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[口译初级] 初级口译指导:英汉对照3000句(25)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:59:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  第二十五课(2257-2350)- K2 e3 e/ s+ M; E: @( B
  1. She wears a wedding ring to show that she's married.0 G. U7 N. [; f) I2 n
# O( b1 @# k  ^  2. The telephone is ringing.* i% H4 ^) `1 a% b4 t
3 P0 i. T- a% \0 u% p% j  3. I wonder when mother will ring?
8 v) q# `; `7 c& E2 A! s  我不知道母亲什么时候会打电话来?
3 W- X7 ~* ]) W; G  4. These apples are not ripe; they are sour.
0 ^5 @+ W& A! _9 T1 n; Q- Y  这些苹果不熟,是酸的。. S; j% L9 l: O0 [8 y
  5. The time was ripe for a challenge to the power of the government./ R5 H- z; A1 f( u  y  B
* s! m2 K% n9 e6 h  6. The sun rises in the east.- X7 R. ^& M7 `- v6 p4 U, _
  太阳从东方升起。0 E. M* J, t3 t  L) c+ ]& y( p
  7. I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.
- t, I  H5 m( i/ S' z( g  我正在看一本关于罗马帝国兴衰的书。
5 t) f, a1 j1 ]& u+ H2 T  8. The Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world.
( `2 Q( n, J% X4 |  长江是世界上最长的河流之一。
/ y# H/ z% h8 Q( c8 D% S: t  9. All roads lead to Rome.0 b$ C- `, ~  x: H. b6 i# r
' d1 t8 W. t0 _8 Y  10. They knocked him down and robbed him of his briefcase.( c, G4 n# W4 f; G7 f
  他们把他****在地,抢走了他的公文包。) ^4 G" a/ ~$ h1 I. g
  11. The silly ending robs the plot of any credibility.0 K* S/ F" I; d" }& g1 R2 |) A& S9 }, r
  这愚蠢的结尾使得整个情节变得一点都不可信。3 C) }( u; w+ Z" a0 O2 k  S
  12. The news of the president's murder rocked the nation.
4 n& s6 a  i% }* H0 O0 X7 U0 E* y  总统被暗杀的消息震惊了全国。
4 x/ |, a6 Z% x* ~3 |/ Z3 T  13. He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair.4 ]- \0 i  I; ]) o  D
  他坐在摇椅里前后摇晃着。7 W5 J8 G( r1 q
  14. The ship struck on a rock and sank.3 F, [/ T( W% p7 ^& G! [4 Q9 {
% I" d+ V2 d- o4 I! e9 H7 s+ z  15. The dog rolled on the floor.
' V$ l3 C7 _8 _# d7 Y  狗在地板上打滚。) }; B) k( d/ W, {: Q3 i2 C0 x3 S1 X
  16. The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick.+ f0 s# E; o" t) H) R( q4 P9 J
" O7 A9 s+ C! V  }  17. Here is a book about Roman history.3 P, B: i& Y( X" o1 Z% P$ _
4 U% \8 f; I/ y4 b& x' F- P& r  18. He first met his wife in Rome.
  l1 m, F5 ]% A: Z  他最初是在罗马碰到他的妻子的。
5 ^7 `% \! [6 x3 g  19. She and I can't live under the same roof.( O) t% ~% i3 Y
% s* I. r9 i! a) r# y/ S* S" C  20. I want a double room with a view.! x  k) P) Q4 l$ O
  我要一间能看到风景的双人房间。5 Z, p, @6 p6 A1 j9 U- q* ?
  21. There is not so much room for these books.
) k. e: Y3 r, P) [  没有这么大的地方来放这些书。' y) m/ n$ n' ]5 b' l2 V
  22. Do you think the new rosebush has taken root?
2 B2 \1 ^. l# f; p9 b& b3 [  你看新栽的玫瑰长根了吗?% M. H2 B6 q3 g5 k3 I
  23. Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness.
& e1 g. B$ W8 @  K  不开心是他生病的根源。
. m! K- S$ i' U+ T  24. They tied their prisoner up with a piece of rope.
" {: v  E4 F$ S6 {' q( Q! {  他们用绳索把犯人捆起来。5 z, q: l! [5 W' e
  25. I found him pruning his roses.
! n9 Q% h& U3 Y5 |  我看到他正在给玫瑰修剪枝条。. X4 m8 ?( Y( y# v" x  _( h
  26. The rough road made the car vibrate.- n. x4 K' D- Q3 a( f) |3 {4 ?
  崎岖不平的道路使车颠簸得很厉害。% q: Y+ H8 D: r* H# v7 h3 q0 B1 L
  27. They complained rough handling by the police.
. A7 Y0 T4 h( B& \) `  他们抱怨受到警察粗野的对待。1 j1 r/ p# e9 I8 Q" g! d
  28. Could you give me a rough idea when you'll be back?1 N& B% k, g/ ?  [
; Q8 E* T9 R  U  29. The earth goes round the sun.
! `! P* R+ ~6 S: S( P  H  地球绕着太阳运行。
) F6 {' w7 ]; f  30. A strange story has been going round.4 h* o) B( k) @* Q& b6 ~( w1 @2 H
  有一个离奇的故事一直流传着。$ ]+ S, ]: L/ z. q" Q) H: J# a
  31. He put the apples on a round plate.# H" N5 G7 j! m1 C
  他把苹果放在一个圆盘子里。: i+ G* {* }( ^. T- Q
  32. Cut the bread into small rounds and give me two.$ p' ]' V2 J0 G
$ W6 {5 W& P  n$ P  33. Students stand hand in hand in a row.
/ A, G7 R/ W7 l7 ^  学生们手牵手站成一排。1 i: J2 e" a' ?, J9 T$ t# v, K3 L
  34. He rowed the boat across the lake.
3 e+ I1 Q) A, S& N9 J1 P  他划船渡过湖面。9 i' d+ \( R' b  m, n3 C
  35. The new law has received the royal assent.& k# U8 c  C; w  E! E- p
- r/ B+ B6 x' X6 C% J) v: @  36. They gave us a right royal welcome.
5 g+ W4 n6 ]- _  他们非常隆重地欢迎了我们。
. g. T" S& n2 k9 c" O  37. The papers are full of stories about the royals.
- @0 K- e# q1 E+ a1 k3 e  ?' B. j  报纸上尽是些关于王室成员趣闻逸事的报道。. z- w% i% @5 H( u8 c1 z  e
  38. I rubbed the window with a cloth.
1 o, }& U. P* c  z  我用一块布擦窗子。$ g( s9 P1 z5 V' {
  39. He rubbed his hands to keep them warm.
6 B$ o8 a+ u2 z5 o6 v3 X  他揉搓着双手来取暖。( l( {6 B  e8 U9 S: q, ]
  40. Please give the table a good rub with this cloth.- R$ p  s$ a7 L6 u
# g+ ^" L5 T6 e' w5 f$ J7 T* g  41. Don't be so rude to your parents!
( @) [1 m: t+ X( R  别对你的父母这么没礼貌!' X, ?6 {% w" H8 W0 @4 t, B
  42. It's very rude of her to leave without telling us.
& c5 U& O/ t) L+ T  她不向我们打声招呼就走了,这是非常不礼貌的。* F. k/ {% O0 U' F! [! b' n9 V: V
  43. The castle now lies in ruins.
1 O/ b3 B) e3 U: Q0 d9 z! p; S. m  那城堡现在已成了一片废墟了。
! _3 y! K6 m: C- \  44. The rain ruined my painting.  p) m6 U$ E5 E" _( |" Q
! m$ f) z, P: m: R" A  45. It's against the rule to pick up the ball.( F6 u; S9 i* W& i8 F3 b3 m8 ]
  捡球是犯规的。: h' H/ e  Z, R) ^" U- Y
  46. Charles ruled England for 11 years.
* k9 W0 a' |4 D  U7 K/ q  查理一世统治英国11年。4 H/ G, y$ Q! l% E( h- i
  47. The little boy ran off to get his brother.
& j& n9 @+ |7 ]1 X0 {  这个小男孩跑去找他的哥哥。
7 h7 _/ }" n/ A& V  48. He has no idea of how to run a business." o$ S, ^4 K# ]4 G/ h& }
: A6 |( e; K0 K# @) v. O5 A0 c  49. The petrol is running out.' ?8 _7 \$ K2 ?7 y& ~: d  _" L$ k; k  T
) X3 A' I" ^- S- H. f: e5 `! L. P  50. They rushed up the stairs.  t8 J  V& X# @5 s
  他们冲到楼上。* T' J0 n- Y& R' x
  51. The cat made little rushes to and fro after the ball.
& Y: t8 D% k  |9 H  猫追着球跑过来跑过去。
! |. L& u# }. k% u9 t5 H  52. He did not like us to rush him.6 B8 t" u' b! r: r" y. r# l# l* T
  他不喜欢我们催他。) r( r0 c. d3 D2 V4 K6 u5 y8 @
  53. It made me sad to hear you have to go away.
5 [. z2 g. F' R& g; L  听到你非走不可,我觉得很伤心。! i! u( u9 L. _- b- g9 s& ?  T
  54. The train is a safe means of transportation.
6 k& n% M& h3 Z1 R, h/ Q! R2 V) w  火车是一种安全的交通工具。/ ?# T0 L4 V9 m! h5 E& ?
  55. The safety of the ship is the captain's responsibility.+ `3 h+ x2 ^% b* j5 e
  确保船只的安全是船长的责任。5 U' T' P, O, y- H, _9 s
  56. The management took all reasonable safety precautions.
1 r' ?  I0 y+ M1 k0 A0 Y  管理部门采取了一切合理的安全措施。$ W2 @0 H* L: ~( O  B, ?
  57. It's very important to teach the children about road safety.
* j) \+ B& k; Q' d  把交通安全常识教给孩子们是非常重要的。
' X6 j5 ?" K( w# L9 f: H/ \+ Y6 P  58. Can you sail a boat?" x- y8 U9 D9 h; C. a
  你会驾驶船只吗?/ S$ P: `! k9 }3 ]: j
  59. He is going to live by the coast for the sake of his health.; f( J0 q7 a4 I
  他为了自己的健康,打算到海滨地区去居住。! g  |4 y7 G& t. H5 I8 L
  60. I'm not talking for talking's sake; this is important!* c$ N6 O  G4 y2 \
  我现在不是为了说话而说话,我要说的事很重要!" f+ S5 c& s4 H. n7 N' M
  61. The law forbids the sale of alcohol to people under 18.
7 P0 k1 y9 g3 x) ?+ |2 w* U  法律禁止向18岁以下的人出售含有酒精的饮料。; N7 X9 i6 B& Z
  62. The latest model of this washer is now on sale in your shops.
, x2 f- k" ?: m3 `8 z* j  这种最新型号的洗衣机目前正在你们的商店中出售。8 U/ T$ K/ j; z& G$ Z* F
  63. The vegetables need more salt.6 f; O+ N8 u# E! |. B
( J) R6 t" s9 n# F8 d  64. They salted down most of the meat for their later use.0 m6 ]! H& G" g0 v" K7 v
  他们将大部分肉用盐腌起来,以备日后用。$ [7 R1 ]/ p7 [
  65. Father sits in the same chair every evening.
& U; n! w: ^/ N' z8 }+ ~- c# g  父亲每晚都坐在同一张椅子上。
1 e0 o" z8 J& C/ F9 z8 B  66. Twins look the same as each other." c! [* D  \9 m4 B: e2 i
  双胞胎看上去长得一样。8 |9 {5 c+ I/ G
  67. His company was built on the sand.% z: {/ E1 c2 s
  他的公司根基不稳固。* N* S& D- z; H% A: L# _" }
  68. The roads were sanded after the snowstorm.
3 Y0 S( {/ O  R6 Z! ^  道路在暴风雪之后铺上了沙子。
( H' C1 p6 U' q. `. j  69. Some people are very hard to satisfy.
% L8 [$ n2 _. B  有些人是很难使其满意的。+ s, d4 ~8 e$ X
  70. I was unable to satisfy them of the truth of my story.. E! l. s+ G  u2 J; [- N
- v3 X' [3 _' i, M3 A& u! l  71. Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?0 c4 @% K9 b7 t' [& A+ e
' F& [/ z: ?+ f, B2 l  K  72. She goes swimming on Saturdays.
9 Q' B8 n. z  G3 Q  e  她每个星期六都游泳。, F( R  L1 y' @) }5 ?$ r1 k
  73. We will go to the cinema on Saturday morning.5 `! T% Q/ c1 @, p. G8 z
  我们将于星期六早晨去看电影。. h7 G/ o; n. Z& P  w: V( s7 `% w4 a
  74. These civilizations flourished while Europeans were still savages living in caves.
' k3 @9 |. I: ^5 \$ c  当欧洲人还是居住在洞穴中的野蛮人时,这些地方的文化早已十分繁荣昌盛。
! q- i0 ]3 ^' _  75. Today's newspapers made a savage attack on the unions for their refusal to negotiate.1 c6 G; u- ^3 U* d. u
3 P/ o1 K/ \( M3 r# P# d  76. The doctor managed to save his life., p" K& C. N" H$ B
5 y& m! Z  r  M$ k6 Y+ B# n7 p7 F  77. Children should learn to save.
' B7 h& H6 s; ?, Z: R$ {% Z  孩子们应学会储蓄。( X4 [( P% L* e& B' I2 o3 x
  78. All the guests have gone save one.
8 V6 P% s$ u$ b4 S  除了一个人外,所有客人都走了。( q& Z9 ?7 i: H4 u5 ~
  79. May I borrow your saw?
1 z6 H0 ]9 m) q. t  `  |  我可以借你的锯子吗?' `" N' @% T& l/ I7 `
  80. They are sawing a log into planks.
( f) ~" i* i* ]  他们把原木锯成一块块厚板。; P4 P3 H0 V" B
  81. She said nothing to me about it.; D/ L! M3 M; m1 L9 O5 i1 B  A
  关于这一点,她什么也没有对我讲。/ S# [+ o  j8 |& i
  82. It's hard to say who it was.
; ~. z3 M# F% r% M  很难说那是谁。
# v$ _" e2 R) U& _: s# i5 {  83. The force of the wind is measured on a standard scale of 0-12.
9 b6 P! o, w2 F; K! ?! e9 J0 x, V  风力是按0-12级标准等级测量的。& T- Z2 L1 I& g2 S! M; A
  84. We are seeing unemployment on an unprecedented scale.
+ r* l5 f6 `! p  我们现在正经历规模空前的失业现象。( Q/ w( c1 N3 ~( Y$ d' Y5 s& y6 a
  85. Scale the fish before cooking them.
' U& u# ?" ~+ I) }6 ^% s& e  烧鱼之前先去掉鱼鳞。
. e: S* G3 O+ z/ Z8 r. N: C  86. And now the scene shifts to the warehouse, where the murderer is lying in wait.
. `3 W4 z* X! {  q0 r6 V) {+ ~  N# N# Y" V  现在场景转到仓库,行凶者正埋伏在那里伺机行动。7 v) p/ B  G- u9 E: h; k- ]
  87. He is a painter of street scenes.; s6 T- V2 ^/ c, \9 m
* C7 w" B" I) g  88. Our reporter was the first person on the scene.
& U# S" v' M9 X( o  我们的记者是最先到达出事地点的。& o% F# o, ]  l4 ?" f/ }7 A; k
  89. She studies in a high school.$ l' I) M9 l; ]3 C; f
  她在一所中学学习。- t+ s' j% [; r2 A
  90. The score was five-nil with five minute left in the game.+ w3 }! ]. r$ _
% m% w) ?& G+ p) z( B% E  91. According to the Bible, we can expect to live for three score years and ten.
3 Z/ Q; q# U( M* h% A  根据圣经的说法,我们可以活到七十岁。- X/ m) A  u/ B+ x, B7 p
  92. Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game.
) V% ~6 y, |2 y8 t& h3 I  阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。  ?* v$ b* x, |
  93. The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world's surface.& X/ K8 c- }2 X; O1 Q$ Z
* V/ u1 y* c6 p5 q0 J# K" x  94. This document carries the royal seal.% R0 e4 B) B* j$ y$ W7 Q

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