Z- [  he has done nothing at all, but in the end he is the one who took all the credit!
) _) \% U/ u3 w$ {6 r- z  3.朗朗的精彩表演令人不得不叹服于他的音乐才能。
) O! a. d, ?6 T0 [, Y0 M  lang lang's wonderful performance has done great credit to his talent.
- }/ I! k% o+ Z' D" j3 d  4.无功不受禄,这是我的原则。
) V- F% k, k0 d, v& m) p  my principle is that one can't take credit for things he has no part in doing.
' p+ F  R/ q5 @1 C# {) R' {: a  另外一个类似的句型是do justice to。do credit to是称赞的意思,而do justice to则是“不辜负,证明”的意思,比较一下:7 m+ }3 t1 o! e
  1.plan some courses that will do credit to her culinary skills,准备几道会让人称赞她好手艺的菜肴- [) l- a$ u/ x* z5 a& K, N; M
  2.plan some courses that will do justice to her culinary skills,准备几道不辜负她的好手艺的菜肴

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