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[口译初级] 2012年翻译考试口译中级学习:名言汇编二十九

发表于 2012-8-16 09:59:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
71.If you trust before you try,
) P) X5 L7 r' {& ~you may repent before you die.5 n3 l; }) B4 U; Y4 V4 x! E
" f+ o8 z3 t3 L9 _. L  f72.Never trust to fine words.; s% B: {: h' h8 T2 _( y% P! ~! C; o
切勿轻信漂亮话。, Z9 x( X, S0 M3 U# h. o; a9 w
73.Trust not a great weight to a slender thread.4 r* g$ T, N' h$ |. n. y
细线挂重物,终究不可靠。7 R, g: y6 y  ~: l1 u) G
74.Be just to all,but trust not all.7 J9 N4 x  ], E6 `
要对一切人都公正,但不要对一切人都信任。9 R# O* x& ^) [% x! f- U$ w0 z4 x1 l
75.Trust thyself only,and another shall not betray thee.
- Y7 L) C* b/ K6 q只要信任你自己,旁人才不出卖你。
( N; }$ E& @7 I1 t: Y76.Self-trust is the essence of heroism.
9 A2 K7 ^; T7 X, `7 O* P( k/ J+ Z自信为英雄品质之本。
6 y( r" k1 D4 a0 t* h+ N3 L  }77.Confidence is a plant of slow growth.
# m3 m7 N6 I5 V5 O, T7 X信任是一种生长缓慢的植物。5 x) n. G4 o, J
78.Truth is the daughter of time.2 ^) z0 |' A$ H7 O2 l7 o; R
+ a* ~) L, r( N4 D# j79.Truth hath a good face,but ill clothes.8 S9 r3 {% I& ~4 x3 Q# H5 `" T
真理面目善良;但衣衫褴褛。' C) Q- z! x: v0 t
80.Truth and roses have thorns about them.- J& H% x3 o2 c( y

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